- 45ml
體驗前所未有的絲滑質感,14e Cosmetics 推出全新蘆薈絲滑蜜粉,其雙重功效能助你輕鬆打造啞緻無瑕妝感!14e 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉輕如煙,以最簡約原材料打磨而成,能在妝前撫平幼紋為粉底打好基礎,在妝後再輕掃一層蜜粉定妝能令妝容更持久!
📝【定妝粉比拼】14E 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉 VS 坊間化學碎粉
Experience the cleanest of its kind, dual purpose, 14e Cosmetics Prime & Set powder. Weightless and effortless to use. This light as air minimal ingredient formula works as a primer to blur and smooth fine lines and pores, and ensure a flawless make up application. Works as a setting powder to mattify, extend makeup wear, and prevent creasing.
打造基底 Prime :
Allow skin care to absorb. Buff powder into skin to blur the appearance of fine lines and pores, and ensure a smooth, long lasting make up application.
持久定妝 Set :
Top off your look by sweeping a light layer over completed make up. Use all over or in the areas you'd like to minimize shine and extend make up wear.
1/ 竹二氧化矽 Bamboo Silica
2/ 矽酸鎂 Magnesium Silicate
3/ 有機蘆薈 Organic Aloe Vera
- Made in USA 美國製造
- 50ml
一般泥膜都容易倒抽肌膚水分,The London Mask卻能提供高度保濕效果,是100%天然的革命性產品!獨特的配方設計出能夠在肌膚上保持濕潤的狀態,同時有效去除毒素,對抗污染所造成的傷害。鎮靜受損肌膚,瞬間補水並煥發光彩。
Anti-pollution purifying mask
This 100% natural mask is a game-changer: A clay mask that is also highly moisturising. Formulated to remain damp on the skin, whilst effectively removing toxins and counteracting pollution-induced skin damage. It will leave stressed skin calm, hydrated and with an instant, radiant glow.
薄薄一層塗抹於全面,等待 10-15 分鐘即可發揮奇妙功效,其後用溫水洗掉。適用於「過勞肌」、乾燥及敏感肌膚,亦可於醫美/術後作護理,需要顯著舒緩和強化肌膚時同樣適用。暗瘡肌建議每週使用2-3次,其他肌膚建議每週使用1-2次。
Apply thin layer all over face and let it work wonders for 10-15 minutes. Remove with lukewarm water. Recommended for stressed, dry and delicate skin (also suitable for post-surgical care), or whenever skin is in need of a visible soothing and revitalising boost. For blemish-prone skin, use 2-3 times a week, for all other skin types, use 1-2 a week.
1/ 純水 AQUA
4/ 高嶺土 KAOLIN
20/ 香料 PARFUM*
21/ 檸檬油精 LIMONENE*
22/ 芳樟醇 LINALOOL*
* 有機成分 Organic ingredients
「The London Mask是我親自手工調配混合的,這是一個不太尋常的做法。雖然需要大量額外工作,但卻是必須的,因為這樣我可以將舒緩肌膚的成分直接放在乳化液表面,以確保在敷面膜時能夠直接接觸皮膚,令高嶺土發擇最大的淨化功效,同時不會出現一般泥膜的問題,例如是乾燥、脫水、繃緊、龜裂等。」
“Rather unusually, I choose to hand-blend The London Mask myself. This allows me to place the beautiful, soothing ingredients onto the surface of the emulsion, to ensure that they are then in direct, soothing contact with the skin when the mask is applied. It takes a lot of work, but it is essential, because it allows me to ensure that the skin benefits from purifying benefits of the natural clays, without any of the unpleasant associated concerns e.g. dryness, dehydration, tightening, cracking.”
$1,168.00 $1,376.00
現凡購買 玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液 乙支 及 蠶絲茉莉溫和潔顏泡泡 乙支即可享套裝優惠價 $1168 😻 折扣高達85折‼️ 我哋同 arbu嘅聯乘系列叫做「BOTANIC EDEN」⛲️希望呢個膠囊系列每一個成員都令大家好似浸醉係一個充滿花香嘅伊甸園入面,用草本配方帶比你最純粹嘅護膚體驗🪴首發嘅洗面組合挑選咗我最愛嘅茉莉花,我哋用最高級嘅茉莉原精,令你一路洗面一路享受又清甜又迷人嘅茉莉花香💐 🌹玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液糅合精細科學同天然草本,玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液透過水性同油性進行二段清潔,完美瓦解頑固嘅防水化妝品同污垢🙌🏼 1/ 以保加利亞大馬士革玫瑰花水同蘆薈汁做 base,針對水溶性化妝品💧 2/ 配合角鯊烷、西梅油同山茶花油擊退用蠟性同油溶性防水化妝品 🌺 雙劍合璧完美卸走化妝品同防曬,同時透過天然草本配方立即滋養修護肌膚,佢將會係你用過最強效而最溫和嘅卸妝液⚔️____________________ 🫧蠶絲茉莉溫和潔面泡泡用完潔面泡泡都可以又滑、又有光澤仲有水潤感?🙀 我哋用上雙重極溫和、由天然椰子油同粟米抽出嘅起泡劑,配合天然有機草本萃取,令你洗完面後肌膚維持水感有彈性,唔使再擔心洗面令你乾噌噌啦🌊1/ 水解蠶絲蛋白配合蘿蔔根發酵可以為肌膚鞏固天然屏障,防止水份流失,同時增加光澤感,令肌膚更絲滑🥕2/ 木瓜萃取蘊含維他命A、C、E同木瓜酵素,可以係洗面過程溫和軟化角質層,令清潔更深層,肌膚立即變柔軟光澤✨加埋有甜菜鹼、崩大碗同有機青瓜萃取,潔膚體驗除咗清爽之外,仲做埋消炎同保濕,預防痘痘,洗完仲滑嘟嘟添!🧏🏻♀️ -🎀 優惠細則:* 優惠適用於門市及網店訂單* 優惠數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知* 是次優惠不得與會員ROAR Points 、生日優惠及現金券同時使用* 如有任何爭議,Beautysaur Group...
- 1.7oz
天然檀木和玫瑰香能即時征服異味,抑制細菌與服物因發酵產生的體臭,當中加入有機椰子油,蜂蠟及小蘇打粉到牛油果油,檀木和玫瑰油裡面,製成一個代表激情,動人及魅力的香體戰士,她會是你的天然除臭止汗膏 - 特務四號。
Agent Nateur & Shiva Rose created a beautiful blend of sacred sandalwood and heart opening rose. The smell is intoxicating and loving. Sandalwood is a pheromone and acts as a natural deodorant. The number 4 derives its meaning from creation. It represents patience, trust, honesty and integrity. It vibrates with passion, drive and mastery.
Directly swipe on underarms, wrists or neck and then pat gently.
1/ 有機椰子油 Organic Cocos Nucifera (Coconut Oil)
2/ 蜂蠟 Cera Alba (Beeswax)
3/ 梳打粉 Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
4/ 牛油果脂 Persea Gratissima (Avocado Butter)
5/ 太陽花脂 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower Butter)
6/ 蓖麻油 Ricinus Communis (Castor Oil)
7/ 有機蜂蜜 Organic Honey
8/ 玫瑰精油 Rose Essential Oil
9/ 檀香精油 Sandalwood Essential Oil
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用身體產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Agent Nateur不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
Agent Nateur and Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs
預計 4月頭 到貨🌿✨(感謝大家支持!!)
- 50 ml | 1.69oz
「藍月光」將會是您感受過最迷人、最神奇、最易上癮的身體及心靈呵護。由接觸指尖的瞬間,「藍月光」便由膏狀輕柔地化身成晶瑩剔透的護膚精華,她能成為您日夜最重要的保濕霜,也能成為您在有特別需要時的急救品,透過稀有珍貴的藍艾菊立刻鎮靜敏感、紅腫及受損肌膚。「藍月光」擁有神秘魔幻的深藍色,全因 May 團隊經長年不斷努力,確保最高質素的藍艾菊,而藍艾菊更有香薰治療的功效,在晚間撫平心靈。
The Blue Cocoon is a balmy blue enchantress that greets your skin with cool serenity, melting on touch to a fluid potion that tenderly envelopes you in the most decadent azule calm. This is effective both as your primary moisturizer or as a special treatment for skin that is sensitive, inflamed, damaged, acneic or irritated. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothes skin in the most beautiful way, providing the perfect level of hydration and healing, eliminating redness and irritation. Mystical blue tansy eases feelings of emotional anxiety while releasing heat and providing nourishing hydration and relief.
1/ 將一顆米或豆型份量的「藍月光」溶化後直接按摩於已清潔及濕透的臉上
Melt a rice grain to pea-sized amount into fully wet skin, morning and night, immediately after cleansing
2/ 能集中按摩於特別敏感或眼部位置
Focus on areas of sensitivity and the delicate eye contour
1/ 山茶花籽油 Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil*
2/ 乳木果脂 Butyrospermun Parkii (Shea) Butter***
3/ 原生可可脂 Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter***
4/ 瑪魯拉果油 Sclerocarya Birrea (Marula) Seed Oil***
5/ 猴包樹油 Adansonia Digitata (Baobab) Oil*
6/ 藍艾菊油 Tanacetum Annuum (Blue Tansy) Oil*
7/ 沒藥油 Commiphora Myrrha (Myrrh) Oil**
8/ 薰衣草油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
9/ 乳香油 Boswellia Serrate Gum (Frankincense) Oil**
10/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Oil*
11/ 雲呢嗱 Co2 抽取油 Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) Co2 Oil*
12/ 五味子Co2 抽取 Schisandra Sphenanthera Co2 Fruit Extract
13/ 蠟菊油 Helichrysum Italicum (Immortelle) Oil*
14/ 羅文沙葉油 Ravensara Aromatica Oil
15/ 芳樟醇 Linalool+
16/ 香茅醇 Citronellol+
20/ 香葉醇 Geraniol+
21/ 檸檬烯 Limonene+
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
***公平貿易原材料 Fair Trade, Raw, & Unrefined
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- Blue Cocoon 藍月光 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 = Spot Treatment 重點暗瘡膏
1. 擰緊瓶蓋後,將產品放入熱水中。
2. 靜待數分鐘讓樽內所有護膚膏融化為液體,輕輕攪拌均勻。
3. 冷藏過夜,產品將回復凝固狀態。
- 15 ml
為雙眼注入矜貴魚子醬精華!保加利亞神級護膚品牌arbū 以魚子醬入饌成眼霜,本着「有機、高效、永續性」的品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,讓眼周肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤的營養。
✦ 採用87% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 蘊含純淨植萃精油,配方溫和專為脆弱眼部而設
✦ 魚子精華結合先進複合益生菌,即時改善浮腫、眼紋、黑眼圈,提昇緊緻眼部輪廓
✦ 綠茶、咖啡因及石榴等高抗氧萃取,有效抵禦紫外線及污染物,減緩肌膚老化
✦ 琉璃苣籽油富有Omega-6 必需脂肪酸,對抗發炎、皺紋等問題
Intensive yet delicate care with green tea, caffeine, pomegranate, caviar extract, and a highly advanced probiotic complex, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles, and to provide immediate tightening and lifting benefits.
A formula designed with pure organic oils, which boost collagen synthesis and provide the skin with firm and vibrant look. Developed with caviar extract rich in glycine and proline – essential amino acids, part of the skin’s natural bio-feedback mechanism that stimulates collagen synthesis.
Apply morning and evening on cleansed skin and massage gently.
1/ 魚子醬萃取 Caviar Extract
2/ 大馬士革玫瑰花油 Rosa Damascena Flower Oil*
3/ 綠茶萃取 Green Tea Extract
4/ 咖啡因 Caffeine
5/ 茉莉花萃取 Jasmine Flower Extract
6/ 紅石榴 Pomegranate Extract
7/ 六肽-11 Hexapeptide-11
8/ 稷籽萃取 Millet Seed Extract
9/ 乳酸桿菌發酵溶胞產物 Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate
10/ 透明質酸 Hyaluronic Acid
11/ 大米萃取 Rice extract*
12/ 檀香精油 Sandalwood Essential Oil*
13/ 大馬士革玫瑰花水 Rosa Damascena Flower Water*
14/ 月見草油 Evening Primrose Oil*
15/ 琉璃苣籽油 Borage Seed Oil*
16/ 山茶花油 Camellia Oil*
17/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil*
18/ 乳木果脂 Shea butter*
19/ 椰子油 Coconut Oil*
* 有機認證成份 Certified organic ingredients
- Made in Bulgaria 保加利亞製造
100% 不含 100% free from:
- 填充物 Fillers
- 人造香精 Artificial Fragrances
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯類 Parabens
- 矽酮 Silicones
- 聚乙二醇 PEG Derivates
- 人造色素 Artificial Colorings
- 基因改造 GMO
- 動物測試 No Animal Testing
Sold Out
-50 ml
La Fervance 23K金珍珠奢華面膜由法國頂級護膚科學家研製,榮獲 COSMOS 驗證其100%天然配方,高達67%活性成份及23%有機原材料,全法國製造,為您帶來極緻法國宮廷式護膚體驗!23K金珍珠奢華面膜藴含多款澳洲本土果實、猴麵包樹果肉啫喱、100%純淨HA來源的透明質酸、來自意大利的23K食用等級金箔及珍珠等,在緊緻去紋同時為肌膚深層保水,更能舒緩紅腫及抗菌,是一款全效多功能的護膚寶物!
Expertly formulated by France’s leading skin care scientists, dermatologically tested, and COSMOS approved. Boasting 67% active ingredients and perfectly balanced with double hyaluronic acid from 100% pure HA sources, a bio-active complex of Australian mountain plant extracts, mimosa and jojoba extracts, baobab lifting gel, Buriti oil, Kakadu plum extract, vitamin E, 23K gold, pearly pigments and pure seawater from the French Breton coasts. Eclat Extraordinaire will dramatically Improve your skins hydration whilst visibility reducing wrinkles and restoring the skins elasticity and firmness. Your skin will experience a lifting effect whilst also appearing more soothed and toned.
LA FERVANCE 簡單可分為3個主要用法,經過皮膚科測試,豐富的活性成分,完美結合出此多功能的黃金面膜
LA FERVANCE understands mindful luxury, which is why they created the Dermatologically tested, ECLAT EXTAORDINAIRE Transform Active Multi-Mask to serve key purposes with equally efficacy. As this is Dermatologically tested multi-mask, the abundance of active ingredients, formulated in perfect harmony, is designed to target 30 functional areas making this the ultimate multi-functional product.
用法1 - 瞬間提亮
可於每天早上,使用LA FERVANCE專用搭配的金匙,取少量面膜於指尖推開後均勻按摩全面,及後可繼續平常護膚程序,亦可於粉底前使用,薄薄一層的黃金面膜足以讓您一整天散發透亮光茫。
FUNCTION ONE – INSTANT GOLDEN GLOW; Scoop a tiny amount with the LA FERVANCE golden spatula and lightly blend through fingertips, then massage all over the face each morning, after moisturising and then proceed with your usual ritual. This can be done prior to applying a light foundation or allow the glow to shine through. This is why it’s called TransformActive, as it will transform the look of the skin, whilst being active.
用法2 - 面膜
可取適量,於肌膚厚敷10分鐘或以上,可按照個人需要,敷較長時間可讓肌膚更有效吸收面膜內的豐富精華。LA FERVANCE的創新配合可讓面膜輕鬆清洗,只需加上少量清水慢慢按摩則可乳化並散發獨特香味,可一星期使用兩次。
FUNCTION TWO – TREATMENT MASK; This may be applied for a minimum of 10 minutes; however it may be left on for much longer if you wish, allowing the product to be absorbed into the skin – nourishing it and benefiting it all the while. It is an innovative product which will emulsify upon water being added, after which we encourage a light face massage to enjoy the beautiful textures and exquisite aromas of our custom-made perfumes. Treatment Mask: Apply this Dermatologically tested multi-mask as a thick layer to the face and neck. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then moisten fingers and massage the mask to emulsify. Remove the excess. Renew up to twice a week.
用法3 — 睡眠面膜
Use with an added pillow case of course! As the product is of 100% natural origins, it is totally safe to leave on the skin whilst benefiting from the all-important cell renewal sleep time. This is a favourite way to use the mask by our global test panel, who absolutely love the look of their skin upon awakening.
Overnight mask: Apply a thin layer before slumber to awaken to skin which is firm, plump and alive.
1/ 辛酸/癸酸三酸甘油酯 Caprylic/capric Triglyceride
2/ 椰油醇-辛酸酯/癸酸酯 Coco-caprylate/caprate
3/ 太陽花籽油 Helianthus Annuus (sunflower) Seed Oil*
4/ 天然植物甘油 Glycerin**
5/ 水 Aqua (water)
6/ 蔗糖月桂酸酯 Sucrose Laurate
7/ 法國海岸海水 Maris Aqua (sea Water)
8/ 蔗糖硬脂酸酯 Sucrose Stearate
9/ 天然香水 Parfum (fragrance)
10/ 荷荷芭油 Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba) Seed Oil
11/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
12/ 卡卡杜李萃取精華 Terminalia Ferdinandiana Fruit Extract*
13/ 猴麵包樹果肉啫喱 Adansonia Digitata Pulp Extract
14/ 麥芽糊精 Maltodextrin
15/ 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
16/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
17/ 巴西莓果油 Mauritia Flexuosa Fruit Oil*
18/ 雲母 CI 77019 (Mica)
19/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
20/ 維他命E Tocopherol
21/ 大豆油 Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
22/ 二氧化鈦 CI 77891 (Titanium Dioxide)
23/ 辛基/癸基葡糖苷 Caprylyl/capryl Glucoside
24/ 蜂膠 Propolis Extract
25/ 含羞草萃取精華 Acacia Dealbata Flower Extract
26/ 茴香桃金娘葉萃取精華 Anetholea Anisata Leaf Extract
27/ 洛神花萃取精華 Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Extract
28/ 塔斯曼尼亞胡椒莓葉萃取精華 Tasmannia Lanceolata Leaf Extract
29/ 天然酒精 Alcohol
30/ 氧化鐵 CI 77491 (Iron Oxides)
31/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
32/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide
33/ 金合歡醇 Farnesol
34/ 金 CI 77480 (Gold)
35/ 銀 CI 77820 (Silver)
- Made in France 法國製造
- 15ml
是精華?是粉底液?GRESSA 融合天然有機護膚與彩妝,以革命性的西蘭花籽油作基础取代化學矽膠,使粉底液與肌膚融為一體,加上其極高遮瑕度配方,輕鬆締造絲滑粉嫩膚質,長期使用不單無需擔心化妝品令皮膚質素惡化,當中的 GRESSA Healing Complex專利更能為肌膚提供多款草本營養及維他命,是每位必備的護膚與彩妝二合一產品!
It’s a serum. It’s a foundation. It’s a multivitamin for your face. Perfect your face with long-term benefits of this revolutionary serum to powder foundation. GRESSA Healing ComplexTM is a proprietary powerhouse blend of carefully selected botanical extracts that care for your skin by providing it with overall balance, radiance and clarity. Minerals provide a tone-correcting coverage natural finish.
01 - 透白陶瓷肌 帶微黃色基調(適合白皙膚色)
Warm Porcelain, pale shade with subtle yellows
1.5 - 亮白色帶暖色基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, Warm undertone
02 - 亮白色帶粉紅基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, pink undertone
2.5 - 淺色系帶自然粉紅基調(適合白皙偏粉膚色)
Light - Neutral undertone
2.75 - 自然粉紅基調(適合自然-小麥膚色)
Light with pink undertones
03 - 淺中系帶微黃基調(適合小麥膚色)
Light Medium, yellow undertone
3.25 - 淺中系帶蜜桃基調(適合小麥偏粉膚色)
Light medium with peachy undertones
3.5 - 淺中系帶微褐橄欖基調(適合小麥-古銅膚色)
Light Medium - Tan, warm olive undertone
04 - 中色系帶金黃基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium, golden yellow undertone
05 - 中色系帶自然基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium - Tan, neutral undertone
1/ 用前請先搖匀確保精華與礦物彩妝二合為一
Shake well to ensure a perfect mix.
2/ 每次只需將 1-3 滴精華粉底液放在手心
Drop 1-3 drops in the palm of your hand.
3/ 迅速均勻地將精華粉底液塗抹在面上
Rapidly spread the serum foundation out concentrating on areas where most imperfections are found.
1/ 西蘭花籽油 Brassica oleracea (Broccoli) Seed Oil*
2/ 椰子烷烴Coconut Alkanes (and) Coco-Caprylate/Caprate
3/ 二氧化矽 Silica
4/ 修護複合專利 GRESSA Healing ComplexTM
5/ 水飛薊素 Silymarin
6/ 苦楝樹萃取精華 Neem (Azadirachta indica) Extract*
7/ 馬尾草萃取精華 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Extract*
8/ 檸檬香蜂草萃取精華 Lemon Balm (Melissa officianalis) Extract*
9/ 伏牛花萃取精華 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Extract
10/ 沙棘萃取精華 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Seed Extract*
11/ 接骨木花萃取精華 Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) Extract*
12/ 苦瓜萃取精華 Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Extract*
13/ 甘草根萃取精華 Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Extract
14/ 非基因改造維他命E Tocopheryl Acetate Non-GMO
15/ 輔酶Q10 Coenzyme Q10
16/ 維他命C Ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate (Vitamin C)
17/ 卵磷脂 lecithin*
18/ 植物甘油Glycerin*
19/ 雲母 Mica
20/ 氧化鐵 Iron oxides
21/ 氧化鈦Titanium oxide
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 建議配合使用 GRESSA的完美妝容化妝掃 Use the Air Focus Foundation Brush to flawlessly buff the product all over.
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $30 運費
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $50 運費
寄海外地區 (中國內地除外):
▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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