出於對草本治療的熱愛,Svetlana 在大學時期已創立了 Gressa,其堅持「天然」、「皮膚至上」的獨特護膚配方隨即受到大熱追捧,而皇牌產品:完美修護精華粉底液更揉合了有機植物油和礦物,成為首支具有護膚功能的彩妝粉底,成功以大自然力量在綠色美容界掀起一場美麗革命。

While still in college, Svetlana launched Gressa Skin which quickly found itself with a cult-following for its unique formulations that are “skin first” and “natural food for the skin.” With the launch of the Minimalist, a corrective serum foundation designed to heal with natural oils and conceal with beautiful mineral colors, Gressa Skin started a revolution in the Green Beauty industry. The Minimalist was a first of its kind and continues to be Gressa’s hero product that stands alone in the category it created. Finally, a color foundation that treated and healed your skin rather than irritating it! Using Mother Nature’s most beautiful and freshest ingredients in intelligent ways to design highly effective, elegant and artful skincare/cosmetic formulas.