
Kypris 創辦人 Chase 從小已對護膚有所研究,她認為大自然必須配合科學才能發揮最佳功用。在「天然」、「無害」等基本原則之上,品牌結合有機野生植物和綠色生物技術,推崇高效而可持續的養膚體驗。品牌所採用的成份配方全經精心挑選,而且通過臨床科學實證,確保在品質及用量方面可以實現最佳功效,並希望為美容注入儀式感,為用家滋潤肌膚同時滋養心靈!

Kypris is luxury, high-performance skincare with a gentle footprint. Organic, wild-crafted, and sustainably grown botanicals combine with the best of green biotechnology for powerful results and an ecstatic experience of your Beauty and Being. Each formula in the KYPRIS line includes a robust selection of best-in-class, science-backed actives for optimal performance. The best, most beautiful results come from formulas built with well-tended ingredient sources and innovation paired with scientific consensus.