- 30ml
In 16th century India, extravagant displays of roses, like the Rose Gardens at Mysore, were the ultimate show of opulence. This triple-action brightening blend is rich in sandalwood and rose essential oils, which deliver rich hydration for a more luminous complexion, and is especially effective for those with dry skin.
1) Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2) Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3) Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4) Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5) Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6) Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7) Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8) Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
9) Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 依蘭花精油
BASE: Pomegranate Oil
基底: 紅石榴油
1) This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine.
2) Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more.
*All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
*We test our oils on real women – never animals
1) 極緻光芒護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
2) UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的UMA護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴極緻光芒護膚油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2/ Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6/ Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
9/ Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 依蘭花精油
基底 BASE : 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 極緻光芒護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 30 ml
UMA 創辦人的姨姨因為籌備婚禮而變得極度緊張,情緒為她帶來滿面嚴重的暗瘡,身為阿育吠陀草本治療師的祖母為治療她女兒的嚴重突發性暗瘡肌膚,親手調配出以葡萄籽油及丁香油為基調的護膚油針對應付她的暗瘡,讓女兒能夠在婚禮前回復健康美麗的肌膚!UMA創辦人 Shrankhla 與大眾分享此家族秘方,以姨姨之名創立品牌,推出 UMA 深層潔淨護膚油,讓大眾體驗保濕同時消炎的極透薄護膚油!以葡萄籽油作為基調,秘方透過丁香精油淨化肌膚,適量的茶樹油以加快消炎,配合上乘薰衣草及鼠尾草油平衡油脂分泌,同時保護暗瘡性肌膚避免患處受過度刺激!
When our founder’s great aunt was a young bride-to-be in rural India, pre-wedding anxiety sent her skin into a frenzy weeks before the big ceremony. Seeing her daughter’s frustration, her mother – an avid botanist, with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic scripture – formulated a powerful botanical blend incorporating clove and grape seed oils, specifically to treat her blemishes.This gentle yet high-impact formula balances and moisturizes as it combats impurities and bacteria in acne-prone skin.
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴深層潔淨護膚油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ 丁香精油 Clove Essential Oil
2/ 茶樹精油 Tea Tree Essential Oil
3/ 杜松果精油 Juniper Berry Essential Oil
4/ 香橙精油 Orange Essential Oil
5/ 薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil
6/ 天竺葵精油 Geranium Essential Oil
7/ 鼠尾草精油 Clary Sage Essential Oil
基調油:葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil base
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 深層潔淨護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 30ml. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。UMA絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 30ml
The quest for immortality was first and foremost on the minds of the Indian aristocracy, centuries ago. In their search for the proverbial fountain of youth, the rulers of ancient India searched far and wide, until they discovered frankincense – an uncommon and treasured herb accessible only via a handful of traders from the Middle East. Rich in frankincense and other precious essential oils, Absolute Anti Aging uses ancient formulas for beauty that transcends time.
1) Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
2) Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3) Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4) Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5) Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6) Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7) Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8) Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
9) Juniper Berry Essential Oil 杜松果精油
BASE: Pomegranate Oil
基底: 紅石榴油
1) This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine.
2) Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more.
*All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
*We test our oils on real women – never animals
1) 絕對抗皺修護油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
2) UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的UMA護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴絕對抗皺修護油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
2/ Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6/ Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
9/ Juniper Berry Essential Oil 杜松果精油
基底 BASE : 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 絕對抗皺修護油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 15ml
絕對抗皺系列以珍貴的乳香及檀香為主調,其強效的抗氧化及深層滋潤功效能針對肌膚老化、出現細紋等問題,助您的肌膚扭轉時光,回複彈性!UMA 絕對抗皺眼部修復油質地比面部護膚油更輕盈、更透薄,能立刻慘透幼嫩的眼部位置!眼部修復油與面部護膚油最大分別之處在於其含有尤加利樹油及以五款強效肌底油如紅石榴油和玫瑰果油作基調!尤加利樹油能賦於眼周無限精神及力量,去除腫脹及倦容,提亮眼部!
This nourishing Ayurvedic formula harnesses the power of Eastern medicine to deliver lasting moisture and brighten the delicate skin around the eyes. Revitalizing frankincense and sandalwood essential oils turn back the clock on maturing skin, as rich rose essential oil deeply hydrates, leaving the skin soft and supple. Eucalyptus oil invigorates the under eye area, eliminating puffiness and other signs of fatigue. This luxurious blend absorbs rapidly and dramatically to reduce signs of environmental stress, for a brighter and more youthful complexion.
1/ 早晚使用時將 2-3 滴滴在指尖然後在眼周點開再輕輕按
Every morning and evening, dab and gently press in 2-3 drops of the oil using the ring finger on the upper and lower lids.
2/ 溫柔地用指尖由眼周外部至內加以按摩
Gently massage the area around the eyes using your fingertip, moving from outer corner to the inner corner of the eye.
1/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
3/ Chamomile Essential Oil 洋甘菊精油
4/ Eucalyptus Essential Oil 尤加利樹精油
5/ Rosemary Essential Oil 迷迭香精油
6/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
7/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
8/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
9/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
基底 BASE :
1/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil
2/ 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
3/ 玫瑰果油 Rosehip Oil
4/ 杏仁油 Almond Oil
5/ 葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA 的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA 極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 15ml
1/ 早晚在潔面後直接塗抹在暗瘡患處
Apply to affected area(s) morning and evening after cleansing, or as often as required in the day, until the the inflammation and redness subside.
2/ 能配合及混和在面霜、面膜或精華中使用加強深層清潔效能
This oil serves as a potent booster and preventative treatment when added to your existing products such as lotions, creams and oils. Can also be added to face, body, or masks.
1/ 茶樹精油 -Tea Tree
2/ 杜松果精油 - Juniper Berry
3/ 丁香精油 - Clove
4/ 薰衣草精油 - Lavender
5/ 鼠尾草精油 - Clary Sage
基底油 base of : 葡萄籽油 - Grapeseed Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 100ml
This luxurious body oil is the only moisturizer you’ll ever need to maintain glowing skin from head to toe. Indulgent botanicals such as sandalwood, rose, and neroli achieve an otherworldly fragrance as they rapidly soothe, lock in moisture, and deeply hydrate cracked skin.
將大量 UMA Absolute Anti Aging Body Oil 塗抹於身體和手部,循環按摩運動直至吸收。為得到最佳效果,請在沐浴或淋浴後塗抹於濕的皮膚上,可每天使用。
Apply a generous amount onto body and hands, massaging with circular movements until absorbed. For best results, apply after bath or shower to damp skin. Use daily.
1/ 石榴籽油 PunicaGranatum (Pomegranate) Seed Oil,
2/ 辣木油 Moringaoleifera (Moringa) Oil,
3/ 橙花油 Citrus AuranticumDulcis (Neroli) Oil,
4/ 玫瑰油 Rose Flower Oil,
5/ 檀香油 Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Oil,
6/ 乳香油 BotswelliaCarterii (Frankincense) Oil,
7/ 葡萄籽 Vitisvinifera (Grape) Seed,
8/ 西柚油 Citrus paradisii (Grapefruit) Oil,
9/ 刺柏梅油 JuniperusCommunis (Juniper Berry) Oil,
10/ 荷荷巴籽油 SimmondsiaChinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil.
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA 的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA 極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
UMA輕柔的身體香膏可為肌膚提供豐富的營養和充足的補濕。 UMA從有機酥油(脫水奶油)開始 — 阿育吠陀中珍貴的主食,具有滋養、修復和深層保濕的功能。當中加上在UMA莊園中有機種植的辣木和石榴而製成,提供豐富的維他命、植物營養素、礦物質、脂肪酸和抗氧化物。 葡萄柚能促進淋巴排毒和血液循環,使皮膚更柔滑。南非醉茄(Ashwagandha)是一種有效的適應原(adaptogen),可幫助身體內部和外部應對環境壓力,包括:焦慮、創傷、疲勞等問題。細膩得像梳芙厘的香膏遇上肌膚會隨即溶化成絲,迅速吸收並不會殘留任何油膩感覺,使皮膚充滿著醉人的橙花香、茉莉和檀香木的香氣。 這如皇家般的自我護理是身體和感官的終極奢華體驗。 UMA's indulgent, lightweight balm cocoons skin in nutrient-rich, toning hydration. They started with organic ghee (clarified butter), a revered staple in Ayurveda for its nourishing, healing, and deeply moisturizing abilities, and...
Sold Out
UMA 的芳療精油不只香氣撩人,還能提振情緒,撫慰心靈。這款純愛心靈香薰蠟燭揉合數款有機精油:清香淡雅茉莉、性感溫暖檀香,融入玫瑰、天竺葵及橙花等溫柔花香,讓環境空間瀰漫迷人芬芳,同時助你提升自信,建立自愛能量,沉浸在愛的氛圍當中。
燃燒時間:約 75 小時
特別適用於:正向積極| 提升自信| 平衡
UMA’s Pure Love Wellness Candle serves as the ultimate aphrodisiac: encouraging self-love and elevating confidence so you’re bountiful with endearment to all in your aura. A tender night filled with the seductive aroma of night jasmine. Royal silks and chiffons scented with sensual sandalwood. The majesty of rose, a subtle touch of geranium, the lingering allure of neroli.
BURN TIME: Up to 75 hours
RECOMMENDED FOR: Positivity|Confidence| Balance
每次點燃前,把燭芯修剪到至約 6 亳米,並確保沒有蠟中沒有任何燭芯殘留。
為達致最佳效果,點燃時間不要超過 4 小時,並避免一天點燃多於一次。
Once lit, ensure the candle wax pools to the edge, especially on the initial burn. Never leave a candle unattended while burning. Between burns, trim your wick to the ideal length—01⁄45 inch—making sure none of the trimmings remain in the wax. For best results, avoid burning the candle for more than 4 hours at a time and more than once every 24 hours.
1/椰子蠟 Coconut Wax
2/茉莉精油 Jasmine Essential Oil
3/玫瑰精油 Rose Essential Oil
4/檀香精油 Sandalwood Oil
5/椰子精油 Coconut Oil
6/天竺葵精油 Geranium Essential Oil
7/橙花精油 Neroli Oil
- 採用無鉛棉芯 Lead-free Cotton Wick
Sold Out
UMA 幸福心靈香薰蠟燭優雅脫俗的香氣能保持身心平衡,喚醒並提昇感官能量,為周遭環境營造和諧靜謐的氛圍,引領內心平靜。
燃燒時間:約 75 小時
This candle's transcendent aroma brings balance to the mind and the home, boosting overall well-being and positivity. Promote mind-body balance, internal calm, and harmony with your surroundings with this luxuriously-crafted wellness candle.
BURN TIME: Up to 75 hours
RECOMMENDED FOR: Positivity|Confidence| Balance
每次點燃前,把燭芯修剪到至約 8 亳米,並確保沒有蠟中沒有任何燭芯殘留。
為達致最佳效果,點燃時間不要超過 4 小時。當容器只剩餘 1.3 厘米的蠟時,請停止燃燒蠟燭。
Once lit, ensure the candle wax pools to the edge, especially on the initial burn. Keep the wick trimmed to 1/3 inch at all times. Don’t burn candle for more than four hours at a time. Discontinue use of a candle when 1/2 inch of wax remains at the bottom of the jar.
1/椰子蠟 Coconut Wax
2/洋甘菊油 Chamomile Oil
3/鼠尾草油 Clary Sage Oil
4/荷荷巴油 Jojoba Oil
5/薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil
6/檸檬精油 Lemon Essential Oil
7/玫瑰精油 Rose Essential Oil
8/檀香精油 Sandalwood Oil
9/依蘭依蘭油 Ylang Ylang Oil
- 採用無鉛棉芯 Lead-free Cotton Wick
- 15ml
This deeply restorative, yet lightweight, hair nourishing oil delivers essential moisture deep into the hair follicle – for a frizz-free mane that shines brilliantly and is silky smooth to the touch! Clarifying extracts of grapefruit and lemon remove impurities from pores as they stimulate the hair’s natural growth process, enhancing elasticity and strengthening hair from root to end.
1) Grapefruit Essential Oil 葡萄柚精油
2) Lemon Essential Oil 檸檬精油
3) Cypriol Essential Oil 乾膜莎草精油
4) Hibiscus Essential Oil 芙蓉花精油
5) Yerba de Tago Essential Oil 瑪黛茶精油
BASE: Grapeseed Oil+Indian Gooseberry Oil+Moringa Oil+Jojoba Oil
基底: 葡萄籽油+印度鵝莓油+辣木油+荷荷芭油
*All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
*We test our oils on real women – never animals
1/ 在頭髮乾淨時 (或濕髮準備用熱風吹乾時),針對髮尾及中段塗上。取2-3滴於手心,均勻地搓上受損髮質、漂染或乾性髮質 或
When applied to dry hair (or to damp hair prior to heat-styling), the oil should be applied to ends and mid-lengths. Take 2-3 drops of oil between your palms and rub into hair, focusing on drier, processed or damaged ends
2/ 把頭髮分為三段,每段使用1-2滴 或
You may even want to section your hair in three parts and apply 1-2 drops to each part for even application
3/ 用作最深層護理,把5-8滴護髮油直接滴在頭皮上,然後用手指以打圈方式溫柔地按摩頭皮2-3分鐘。以梳子把護髮油均勻地塗在頭髮,讓護膚油在晚間發揮功效,第二天早上再洗掉。(或於晚間洗頭前使用此方法)
To use as a treatment, we recommend taking a quarter-full dropper of oil directly to the scalp, and applying 5-8 drops all over until the whole scalp is covered. Then, using your fingers, gently massage your scalp for 2-3 minutes in circular motions. Comb out to spread the oil along your hair shaft. Leave on overnight and wash in the morning
1/ Grapefruit Essential Oil 葡萄柚精油
2/ Lemon Essential Oil 檸檬精油
3/ Cypriol Essential Oil 乾膜莎草精油
4/ Hibiscus Essential Oil 芙蓉花精油
5/ Yerba de Tago Essential Oil 瑪黛茶精油
基底 BASE : 葡萄籽油+印度鵝莓油+辣木油+荷荷芭油 Grapeseed Oil+Indian Gooseberry Oil+Moringa Oil+Jojoba Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $30 運費
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $50 運費
寄海外地區 (中國內地除外):
▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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