arbū Men Smart Soothing Moisturizer 舒爽薄荷男士保濕霜

- 50ml 


arbū 舒爽薄荷男士保濕霜以多種有機植物油結合天然草本萃取,同步軟化、保護及滋養肌膚,特別適合用作鬚後護理,舒緩剃鬚後引起的敏感刺激反應,讓肌膚倍感清爽光滑,回復健康活力!

✦ 苦薄荷:鎮靜肌膚,具清涼提神作用
✦ 蘆薈、茶樹、麥蘆卡蜂蜜:消炎抗菌,加快修復肌膚
✦ 薰衣草:提供滋潤保護,增加肌膚彈性光澤
✦ 透明質酸:極緻保濕,提升肌膚彈性

Specially developed to relieve irritation caused by shaving. An elegant complex of organic oils and extracts softens, protects and nourishes your skin.

Enriched with aloe vera extract and plant oils of hemp, tamanu and jojoba. Marubium, lavender, tea tree and manuka relieve inflammation and protect the skin, making it soft and shiny. The hyaluronic acid maintains elasticity and superb hydration. Use daily after shaving for a healthy, smooth and fresh look.

  • 取適量塗於潔淨的面部及頸部位置,可早晚使用。

    Apply morning and evening on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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