Kypris Clearing Serum 淨肌草藥舒緩精華 (FS2)【預購中】


- 47ml / 1.58oz



Kypris 水份精華系列二號:淨肌草藥舒緩精華集合了鋅、紫丁香幹細胞、酸櫻桃的力量,精心篩選多款富含養分的植物瑰寶,讓肌膚重拾水油平衡,改善暗粒、暗瘡等問題,鎮靜修復發炎傷口,更有助緩解泛紅、毛髮倒生等脫毛後常見的敏感狀況。可單用作修復精華,亦可隨個人喜好混合/疊塗 Kypris Beauty Elixir 護膚油以達致最佳效果。

Sweet talk your fussy, blemished complexion.

Clearing Serum enlists balancing zinc, soothing lilac leaf stem cells, beautiful cherry blossom, and a selection of phytonutrient rich, botanical gems for the appearance of a balanced, happy complexion.

For fussy, oily, or blemished skin. Also, shaved, threaded, or waxed areas.

  • - 美國製造 Made in USA

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