來自法國的獨立奢華護膚品牌,La Fervance 採用 100% 天然、可持續的活性成分,聘請科學家團隊進行研發測試,原創出無論是質地、效果,還是感官體驗都獨一無二的配方產品。團隊希望簡化用家日常護膚流程,盡量摒棄多餘產品,以完美平衡的全效面膜為用家一次解決多個肌膚問題!

The creators of a new philosophy in luxury skincare, LA FERVANCE is a purely independent beauty brand, melding active ingredients from sustainably sourced, 100% natural origins, with French scientific integrity, to deliver a fusionistique, sensorial skincare experience, distinct textures and outstanding results like no other.  LA FERVANCE formulations are perfectly balanced and entirely original. A complex 100% preservative system to ensure the stability of their active formulations, is designed to successfully streamline the daily ritual, eliminating the need for an excessive number of products.