Ranavat Botanics

Ranavat 創辦人 Michelle 是第一代印裔美國人,在一次探訪印度後她被當地的護膚儀式所啟發,決定自立門户創造出一系列充滿皇室氣派的有機護膚品牌。憑著對植物學及草本美容的熱誠,她以阿育吠陀醫學為基礎,親自為產品挑選原材料成份,調配各種精簡配方,以確保每項產品都得以發揮最佳美顏效用。

The elevated level of self-care in India and their devotion to ritualistic daily practices sparked the idea for Ranavat, a botanical skincare collection that drives connection.弓Each ingredient is methodically extracted, preserved for its healing properties, and secured for your skin’s benefit. Essentially, it’s the melding of modern chemistry and romance.

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