- 15ml
絕對抗皺系列以珍貴的乳香及檀香為主調,其強效的抗氧化及深層滋潤功效能針對肌膚老化、出現細紋等問題,助您的肌膚扭轉時光,回複彈性!UMA 絕對抗皺眼部修復油質地比面部護膚油更輕盈、更透薄,能立刻慘透幼嫩的眼部位置!眼部修復油與面部護膚油最大分別之處在於其含有尤加利樹油及以五款強效肌底油如紅石榴油和玫瑰果油作基調!尤加利樹油能賦於眼周無限精神及力量,去除腫脹及倦容,提亮眼部!
This nourishing Ayurvedic formula harnesses the power of Eastern medicine to deliver lasting moisture and brighten the delicate skin around the eyes. Revitalizing frankincense and sandalwood essential oils turn back the clock on maturing skin, as rich rose essential oil deeply hydrates, leaving the skin soft and supple. Eucalyptus oil invigorates the under eye area, eliminating puffiness and other signs of fatigue. This luxurious blend absorbs rapidly and dramatically to reduce signs of environmental stress, for a brighter and more youthful complexion.
1/ 早晚使用時將 2-3 滴滴在指尖然後在眼周點開再輕輕按
Every morning and evening, dab and gently press in 2-3 drops of the oil using the ring finger on the upper and lower lids.
2/ 溫柔地用指尖由眼周外部至內加以按摩
Gently massage the area around the eyes using your fingertip, moving from outer corner to the inner corner of the eye.
1/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
3/ Chamomile Essential Oil 洋甘菊精油
4/ Eucalyptus Essential Oil 尤加利樹精油
5/ Rosemary Essential Oil 迷迭香精油
6/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
7/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
8/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
9/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
基底 BASE :
1/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil
2/ 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
3/ 玫瑰果油 Rosehip Oil
4/ 杏仁油 Almond Oil
5/ 葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA 的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA 極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 30ml
In 16th century India, extravagant displays of roses, like the Rose Gardens at Mysore, were the ultimate show of opulence. This triple-action brightening blend is rich in sandalwood and rose essential oils, which deliver rich hydration for a more luminous complexion, and is especially effective for those with dry skin.
1) Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2) Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3) Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4) Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5) Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6) Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7) Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8) Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
9) Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 依蘭花精油
BASE: Pomegranate Oil
基底: 紅石榴油
1) This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine.
2) Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more.
*All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
*We test our oils on real women – never animals
1) 極緻光芒護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
2) UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的UMA護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴極緻光芒護膚油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2/ Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6/ Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
9/ Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 依蘭花精油
基底 BASE : 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 極緻光芒護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 30 ml
UMA 創辦人的姨姨因為籌備婚禮而變得極度緊張,情緒為她帶來滿面嚴重的暗瘡,身為阿育吠陀草本治療師的祖母為治療她女兒的嚴重突發性暗瘡肌膚,親手調配出以葡萄籽油及丁香油為基調的護膚油針對應付她的暗瘡,讓女兒能夠在婚禮前回復健康美麗的肌膚!UMA創辦人 Shrankhla 與大眾分享此家族秘方,以姨姨之名創立品牌,推出 UMA 深層潔淨護膚油,讓大眾體驗保濕同時消炎的極透薄護膚油!以葡萄籽油作為基調,秘方透過丁香精油淨化肌膚,適量的茶樹油以加快消炎,配合上乘薰衣草及鼠尾草油平衡油脂分泌,同時保護暗瘡性肌膚避免患處受過度刺激!
When our founder’s great aunt was a young bride-to-be in rural India, pre-wedding anxiety sent her skin into a frenzy weeks before the big ceremony. Seeing her daughter’s frustration, her mother – an avid botanist, with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic scripture – formulated a powerful botanical blend incorporating clove and grape seed oils, specifically to treat her blemishes.This gentle yet high-impact formula balances and moisturizes as it combats impurities and bacteria in acne-prone skin.
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴深層潔淨護膚油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ 丁香精油 Clove Essential Oil
2/ 茶樹精油 Tea Tree Essential Oil
3/ 杜松果精油 Juniper Berry Essential Oil
4/ 香橙精油 Orange Essential Oil
5/ 薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil
6/ 天竺葵精油 Geranium Essential Oil
7/ 鼠尾草精油 Clary Sage Essential Oil
基調油:葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil base
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 深層潔淨護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 30ml. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。UMA絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 30ml
The quest for immortality was first and foremost on the minds of the Indian aristocracy, centuries ago. In their search for the proverbial fountain of youth, the rulers of ancient India searched far and wide, until they discovered frankincense – an uncommon and treasured herb accessible only via a handful of traders from the Middle East. Rich in frankincense and other precious essential oils, Absolute Anti Aging uses ancient formulas for beauty that transcends time.
1) Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
2) Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3) Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4) Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5) Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6) Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7) Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8) Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
9) Juniper Berry Essential Oil 杜松果精油
BASE: Pomegranate Oil
基底: 紅石榴油
1) This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine.
2) Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more.
*All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
*We test our oils on real women – never animals
1) 絕對抗皺修護油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
2) UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的UMA護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴絕對抗皺修護油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
2/ Neroli Essential Oil 橙花精油
3/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
4/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
5/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
6/ Orange Essential Oil 香橙精油
7/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
8/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
9/ Juniper Berry Essential Oil 杜松果精油
基底 BASE : 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 絕對抗皺修護油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護。
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 1 oz. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $30 運費
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $50 運費
寄海外地區 (中國內地除外):
▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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