$1,660.00 $2,012.00
現凡購買 arbū Plentiful Hydration Cream 水漾薔薇保濕面霜 及 MV Skintherapy Rose Plus Booster 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華,即送 Agent Nateur HOLI (WATER) Pearl and Rose Hyaluronic Toner 珍珠極潤精露 30ml 🌹(價值 $352)這個夢幻組合讓你的肌膚如同玫瑰般柔嫩,享受無盡的水潤呵護💧特別適合敏感肌膚作日常修復護理,無論任何都助你Keep住飲飽水! 水漾薔薇保濕面霜🌹長效保濕,舒緩肌膚,減少乾燥與細紋,適合各種肌膚類型奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華🌹改善肌膚質感,提升水油平衡,抵禦環境傷害,特別適合濕疹、玫瑰痤瘡或敏感性肌膚珍珠極潤精露🌹提升其他護膚品的吸收力,幫助肌膚瞬間補水,提升光澤感 -🎀 優惠細則:* 優惠適用於門市及網店訂單*...
- 35ml
MV 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華屢獲殊榮,可以幫助平衡油脂、強化嫩膚,亦能夠舒緩由玫瑰痤瘡或敏感性肌膚帶來的相關紅腫。 若您的皮膚因曬傷或使用內含化學成份的除角質產品後而變薄弱或發炎,這個神奇的精華油也能使您的皮膚立即鎮靜下來。
溫馨提示:配合 MV 玫瑰保濕噴霧使用能幫助肌膚更快吸收 MV 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華。
This award winning booster helps balance, strengthen and protect hormonal and delicate skins while calming redness associated with rosacea and sensitivity. If your skin is tender or inflamed from sunburn, microdermabrasion or a chemical peel, this miracle oil will calm your skin in no time at all.
Top tip: A spritz of the Rose Hydrating Mist will make a little Rose Plus go a lot further.
在清潔面部過後,將玫瑰保濕噴霧噴濕臉,然後在皮膚仍然濕潤的情況下,在您的臉部、頸部和眼部周圍均勻地塗上2滴奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華。 您亦可將2滴奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華與半泵玫瑰舒緩保護面霜放在手掌中混合,再塗上臉上按摩至吸收,使皮膚保持濕潤和光滑。
First cleanse, spritz with Rose Hydrating Mist, then — while the skin is still damp — smooth 2 drops of Rose Plus Booster over your face, neck and outer eye area. Alternatively, place 2 drops of Rose Plus in the palm of your hand along with half a pump of Rose S&P Moisturiser, blend together between both palms then, while your skin is still damp, smooth over your face and neck.
1. 有機山茶花油 Camellia (Camellia Sinensis) Oil*,
2. 有機荷荷巴油 Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinesis) Oil*,
3. 有機玫瑰果油 Rosehip (Rosa Canina Fruit) Oil*,
4. 大馬士革玫瑰油 Rose (Rosa Damascena) Oil,
5. 天竺葵油 Geranium (Pelargonium Roseum) Oil,
6. 維他命E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol),
7. 迷迭香萃取 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract*,
8. 太陽花籽油 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*
其他包含精油 With essential oil of: 奧圖玫瑰Rose Otto and 玫瑰天竺葵 Rose Geranium
*有機種植Organically Grown.
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
MV 大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧帶有陣陣清幽的玫瑰花香,即使是最敏感的皮膚,也能幫助舒緩和保濕。在塗上面霜之前先噴幾下,能有效幫助吸收並鎖住水分。大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧亦是隨身易攜帶/上機的必備品。
With its delicate rose petal scent, this mist soothes and hydrates even the most sensitive skins. Spritz just before you moisturise to speed absorption and lock in moisture for a great dewy finish. Refreshing, hydrating and relaxing, this is an in-flight beauty must have.
在使用MV 面霜或精華油前,先噴2-4下濕潤皮膚。任何時候都可以用大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧來補充水分。
Spritz 2-4 times to dampen the skin prior to application of an MV moisturiser or Skin Booster. Also spritz any time through the day to refresh and hydrate.
1/ 水 Water
2/ 甘油 Glycerin
3/ 乙酰丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
4/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
5/ 聚山梨醇酯 20 Polysorbate 20
6/ 大馬士革玫瑰 (奧圖玫瑰)油* Rosa Damascena (Rose Otto) Flower Oil
7/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Flower Oil
8/ 佛螺菩提果萃取 Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract
9/ 乳酸 Latic Acid
10/ 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
11/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
12/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
13/ 香茅醇 Citronellol
14/ 香葉醇 Geraniol
15/ 芳樟醇 Linalool
16/ 法尼醇 Farnesol
17/ 丁香酚 Eugenol
18/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
19/ 檸檬醛 Citral
*有機種植Organically Grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 15ml
MV multiBALM 沙棘全效修護軟膏 採用含豐富Omega-3的沙棘籽油,並結合金盞花、山茶花等珍貴的草本植物複方,有助舒緩皮膚炎症,撫平傷口疤痕。MV Multi Balm由品牌團隊全人手製作,方便設計讓你能隨時隨地滋潤呵護身體每吋肌膚,自然修復因不同情況而引起的皮膚問題。
Finally, a balm that actually works!
At MV we firmly believe less is more, which is why this multi-use salve is a 'one pot wonder'. Each plant-powered active is used in abundance and at a dose that allows for a truly therapeutic action.
Lovingly hand crafted in small batches, and brimming with anti-inflammatory omegas, antioxidants, and healing phytonutrients. This golden, buttery balm is enriched with powerful plant compounds to soothe, soften, and nourish any areas in need of therapeutic care.
Smooth generous amounts of this golden balm onto any area of skin requiring tender-loving-care.
Use liberally and reapply as often as required to intensely repair, soften, nurture, calm, and heal areas such as;
.dry and flaky skin
.sore lips
.cracked nipples from breastfeeding
.irritated dermatitis & eczema
.healing wounds & scars
.scaly elbows & knees
.hardened cuticles
.tattoo aftercare
.itchy rashes & insect bites
+ plus much more!
.有機椰子油 Organic Coconut Oil
.有機山茶花籽油 Organic Camellia Seed Oil
.蜂蠟 Beeswax
.荷荷巴酯 Jojoba Seed Esters
.有機乳木果脂 Organic Shea Butter
.金盞花油 Calendula Oil
.有機沙棘籽萃取 Organic Seabuckthorn Extract
.維他命E Vitamin E
Created for A multifunctional skin & lip treatment.
1. 擰緊瓶蓋後,將產品放入熱水中。
2. 靜待數分鐘讓樽內所有護膚膏融化為液體,輕輕攪拌均勻。
3. 冷藏過夜,產品將回復凝固狀態。
Why You'll Love It
The ultimate skin quenching nectar. This antioxidant powerhouse harnesses phytoactives found within our unique Australian Natives.
A truly special formulation and homage to the traditional medicine practiced by our First Nations people. This serum heroes Kakadu and Davidson Plum, together with Quandong (Wild Peach) for a skin drink that will illuminate and impart a living glow. These Indigenous plants have acquired powerful capabilities to thrive within our harsh environment and work synergistically to deliver the most universally versatile serum - we know you’ll love it.
Created For
The powerful enhancement of your natural vibrance, and as a perfect companion to your moisturising cream.
1/2 pump per use = 210 uses
1/ 清潔面部後,先噴上千葉玫瑰保濕噴霧
2/ 取半泵精華並均勻塗於濕潤的面部和頸部,按摩直至完全吸收。
3/ 可跟據皮膚不同需要,於早上/晚間配合不同MV精華、荷荷巴萬用油或面霜使用。
Spritz our Rose Hydrating Mist onto a cleansed complexion and - while the skin is still damp - use relaxed palms to immediately smooth 1/2 a pump over face and neck, massaging until completely absorbed.
If your skin requires more personalised care, follow this step with your favourite MV oil booster, Pure Jojoba or moisturiser - morning or night.
1. 水 Aqua
2. 澳洲檀香 Santalum Spicata (Australian Sandalwood) Wood Water
3. 甘油 Glycerin
4. 卡卡杜李萃取 Terminalia Ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum) Fruit Extract
5. 戴维森李萃取 Davidsonia Jerseyana (Davidson Plum) Fruit Extract
6. 佛螺菩提果萃取 Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract
7. 苦橙油 Citrus Aurantium Amara (Orange Bitter) Peel Oil
8. 香天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Flower Oil
9. 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
10.角豆膠 Ceratonia Siliqua (Carob) Gum
11. 鹿角菜膠 Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract
12. 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
13. 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
14. 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
15. 蔗糖 Sucrose
16. 乳酸 Lactic Acid
17. 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
18. 山梨酸鉀Potassium Sorbate
19. 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
20. 檸檬油精 Limonene
21. 芳樟醇 Linalool
22. 香茅醇 Citronellol
23. 香葉醇 Geraniol
24. 檸檬醛 Citral
All Australian Native Extracts have been wild harvested and ethically sourced in partnership with local indigenous communities.
We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we handcraft our products. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.
- 70ml / 120ml
這款奢華潔面乳在世界各地擁有被崇拜的地位。MV 山茶花抗敏潔面乳可卸除所有化妝品和毛孔污垢,而不會傷害肌膚,幫助解決無光澤、毛孔閉塞的問題。山茶花抗敏潔面乳質感細滑、香氣撲鼻,適合所有皮膚使用,包括最敏感的肌膚。這也是 ‘MV 三分鐘護膚療程’ 中不可缺少的第一步。
Gaining ‘cult’ status around the world, this luxe cleanser removes all traces of make-up and grime without stripping and works miracles on congested skin. Silky-smooth and deliciously scented, this unique moisturising cleanser is perfect for all skins including even the most sensitive and is the essential first step in the ‘MV 3 Minute Skin Ritual.’
1. 將山茶花抗敏潔面乳塗在乾的臉上,以「抓緊」污垢
Smooth 2 pumps of our cult cleanser over your face & neck (dry skin). Then then with wet fingertips, work over your skin in circular movements to help lift and emulsify dirt & grim.
2. 以蒸氣壓縮的洗面方法去除角質和淨化毛囊
Master this step and your skin health will change drastically! After dampening a muslin cloth in warm to hot water, wring tightly to create a steamy compress. Press and hold this to your face for a slow....count....of.....five - as you take a long, slow, deep breath. Breathe in the essential oils, this is an aromatherapy mind-body-soul ritual. Wipe away excess cleanser.
3. 重複壓縮
重複壓縮2-4次,能使您的皮膚變得更潔淨。 MV的產品並不會刺激皮膚。請不要在洗澡時使用洗面奶,並盡量不要嘗試用水沖洗,因為MV獨特的山茶花抗敏潔面乳是配合熱毛巾去除污垢。較濃的妝容或防曬則無法靠山茶花抗敏潔面乳和水有效去除。
Repeat the compressing process with your steamy muslin cloth another 2-4 times. Your skin will be perfectly clean while respecting your delicate natural microbiome, nothing harsh or aggressive happens at MV.
Please don't take your cream cleanser into the shower and attempt to wash off with water. MV’s unique moisturising cleanser is designed to be removed with a warm steamy cloth. Compacted make-up and/or sunscreen cannot be removed effectively with a rich cream cleanser and running water.
Always apply to dry skin. If applied to wet skin, the cleanser will then slip over the surface, rather than grabbing make-up & grime.
1. 純水 Water,
2. 有機山茶花油 *Camellia (Camellia Oleifera) Oil,
3. 鯨蠟硬脂基葡糖苷(乳化劑 )Ceteary Glucoside,
4. 鯨蠟醇 Cetearyl Alcohol,
5. 有機植物甘油 *Vegetable Glycerin,
6. 有機橄欖油 *Olive (Olea Europaea) Fruit Oil,
7. 有機椰子油 * Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Oil,
8. 甘油硬脂酸酯 Glyceryl Stearate,
9. 維他命E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol),
10. 忍冬花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) Flower Extract,
11. 金銀花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica) Flower Extract,
12. 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum,
13. 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate,
其他包含精油 With essential oils of: 紅橘Mandarin, 洋甘菊Chamomile and 玫瑰天竺葵 Rose Geranium
*有機種植 organically grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 70ml
從塔斯曼尼亞海洋中抽取海帶,海洋柑橘活肌噴霧蘊含豐富氨基酸、礦物質以及護膚成份煙酰胺 (Niacinamide) 等超強活性,為肌膚注入源源水份和營養,在日常環境侵害下提供即時保護,建立健康皮膚屏障,讓肌膚持續呈現水潤飽滿。
🌟 重點成分介紹 🌟
⬩褐藻糖膠及多酚:清除自由基、抵禦 UVA 污染、防止膠原蛋白分解,加速肌膚更生
Created for essential skin support, improved vitality, and enhanced absorption and efficacy of all our treatment products.
The perfect companion to our Native Power Serum and Oxygen Moisturiser.
A super hydrating, nutrient-infused moisture boost to support a healthy skin barrier, promote a plump and dewy complexion, and provide much-needed protection from daily environmental aggressors. Each bottle is brimming with amino acids and minerals from Tasmanian Ocean Kelp and skin-supportive Niacinamide.
在使用 MV 保水精華、面霜或精華油前,先噴 2 - 3 下濕潤皮膚。任何時候都可以用海洋柑橘活肌噴霧補充水分,保護及柔化皮膚,為疲憊肌膚注入活力。
1/ 把噴霧與 MV 面霜混合,依肌膚需要調配成適合的乳霜質地。
2/ 化妝後,以距離臉部一個手臂距離的位置噴灑全臉,於肌膚上形成細膩薄膜作為定妝。
Spritz the face 2-3 times with Active Marine Mist, immediately before application of our Native Power Serum, Moisturisers, and Booster Oils. Re-spritz throughout the day to energise a tired complexion, and provide a dose of protective compounds to heal and soften.
1/ Both MV Moisturisers are concentrated formulas, designed to be customised and adapted with the skins changing needs. Use the Active Marine Mist to create a tailor-made consistency every day.
2/ To set make-up beautifully, spritz several times at arms length ensuring a fine veil of mist settles over the entire face.
1/ 水 Aqua (Water)
2/ 澳洲檀香木水 Santalum Spicata (Australian Sandalwood) Wood Water
3/ 甘油 Glycerin
4/ 煙醯胺 (維他命 B3) Niacinamide (B3)
5/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
6/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
7/ 聚山梨醇酯 20 Polysorbate 20
8/ 苦橙果皮油 Citrus Aurantium Amara (Orange Bitter) Peel Oil
9/ 塔斯曼尼亞海帶萃取 Durvillea Potatorum (Native Seaweed/Tasmanian Kelp) Plant Extract
10/ 乳酸 Lactic Acid
11/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Flower Oil
12/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
13/ 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
14/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
15/ 香茅醇 Citronellol
16/ 香葉醇 Geraniol
17/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
18/ 芳樟醇 Linalool
19/ 檸檬醛 Citral
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
這款「神級」保濕霜注入了珍貴的保加利亞玫瑰精油,深受全球名人和化妝師的喜愛。 它超強保濕和紓緩配方非常適合敏感性肌膚,包括濕疹和玫瑰痤瘡。 MV 玫瑰舒緩保護日霜能有效針對所有皮膚類型而進行調節和修復。另外,您可將面霜與MV玫瑰保濕噴霧混合,為油性和混合性皮膚提供一款輕身的乳液。您亦可將幾滴您喜愛的MV 精華油混進保濕霜,從而更能強效地改善肌膚問題。
Infused with exquisite Bulgarian Rose oil, this ‘cult’ moisturiser is loved by celebrities and make-up artists across the globe. Its super-hydrating and soothing formula makes it ideal for extra-sensitive skins including eczema and rosacea. Highly versatile, this cream is easily customized for all skin types. Simply blend with MV’s Rose Hydrating Mist to create a light lotion for oily and combination skin or, to target specific concerns, blend with a few drops of your favourite MV Skin Booster.
1/ 在清潔面部過後,用玫瑰保濕噴霧噴在臉上,然後取1泵玫瑰紓緩保護日霜,均勻塗抹臉部和頸部。Spritz with our Rose Hydrating Mist then smooth one pump over face and neck with relaxed palms.
2/ 根據肌膚不同需要,可於日霜中加入不同MV護膚油。如油性/混合性肌膚,可使用半泵日霜,並於手心混合玫瑰保濕噴霧,營造出透薄乳霜。To customise further, blend with a few drops of your favourite MV Skin Booster. For combination and oily skins, simply blend half a pump with our Rose Mist to create a light nurturing lotion.
3/ 建議早上使用玫瑰紓緩保護日霜,晚上則使用MV 精華油來作肌底治療。
Use in the day and a skin booster at night. Moisturisers are protective and we need protection through the day but at night, we need an oil-based treatment.
1/ 純水 Water
2/ 有機山茶花油 Camellia (Camellia Sinensis) Oil*
3/ 鯨蠟硬脂基葡糖苷(乳化劑 )Ceteary Glucoside
4/ 鯨蠟醇 Cetearyl Alcohol
5/ 有機植物甘油 Vegetable Glycerin*
6/ 甘油硬脂酸酯 Glyceryl Stearate
7/ 有機荷荷巴油 Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinesis) Seed Oil*
8/ 金盞花油 Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) Oil
9/ 維他命E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol)
10/ 蔓生盤葉忍冬花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) Flower Extract
11/ 金銀花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica) Flower Extract
12/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
13/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
其他包含精油 With essential oil of: 奧圖玫瑰Rose Otto and 玫瑰天竺葵 Rose Geranium
*有機種植Organically Grown.
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
Sold Out
- 35ml
Pure Jojoba是Emma Watson的紅地毯必備品。 它能作為眼部護理,亦能去除眼部化妝品和睫毛膏,更能增強睫毛毛囊,同時在眼周深層滋潤皮膚。Pure Jojoba具有多重功能,您可在任何保濕霜前使用,以鎮靜肌膚,包括濕疹和玫瑰痤瘡等等的敏感症狀。Pure Jojoba與皮膚自身的皮脂相似,它能快速地吸收、軟化皮膚並提供保護,而不會堵塞毛孔。
This is Emma Watson’s red carpet essential. An eye-care all-rounder, MV’s Pure Jojoba removes eye make-up and mascara and strengthens lashes whilst conditioning and hydrating the skin in this delicate area. Fantastically versatile, jojoba can be used under any moisturiser to calm reactive skins including eczema and rosacea. Similar to the skins own sebum, this fast absorbing salve softens and protects without clogging.
- 作為眼部卸妝,將3-4滴 Pure Jojoba 滴在微濕的化妝棉上,按住每隻眼睛敷約5秒然後輕輕抹掉眼妝。
As an eye make-up remover, place 3-4 drops of pure jojoba on a slightly damp make-up removal pad. Hold over each eye for a slow count of 5, then use a light touch to wipe away make-up.
- 作為全臉卸妝,將3-4滴Pure Jojoba滴在微濕的化妝棉上,然後輕輕擦拭面部,以去除化妝品、污垢。如需更深層的清潔效果,可重複多次。
As a cleanser, place 3-4 drops of pure jojoba on a slightly damp make-up removal pad and gently wipe over face to remove traces of make-up, grime etc, repeat if needed.
- 作為天然的臉霜,只需在濕潤的皮膚上塗上2-3滴便可。
As a superfine natural moisturiser, simply smooth 2-3 drops over damp skin.
有機荷荷巴油 Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinesis) Seed Oil*
*有機種植 Organically Grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 70ml
蘊含金盞花、玫瑰果、檀香及安息香,MV SKINTHERAPY 金盞花護手霜榮獲多項美容界手部及身體護理大獎,能極速滋潤及修護乾旱的雙手而不油膩。玫瑰果油卓越的抗氧化及緊緻功效眾所週知,配合含有極高β-胡蘿蔔素的金盞花油能加強護手霜的消炎功效,而安息香則能減輕皮膚過敏及修復傷口,以上強效的天然成份成就了MV SKINTHERAPY 金盞花護手霜,除了用在手部外,更能用於腳部、手肘及膝頭。
Enriched with Calendula, Rosehip, Sandalwood and Benzoin, this award winning moisturiser helps to soothe and repair dry, chapped skin and condition the cuticles. Hand Rescue contains Rosehip Oil, a recognised aid in the treatment of burns, premature ageing, dry, itchy skin conditions and sun-damaged skins. It also includes Calendula Oil, rich in beta-carotene which has anti-inflammatory properties and Benzoin used for centuries in the treatment of skin irritations and wounds. Hand Rescue can also be used on feet, elbows and knees for extraordinary results.
按摩於手部、手肘 、腳部或膝頭等乾燥地方。
Massage into hands, feet, elbows, knees or any areas of sever dryness.
1/ 純淨水 Water
2/ 山茶花油 Camellia (Camellia Sinensis) Oil *
3/ 鯨蠟硬 Cetearyl Glucoside Cetearyl Alcohol
4/ 植物甘油 Vegetable Glycerin *
5/ 甘油硬脂酸酯 Glyceryl Stearate
6/ 玫瑰果油 Rosehip (Rosa Canina) Fruit Oil
7/ 金盞花油 Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) Oil
8/ 乳木果 Shea (Butyrospermum Parkii) Butter
9/ 維也命 E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol)
10/ 金銀花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium & Lonicera Japonica) Extract
11/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
12/ 安息香 Benzoin (Syrax Benzoin) Oleoresinp
13/ 山梨酸鉀Potassium Sorbate
With essential oils of: Tangerine and Sandalwood
* 有機來源 Organically Grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 65ml
當皮膚開始出現暗沉、脫水或曬傷的問題,9 Oil Radiance Tonic 便是您皮膚的急救恩物。它有助皮膚回復水油平衡、減少出油及粉刺的形成。它的成份含有抗菌、消炎和抗氧化的植物和精油,能深層滋潤和潔淨肌膚,也能讓皮膚回復健康和光澤。9 Oil Radiance Tonic可用作二次清潔、舒緩保護,或用作深層滋潤的晚間精華。
Versatile and luxurious with an addictive aroma, this oil is an instant pick-me-up for tired, dehydrated and sun-damaged skins. Additionally, it acts as a balancing treatment for oily, congested and pimple-prone skins. Packed with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich plant and essential oils, this is the ultimate skin tonic and deep cleansing treatment to restore skin health and radiance. Use as a secondary cleanser, a decongesting treatment or as a nourishing night serum.
1/ 首先用MV的Gentle Cream Cleanser清潔臉部,然後用6-8滴 9 Oil Radiance Tonic 按摩臉部和頸部約1-2分鐘。 用一塊熱毛巾熱敷約5秒。重複步驟2-4次,效果更佳。每週使用3-4次。
First surface cleanse with MV’s Gentle Cream Cleanser, then massage 6-8 drops over the face and neck for 1-2 minutes. Hold a warm-hot muslin cloth over the area for a slow count of 5. For optimal absorption do not remove, simply repeat compressing 2–4 times. For best results use 3-4 times weekly.
2/ 您也可以在淋浴前將2-3滴的 9 Oil Radiance Tonic 塗抹在剛洗過的臉上,能有效保護皮膚和防止水份流失。
You can also apply 2-3 drops to a freshly cleansed face prior to showering for ultimate protection.
1. 有機山茶花油 Camellia (Camellia Oleifera) Oil*,
2. 有機牛油果油 Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil*,
3. 崩大碗萃取油 Infused Centella (Centella Asiatica Extract) Oil,
4. 維他命E Vitamin E – non GM (Tocopherol),
5. 有機迷迭香萃取 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract*.
其他包含精油 With essential Oils of:
苦橙精油 Bitter Orange, 薰衣草精油Lavender, 天竺葵 Geranium, 檀香Sandalwood, 花梨木Rosewood and 胡蘿蔔籽Carrot Seed.
* 天然種植Organically Grown.
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
Why You'll Love It
Nourishing and beautifully aromatic, this luxurious body tonic works wonders for hydrating and toning the skin. Camellia and avocado oils enriched with thoughtfully chosen essential oils support elasticity and maintain supple skin. Safe for use during the last six months of pregnancy.
Created for
Daily skin nurturing, especially the 'stretchy ones' - like mums, bums, and tums.
20 drops per use = 120 uses
Immediately after showering, while the skin is still damp, slip generous amounts of this oil over your entire body, massaging to encourage absorption. For luxurious bathing, slide this oil over your body before stepping into a steamy blissful bath.
1. 山茶籽油 Camellia (Camellia Sinensis) Oil*
2. 牛油果油 Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil*
3. 維他命E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol)
4. 迷迭香萃取 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract
當中含有精油成份 With essential oils of:
薰衣草 Lavender, 乳香 Frankincense, 苦橙 Bitter Orange, 廣藿香 Patchouli and 沒藥 Myrrh
* 有機種植 Organically Grown
Please note: In case of leakage, due to the pressure and high temperature in the hold, for travel please ensure that this product is wrapped in at least one sealed bag in your suitcase.
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
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Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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