治療敏感肌膚所啟發, 明星美容師 Sharon McGlinchey 於 1999 年創立澳洲品牌 MV Skintherapy,以獨特誠實的理念成為了奢華有機護膚的先鋒。品牌不惜工本從各地搜集最純淨、珍貴的天然成分,精心研製出一系列高質產品,以最簡約而有效的方法為用家解決各種肌膚煩惱,把護膚由日常例行公事轉變為自我養護的過程儀式。

Founded in 1999 inspired by the treatment of sensitivity, celebrity facialist Sharon McGlinchey has set a precedent in the industry with her unique, refreshing and honest approach to skin health. We believe in the power of simplicity, that less is more – and that skin health should embody a holistic approach, using the grounding art of ritual to transform an everyday ‘routine’ into an essential act of loving self-care. Crafted from the purest ingredients and formulated solely for their beautiful, natural affinity with your skin - this is MV SKINTHERAPY.