About US

你厭倦了每天營營役役、機械式的生活嗎?自五年前我第一次嘗試親手調開有機天然面膜,我找到了內心深處的寧靜,尋回屬於自己的時間,發現原來慢慢地、悉心地照料肌膚與身體是自己最能放鬆身心的方法。 香港生活節奏緊湊急躁,走在喧鬧擠迫的街道上連喘息的空間也沒有。香港人大多追求方便快捷,講究效率卻忽視了過程與質量。

Aren't you sick and tired of waking up everyday just to “survive” but not to “live” for the moment? It was when I first blended my organic facial treatment mask five years ago that I could truly find my peace of mind. Hong Kong is such a fast-paced city that it is suffocating at times! 

在護膚範疇上,我大膽假設絕大部分香港人根本沒有細心研究護膚品中的成份,盲目追求大品牌倒模性質的所謂美容佳品,連當中所包含的有害化學物質也一併帶進身體裡,自己給自己埋下了隱形炸彈。 "Beautysaur"的誕生是希望能遏止快餐式的護膚風氣,為每位愛惜自己與懂得享受的都市人注入慢活生活態度,同時推廣大自然資源的美態與威力。

When it comes to skincare, Hong Kongers mainly opt for the convenient kinds. I dare to say most of them don’t even care how much chemicalsand toxins are inside their mass-manufactured so-called beauty products! We hope to diminish the “fast food” trend in beauty in Hong Kong. “Beautysaur” is set with a mission of injecting “slowness” back to our lives andpromoting the true beauty of our mother nature.