- 45ml
體驗前所未有的絲滑質感,14e Cosmetics 推出全新蘆薈絲滑蜜粉,其雙重功效能助你輕鬆打造啞緻無瑕妝感!14e 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉輕如煙,以最簡約原材料打磨而成,能在妝前撫平幼紋為粉底打好基礎,在妝後再輕掃一層蜜粉定妝能令妝容更持久!
📝【定妝粉比拼】14E 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉 VS 坊間化學碎粉
Experience the cleanest of its kind, dual purpose, 14e Cosmetics Prime & Set powder. Weightless and effortless to use. This light as air minimal ingredient formula works as a primer to blur and smooth fine lines and pores, and ensure a flawless make up application. Works as a setting powder to mattify, extend makeup wear, and prevent creasing.
打造基底 Prime :
Allow skin care to absorb. Buff powder into skin to blur the appearance of fine lines and pores, and ensure a smooth, long lasting make up application.
持久定妝 Set :
Top off your look by sweeping a light layer over completed make up. Use all over or in the areas you'd like to minimize shine and extend make up wear.
1/ 竹二氧化矽 Bamboo Silica
2/ 矽酸鎂 Magnesium Silicate
3/ 有機蘆薈 Organic Aloe Vera
- Made in USA 美國製造
- 15ml
是精華?是粉底液?GRESSA 融合天然有機護膚與彩妝,以革命性的西蘭花籽油作基础取代化學矽膠,使粉底液與肌膚融為一體,加上其極高遮瑕度配方,輕鬆締造絲滑粉嫩膚質,長期使用不單無需擔心化妝品令皮膚質素惡化,當中的 GRESSA Healing Complex專利更能為肌膚提供多款草本營養及維他命,是每位必備的護膚與彩妝二合一產品!
It’s a serum. It’s a foundation. It’s a multivitamin for your face. Perfect your face with long-term benefits of this revolutionary serum to powder foundation. GRESSA Healing ComplexTM is a proprietary powerhouse blend of carefully selected botanical extracts that care for your skin by providing it with overall balance, radiance and clarity. Minerals provide a tone-correcting coverage natural finish.
01 - 透白陶瓷肌 帶微黃色基調(適合白皙膚色)
Warm Porcelain, pale shade with subtle yellows
1.5 - 亮白色帶暖色基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, Warm undertone
02 - 亮白色帶粉紅基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, pink undertone
2.5 - 淺色系帶自然粉紅基調(適合白皙偏粉膚色)
Light - Neutral undertone
2.75 - 自然粉紅基調(適合自然-小麥膚色)
Light with pink undertones
03 - 淺中系帶微黃基調(適合小麥膚色)
Light Medium, yellow undertone
3.25 - 淺中系帶蜜桃基調(適合小麥偏粉膚色)
Light medium with peachy undertones
3.5 - 淺中系帶微褐橄欖基調(適合小麥-古銅膚色)
Light Medium - Tan, warm olive undertone
04 - 中色系帶金黃基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium, golden yellow undertone
05 - 中色系帶自然基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium - Tan, neutral undertone
1/ 用前請先搖匀確保精華與礦物彩妝二合為一
Shake well to ensure a perfect mix.
2/ 每次只需將 1-3 滴精華粉底液放在手心
Drop 1-3 drops in the palm of your hand.
3/ 迅速均勻地將精華粉底液塗抹在面上
Rapidly spread the serum foundation out concentrating on areas where most imperfections are found.
1/ 西蘭花籽油 Brassica oleracea (Broccoli) Seed Oil*
2/ 椰子烷烴Coconut Alkanes (and) Coco-Caprylate/Caprate
3/ 二氧化矽 Silica
4/ 修護複合專利 GRESSA Healing ComplexTM
5/ 水飛薊素 Silymarin
6/ 苦楝樹萃取精華 Neem (Azadirachta indica) Extract*
7/ 馬尾草萃取精華 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Extract*
8/ 檸檬香蜂草萃取精華 Lemon Balm (Melissa officianalis) Extract*
9/ 伏牛花萃取精華 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Extract
10/ 沙棘萃取精華 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Seed Extract*
11/ 接骨木花萃取精華 Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) Extract*
12/ 苦瓜萃取精華 Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Extract*
13/ 甘草根萃取精華 Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Extract
14/ 非基因改造維他命E Tocopheryl Acetate Non-GMO
15/ 輔酶Q10 Coenzyme Q10
16/ 維他命C Ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate (Vitamin C)
17/ 卵磷脂 lecithin*
18/ 植物甘油Glycerin*
19/ 雲母 Mica
20/ 氧化鐵 Iron oxides
21/ 氧化鈦Titanium oxide
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 建議配合使用 GRESSA的完美妝容化妝掃 Use the Air Focus Foundation Brush to flawlessly buff the product all over.
- 50 ml | 1.69oz
「藍月光」將會是您感受過最迷人、最神奇、最易上癮的身體及心靈呵護。由接觸指尖的瞬間,「藍月光」便由膏狀輕柔地化身成晶瑩剔透的護膚精華,她能成為您日夜最重要的保濕霜,也能成為您在有特別需要時的急救品,透過稀有珍貴的藍艾菊立刻鎮靜敏感、紅腫及受損肌膚。「藍月光」擁有神秘魔幻的深藍色,全因 May 團隊經長年不斷努力,確保最高質素的藍艾菊,而藍艾菊更有香薰治療的功效,在晚間撫平心靈。
The Blue Cocoon is a balmy blue enchantress that greets your skin with cool serenity, melting on touch to a fluid potion that tenderly envelopes you in the most decadent azule calm. This is effective both as your primary moisturizer or as a special treatment for skin that is sensitive, inflamed, damaged, acneic or irritated. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothes skin in the most beautiful way, providing the perfect level of hydration and healing, eliminating redness and irritation. Mystical blue tansy eases feelings of emotional anxiety while releasing heat and providing nourishing hydration and relief.
1/ 將一顆米或豆型份量的「藍月光」溶化後直接按摩於已清潔及濕透的臉上
Melt a rice grain to pea-sized amount into fully wet skin, morning and night, immediately after cleansing
2/ 能集中按摩於特別敏感或眼部位置
Focus on areas of sensitivity and the delicate eye contour
1/ 山茶花籽油 Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil*
2/ 乳木果脂 Butyrospermun Parkii (Shea) Butter***
3/ 原生可可脂 Theobroma Cacao Seed Butter***
4/ 瑪魯拉果油 Sclerocarya Birrea (Marula) Seed Oil***
5/ 猴包樹油 Adansonia Digitata (Baobab) Oil*
6/ 藍艾菊油 Tanacetum Annuum (Blue Tansy) Oil*
7/ 沒藥油 Commiphora Myrrha (Myrrh) Oil**
8/ 薰衣草油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
9/ 乳香油 Boswellia Serrate Gum (Frankincense) Oil**
10/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Oil*
11/ 雲呢嗱 Co2 抽取油 Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) Co2 Oil*
12/ 五味子Co2 抽取 Schisandra Sphenanthera Co2 Fruit Extract
13/ 蠟菊油 Helichrysum Italicum (Immortelle) Oil*
14/ 羅文沙葉油 Ravensara Aromatica Oil
15/ 芳樟醇 Linalool+
16/ 香茅醇 Citronellol+
20/ 香葉醇 Geraniol+
21/ 檸檬烯 Limonene+
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
***公平貿易原材料 Fair Trade, Raw, & Unrefined
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- Blue Cocoon 藍月光 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 = Spot Treatment 重點暗瘡膏
1. 擰緊瓶蓋後,將產品放入熱水中。
2. 靜待數分鐘讓樽內所有護膚膏融化為液體,輕輕攪拌均勻。
3. 冷藏過夜,產品將回復凝固狀態。
MV 大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧帶有陣陣清幽的玫瑰花香,即使是最敏感的皮膚,也能幫助舒緩和保濕。在塗上面霜之前先噴幾下,能有效幫助吸收並鎖住水分。大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧亦是隨身易攜帶/上機的必備品。
With its delicate rose petal scent, this mist soothes and hydrates even the most sensitive skins. Spritz just before you moisturise to speed absorption and lock in moisture for a great dewy finish. Refreshing, hydrating and relaxing, this is an in-flight beauty must have.
在使用MV 面霜或精華油前,先噴2-4下濕潤皮膚。任何時候都可以用大馬士革玫瑰保濕噴霧來補充水分。
Spritz 2-4 times to dampen the skin prior to application of an MV moisturiser or Skin Booster. Also spritz any time through the day to refresh and hydrate.
1/ 水 Water
2/ 甘油 Glycerin
3/ 乙酰丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
4/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
5/ 聚山梨醇酯 20 Polysorbate 20
6/ 大馬士革玫瑰 (奧圖玫瑰)油* Rosa Damascena (Rose Otto) Flower Oil
7/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Flower Oil
8/ 佛螺菩提果萃取 Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract
9/ 乳酸 Latic Acid
10/ 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
11/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
12/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
13/ 香茅醇 Citronellol
14/ 香葉醇 Geraniol
15/ 芳樟醇 Linalool
16/ 法尼醇 Farnesol
17/ 丁香酚 Eugenol
18/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
19/ 檸檬醛 Citral
*有機種植Organically Grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
1/ 噴 3-5 下珍珠極潤精露於手心然後均勻按摩於面部。
Spritz 3-5 times in the palm of your hand after cleansing face.
2/ 在早晚於手心將適量 Double C 美白粉與珍珠極潤精露或清水混和,直接拍上及按摩在面部及胸頸位置。隨後使用保加利亞玫瑰凍齡精華達到最佳效果。
Add a dime size of Holi (c) then pat on face, neck and decollete. Follow with Holi oil, moisturizer and spf. Can be used morning and night.
1/ 大馬士革玫瑰蒸餾花水 Rosa Damascena (Rose) Distillate
2/ 薰衣草蒸餾花水 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Distillate
3/ 透明質酸 Sodium Hyaluronate
4/ 火龍果萃取精華 Hylocereus Undatus (Pitaya) Fruit Extract
5/ 青瓜萃取精華 Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract
6/ 大馬士革玫瑰精華 Rosa Damascena
7/ 雙瓣茉莉精華 Jasmine Sambac
8/ 珍珠粉 Pearl Powder
9/ 有機蜂蜜 Organic Honey
10/ 檀香 Santalum Album (Sandalwood)
11/ 植物甘油 Glycerin (Vegetable)
12/ 苯甲醇 *Benzyl Alcohol
13/ 苯甲酸 *Benzoic Acid
*為 ECOCERT 驗證安全的天然防腐劑
Preservative that is Ecocert approved in Europe for organic cosmetics
- 美國製造 Made in USA
1/ 大量地噴於已清潔的臉上,能在用任何護膚油前或後使用,此步驟在鎖緊水份及提升護膚油的養份吸收
Mist generously over freshly cleansed skin, before and after oils, to seal in hydration and enhance nutrient absorption
2/ 能在化妝後噴於臉上定妝及增加光澤感
Repeat again after makeup to set and impart a gorgeous glow
3/ 若想「獎勵」自己,不妨噴灑於全身、頭髮及肌膚,能愉悅一整天的心情
If you are feeling indulgent (and you should be), don’t stop there – spritz head to toe all throughout the day to revive and elevate mood, skin, and hair
1/ 純淨水 Pure Water (Aqua)
2/ 大馬士革玫瑰花水 Rose Damascena (Rose) Flower Water*
3/ 膠性銀粒子液 Colloidal Silver
4/ 茉莉花萃取 Jasminum Officinale (Jasmine) Extract
5/ 保加利亞玫瑰油 Rosa Damascena (Bulgarian Rose) Oil
6/ 茉莉花油 Jasminum Sambac (Jasmine) Oil*
7/ 純淨可可濃漿 Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Oleoresin*
8/ 依蘭花油 Cananga Odorata (Ylang-Ylang) Oil*
9/ 雲呢嗱 Co2 抽取油 *Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) Co2 Oil
10/苯甲醇 Benzyl Alcohol
11/苯甲酸苄酯 Benzyl Benzoate
12/丁香酚 Eugenol
13/香叶醇 Geraniol
14/芳樟醇 Linalool
15/香茅醇 Citronellol
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
***公平貿易原材料 Fair Trade, Raw, & Unrefined
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- Honey Mud 蜜糖小姐 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 + Jasmine Garden 茉莉花園 = Detoxifying Mask 深層消炎面膜
1/ 塗上一層作淡淡唇彩或多塗上幾層得到更強烈妝感效果
Apply one layer for a sheer hint of color or add more layers for a stronger tint.
2/ 適要時隨時補上
Reapply when needed.
1/ 有機椰子油 Organic Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil
2/ 有機蓖麻籽油 Organic Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil
3/ 有機荷荷芭油 Organic Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
4/ 有機蜂臘 Organic Cera Alba (Beeswax)
5/ 有機牛油果油 Organic Persea Americana (Avocado) Oil
6/ 小燭樹臘 Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax
7/ 雲母 Mica
8/ 二氧化鈦 Titanium Dioxide
9/ 氧化鐵 Iron Oxide
10/ 維他命E Tocopherol (Vitamin E).
87% 有機 Organic
- 美國製造 Made In Usa
- 為達成最佳效果,建議在磨砂後塗上滋潤唇彩能確保唇彩顏色更加突顯及不會卡在死皮
Use one of our lip exfoliators prior to applying the luxury lip tint to ensure the lips are flake-free and that the color goes on smoothly.
- 只供外用
For External Use Only.
- 請存放在陰涼及乾燥的地方
Store in a cool, dry place.
- 絕無動物測試
Not tested on animals.
- 250 ml | 8.45 oz
The Problem Solver earns its name, and its superhero reputation, by delivering extraordinary results from use one.
The unique formula brightens, heals inflammation and irritation, fades spots and hyperpigmentation, and treats and prevents breakouts. This is a real miracle worker.
1/ 將一湯匙滿的面膜粉激活以加上少於面膜份量的清水攪拌,形成柔軟的慕絲狀態
Activate one tablespoon powder with just shy of equal parts water to form a soft, rich mousse
2/ 將已激活的面膜蓋在全臉或身體所需位置直至完全乾透
Smooth over skin and relax until fully dry
3/ 面膜會發熱,您將會感到溫熱微刺感覺。完全洗淨後立即使用「朝露」及「藍月光」保濕
Expect tingling heat sensation. Rinse, and follow with the youth dew and the blue cocoon
1/ 淨白土 Solum Fullonum (Fullers Earth) Clay
2/ 摩洛哥紅土 Red Moroccan Rhassoul Clay
3/ 原生可可 Theobroma Cacao (Raw Cacao)**
4/ 紅海澡海鹽 Red Alaea Sea Salt (Sea Salt and Red Alaea)
5/ 維他命 C L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
6/ 碳酸氫鈉錠 Sodium Bicarbonate
7/ 激活竹碳 Charcoal Powder (Activated Bamboo Carbon)
8/ 雲呢嗱豆 Vanilla Planifolia Bean*
9/ 薰衣草花 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower*
10/ 藥蜀葵根 Althaea Officinalis (Marshmallow) Root*
11/ 乳香粉末 Boswellia Serrate Gum (Frankincense) powder***
12/ 崩大碗 Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)*
13/ 白芷 (當歸) Archangelica (Angelica) Root*
14/ 錫蘭肉桂 Cinnamomum Zealanicum Blum (Ceylon Cinnamon)**
15/ 豆蔻 Myristica Fragans (Nutmeg)*
16/ 丁香 Syzygium Aromaticum (Clove)*
17/ 薑黃 Curcuma Longa (Turmeric)*
18/ 卡宴辣椒 Capsicum Annuum (Cayenne) Pepper*
19/ 丁香酚 Eugenol+
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
***公平貿易原材料 Fair Trade, Raw, & Unrefined
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- Honey Mud 蜜糖小姐 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 + Jasmine Garden 茉莉花園 = Detoxifying Mask 深層消炎面膜
- Blue Cocoon 藍月光 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 = Spot Treatment 重點暗瘡膏
Sold Out
- 100ml (3 x Pocket)
支持更環保的生活概念!選購蘆薈消毒潔手噴霧補充裝可減少 89% 塑膠製造!
A sustainable option to reduce up to 89% of plastic: our Refill pouch.
可愛又迷人的便攜式消毒潔手噴霧將會成為您每日的必需品!HAAN 創新的潔手噴霧經德國實驗室測試能有效消滅 99.99% 細菌病毒,而團隊更用上天然蘆薈汁,消毒同時呵護雙手!HAAN 作為 100% 無動物測試品牌,用上99.5% 天然成份,每一支噴霧都可循環再用!
Shake It Up 系列有 3 款新鮮、刺激、醉人的雞尾酒味選擇,讓您隨時享受微醺的快感!
Keep your hands clean and moisturized with our HAAN Pocket, a fast-acting spray that kills 99.99% viruses and bacteria on your skin with a unique formula with aloe vera. Conscious: 100% cruelty-free, 99.5% natural ingredients, recycled and recyclable packaging and non-single use format! Every HAAN sanitizer is inspired by unforgettable scents to spice up your day!
1. 除去蓋子 Remove the cap.
2. 剪掉袋口約 1mm Cut 1 mm off the top.
3. 取掉噴霧瓶蓋 Lift the top.
4. 打開孔口 Open the aperture.
5. 將補充裝倒進瓶中 Refill the bottle.
1/ 65% 酒精 Ethanol Alcohol
2/ 水 Aqua (Water)
3/ 蘆薈汁 Aloe barbadensis Leaf Juice
4/ 甲基葡糖聚醚-10Methyl Gluceth-1
5/ 香水 Parfum (Fragrance)
6/ 丙烯酸/C10-30烷基丙烯酸聚合物 Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer
7/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
8/ 芳樟醇 Linalool
9/ 氨丁三醇 Tromethamine
10/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
11/ 安息香酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
- 可補充超過3枝噴霧 over three HAAN Pocket
- 蘆薈滋潤成份 Aloe Vera moisturizes
- 味道清新 Fresh scents
- 噴霧設計 Spray system
- 攜帶方便 Travel friendly
- 成份天然 Natural origin
- 使用可回收物料製造 ecyclable
- 殺滅99.9%細菌和病毒 Kills 99.9% of bacteria & viruses
Sold Out
-50 ml
La Fervance 23K金珍珠奢華面膜由法國頂級護膚科學家研製,榮獲 COSMOS 驗證其100%天然配方,高達67%活性成份及23%有機原材料,全法國製造,為您帶來極緻法國宮廷式護膚體驗!23K金珍珠奢華面膜藴含多款澳洲本土果實、猴麵包樹果肉啫喱、100%純淨HA來源的透明質酸、來自意大利的23K食用等級金箔及珍珠等,在緊緻去紋同時為肌膚深層保水,更能舒緩紅腫及抗菌,是一款全效多功能的護膚寶物!
Expertly formulated by France’s leading skin care scientists, dermatologically tested, and COSMOS approved. Boasting 67% active ingredients and perfectly balanced with double hyaluronic acid from 100% pure HA sources, a bio-active complex of Australian mountain plant extracts, mimosa and jojoba extracts, baobab lifting gel, Buriti oil, Kakadu plum extract, vitamin E, 23K gold, pearly pigments and pure seawater from the French Breton coasts. Eclat Extraordinaire will dramatically Improve your skins hydration whilst visibility reducing wrinkles and restoring the skins elasticity and firmness. Your skin will experience a lifting effect whilst also appearing more soothed and toned.
LA FERVANCE 簡單可分為3個主要用法,經過皮膚科測試,豐富的活性成分,完美結合出此多功能的黃金面膜
LA FERVANCE understands mindful luxury, which is why they created the Dermatologically tested, ECLAT EXTAORDINAIRE Transform Active Multi-Mask to serve key purposes with equally efficacy. As this is Dermatologically tested multi-mask, the abundance of active ingredients, formulated in perfect harmony, is designed to target 30 functional areas making this the ultimate multi-functional product.
用法1 - 瞬間提亮
可於每天早上,使用LA FERVANCE專用搭配的金匙,取少量面膜於指尖推開後均勻按摩全面,及後可繼續平常護膚程序,亦可於粉底前使用,薄薄一層的黃金面膜足以讓您一整天散發透亮光茫。
FUNCTION ONE – INSTANT GOLDEN GLOW; Scoop a tiny amount with the LA FERVANCE golden spatula and lightly blend through fingertips, then massage all over the face each morning, after moisturising and then proceed with your usual ritual. This can be done prior to applying a light foundation or allow the glow to shine through. This is why it’s called TransformActive, as it will transform the look of the skin, whilst being active.
用法2 - 面膜
可取適量,於肌膚厚敷10分鐘或以上,可按照個人需要,敷較長時間可讓肌膚更有效吸收面膜內的豐富精華。LA FERVANCE的創新配合可讓面膜輕鬆清洗,只需加上少量清水慢慢按摩則可乳化並散發獨特香味,可一星期使用兩次。
FUNCTION TWO – TREATMENT MASK; This may be applied for a minimum of 10 minutes; however it may be left on for much longer if you wish, allowing the product to be absorbed into the skin – nourishing it and benefiting it all the while. It is an innovative product which will emulsify upon water being added, after which we encourage a light face massage to enjoy the beautiful textures and exquisite aromas of our custom-made perfumes. Treatment Mask: Apply this Dermatologically tested multi-mask as a thick layer to the face and neck. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then moisten fingers and massage the mask to emulsify. Remove the excess. Renew up to twice a week.
用法3 — 睡眠面膜
Use with an added pillow case of course! As the product is of 100% natural origins, it is totally safe to leave on the skin whilst benefiting from the all-important cell renewal sleep time. This is a favourite way to use the mask by our global test panel, who absolutely love the look of their skin upon awakening.
Overnight mask: Apply a thin layer before slumber to awaken to skin which is firm, plump and alive.
1/ 辛酸/癸酸三酸甘油酯 Caprylic/capric Triglyceride
2/ 椰油醇-辛酸酯/癸酸酯 Coco-caprylate/caprate
3/ 太陽花籽油 Helianthus Annuus (sunflower) Seed Oil*
4/ 天然植物甘油 Glycerin**
5/ 水 Aqua (water)
6/ 蔗糖月桂酸酯 Sucrose Laurate
7/ 法國海岸海水 Maris Aqua (sea Water)
8/ 蔗糖硬脂酸酯 Sucrose Stearate
9/ 天然香水 Parfum (fragrance)
10/ 荷荷芭油 Simmondsia Chinensis (jojoba) Seed Oil
11/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
12/ 卡卡杜李萃取精華 Terminalia Ferdinandiana Fruit Extract*
13/ 猴麵包樹果肉啫喱 Adansonia Digitata Pulp Extract
14/ 麥芽糊精 Maltodextrin
15/ 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
16/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
17/ 巴西莓果油 Mauritia Flexuosa Fruit Oil*
18/ 雲母 CI 77019 (Mica)
19/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
20/ 維他命E Tocopherol
21/ 大豆油 Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
22/ 二氧化鈦 CI 77891 (Titanium Dioxide)
23/ 辛基/癸基葡糖苷 Caprylyl/capryl Glucoside
24/ 蜂膠 Propolis Extract
25/ 含羞草萃取精華 Acacia Dealbata Flower Extract
26/ 茴香桃金娘葉萃取精華 Anetholea Anisata Leaf Extract
27/ 洛神花萃取精華 Hibiscus Sabdariffa Flower Extract
28/ 塔斯曼尼亞胡椒莓葉萃取精華 Tasmannia Lanceolata Leaf Extract
29/ 天然酒精 Alcohol
30/ 氧化鐵 CI 77491 (Iron Oxides)
31/ 檸檬烯 Limonene
32/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide
33/ 金合歡醇 Farnesol
34/ 金 CI 77480 (Gold)
35/ 銀 CI 77820 (Silver)
- Made in France 法國製造
用作潔面奶 As a silky cleansing milk:
Massage a plump-pea sized dollop into wet skin to emulsify into a gorgeous and silky cleansing milk
用作滋潤面膜 As an enzyme masque:
smooth over clean, dry skin to do double duty as an enzyme masque. Rinse thoroughly, while massaging with the pads of your fingertips
1/ 白泥 Kaolin (White Halloysite)
2/ 野生純淨蜂蜜含天然蜂花粉及蜂膠 Raw Honey with Bee Pollen and Propolis
3/ 水 Aqua
4/ 純淨可可濃漿Theobroma Cacao Extract
5/ 夏威夷果仁油 *Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil
6/ 膠性銀粒子液 Colloidal Silver
7/ 二氧化鈦 Titanium Dioxide
8/ 依蘭花油 *Cananga Odorata (Ylang-Ylang) Flower Oil
9/ 雲呢嗱萃取 *Vanilla Planifolia Fruit Extract
10/ 乳香油 **Boswellia Carterii (Frankincense) Oil
11/ 沒藥油 **Commiphora Myrrha (Myrrh) Oil
12/ 雪松油 *Juniperus Virginiana (Cedarwood) Oil
13/ 橙皮油 *Citrus Sinensis (Orange) Peel Oil Expressed
14/ 冬青萃取 Gaultheria Procumbens (Wintergreen) Leaf Extract
15/ 氯化鈉(食鹽) •Sodium Chloride
16/ 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate
17/ 苯甲酸苯甲酯 +Benzyl Benzoate
18/ 檸檬烯 +Limonene
19/ 水楊酸苄酯 +Benzyl Salicylate
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
• 氯化鈉及水為鹽水成份 Sodium Chloride and Water as saltwater
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- Honey Mud 蜜糖小姐 + The Problem Solver 黑武士 + Jasmine Garden 茉莉花園 = Detoxifying Mask 深層消炎面膜
- 30ml
14e Cosmetics 有機蘆薈滋潤粉底液以最優質的天然原材料為用家提供絲滑、
Aloe Nourish Foundations and Sheer Tints are luxurious, creamy formulas created with a purpose; to NATURALLY nourish and improve skin in the areas of breakouts, early signs of aging, and aids in moisture retention. The Aloe Nourish Foundation provides medium, buildable coverage while feeling totally weightless and giving a satin semi-matte finish. Completely natural, vegan, and cruelty-free.
1/ 蘆薈 Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice*
2/ 二氧化鈦 Titanium dioxide (CI 77891)
3/ 亞堅果油 Argania Spinosa (Argan) Oil
4/ 荷荷芭油 Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
5/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
6/ 非納米氧化鋅 Non-Nano Zinc Oxide
7/ 燭果脂 Garcinia Indica (Kokum) Seed Butter*
8/ 崩大碗 Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)*
9/ 甘草 Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice)*
10/ 竹萃取物 Bambusa Vulgaris (Bamboo) Extract
11/ 雲母 Mica
12/ 苦橙 Citrus Aurantium Sinensis (Citrus) Fiber
13/ 金銀花 Lonicera Caprifolium (Honey Suckle) Flower Extract
14/ 日本忍冬 Lonicera Japonica (Japanese Honey Suckle) Flower Extract*
15/ 銀耳 Tremella fuciformis (Tremella Mushroom) Extract*
16/ 維他命E Tocopheryl (Vitamin E)*
17/ 薰衣草油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
18/ 氧化鐵 [+/- May Contain Iron Oxides (CI 77489, CI 77491, CI 77492)]
* 有機成份 Organic
- Made in USA 美國製造
- 建議上妝前先進行面部清潔,然後用上日用護膚油,能令妝容更貼服持久,締造珠光效果!
Highly recommends cleansing and nourishing before applying make-up! A good cleanse pairing with a light daytime facial oil could do wonders for your make-up application!
- 15ml
1/ 早晚在潔面後直接塗抹在暗瘡患處
Apply to affected area(s) morning and evening after cleansing, or as often as required in the day, until the the inflammation and redness subside.
2/ 能配合及混和在面霜、面膜或精華中使用加強深層清潔效能
This oil serves as a potent booster and preventative treatment when added to your existing products such as lotions, creams and oils. Can also be added to face, body, or masks.
1/ 茶樹精油 -Tea Tree
2/ 杜松果精油 - Juniper Berry
3/ 丁香精油 - Clove
4/ 薰衣草精油 - Lavender
5/ 鼠尾草精油 - Clary Sage
基底油 base of : 葡萄籽油 - Grapeseed Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
1/ 在早晚潔面程序完成後直接將 1-3 揼「朝露」精華按摩於完全濕透的臉上
Massage 1-3 potent pumps into fully wet skin, morning and night, immediately after cleansing
2/ 能再幼紋或特別暗啞的肌膚位置多加按摩
Allow the pads of your fingertips to give love to areas of developing lines, dullness or stagnation
1/ 牛油果油 Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil*
2/ 白茫花籽油 Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil*
3/ 橄欖油 Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil*
4/ 西梅油 Prunus Domestica (Plum Kernel) Oil
5/ 荷荷芭油 Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Oil*
6/ 沙棘油 Hippophae Rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) Fruit Oil*
7/ 玫瑰果油 Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Oil*
8/ 紅石榴油 Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Oil*
9/ 瓊崖海棠油 Calophyllum Inophyllum (Tamanu) Seed Oil*
10/琉璃苣油 Borago Officinalis (Borage) Seed Oil*
11/ 夏威夷核油 Aleurites Moluccans (Kukui Nut) Oil
12/ 月見草油 Oenothera Biennis (Evening Primrose) Oil*
13/ 天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Oil*
14/ 西柚皮油 Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil*
15/ 甜橙油 Citrus Sinensis (Sweet Orange) Oil*
16/ 檸檬油 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Oil*
17/ 洋薔薇萃取 Rosa Centifolia Flower Extract*
18/ 保加利亞玫瑰油 Rosa Damascena (Bulgarian Rose) Oil*
19/ 橙花油 Citrus Aurantium (Neroli) Oil*
20/ 胡蘿蔔籽油 Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Seed Oil***
21/ Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10)
22/ 檸檬烯 Limonene+
23/ 香茅醇 Citronellol+
24/ 香葉醇 Geraniol+
25/ 芳樟醇 Linalool+
26/ 檸檬醛 Citral+
27/ 丁香酚 Eugenol+
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
**野生收成 Wild Harvested
***公平貿易原材料 Fair Trade, Raw, & Unrefined
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- Handmade in USA 美國手製
- 1.7oz
天然檀木和玫瑰香能即時征服異味,抑制細菌與服物因發酵產生的體臭,當中加入有機椰子油,蜂蠟及小蘇打粉到牛油果油,檀木和玫瑰油裡面,製成一個代表激情,動人及魅力的香體戰士,她會是你的天然除臭止汗膏 - 特務四號。
Agent Nateur & Shiva Rose created a beautiful blend of sacred sandalwood and heart opening rose. The smell is intoxicating and loving. Sandalwood is a pheromone and acts as a natural deodorant. The number 4 derives its meaning from creation. It represents patience, trust, honesty and integrity. It vibrates with passion, drive and mastery.
Directly swipe on underarms, wrists or neck and then pat gently.
1/ 有機椰子油 Organic Cocos Nucifera (Coconut Oil)
2/ 蜂蠟 Cera Alba (Beeswax)
3/ 梳打粉 Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
4/ 牛油果脂 Persea Gratissima (Avocado Butter)
5/ 太陽花脂 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower Butter)
6/ 蓖麻油 Ricinus Communis (Castor Oil)
7/ 有機蜂蜜 Organic Honey
8/ 玫瑰精油 Rose Essential Oil
9/ 檀香精油 Sandalwood Essential Oil
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用身體產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Agent Nateur不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
Agent Nateur and Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs
- 30ml
14e Cosmetics 有機蘆薈滋潤素顏霜是繁忙都市人的恩物,
Aloe Nourish Foundations and Sheer Tints are luxurious, creamy formulas created with a purpose; to NATURALLY nourish and improve skin in the areas of breakouts, early signs of aging, and aids in moisture retention. Our Aloe Nourish Sheer tints contain all the magical benefits of the foundation, but with light coverage, perfect for everyday use and quicky on-the-go makeup applications. Completely natural, vegan, and cruelty-free.
1/ 蘆薈 Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Juice*
2/ 荷荷芭油 Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
3/ 燭果脂 Garcinia Indica (Kokum) Seed Butter*
4/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
5/ 非納米氧化鋅 Non-Nano Zinc Oxide
6/ 高嶺土 Kaolin Clay
7/ 崩大碗 Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola)*
8/ 青瓜萃取 Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract*
9/ 竹子萃取 Bambusa Vulgaris (Bamboo) Extract
10/ 苦橙 Citrus Aurantium Sinensis (Citrus) Fiber
11/ 金銀花萃取 Lonicera Caprifolium (Honey Suckle) Flower Extract
12/ 日本忍冬萃取 Lonicera Japonica (Japanese Honey Suckle) Flower Extract*
13/ 銀耳萃取 Tremella fuciformis (Tremella Mushroom) Extract*
14/ 維他命E Tocopheryl (Vitamin E)*
15/ 薰衣草油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
16/ 氧化鐵 [+/- May Contain Iron Oxides (CI 77489, CI 77491, CI 77492)]
* 有機成份 Organic
- Made in USA 美國製造
- 建議上妝前先進行面部清潔,然後用上日用護膚油,能令妝容更貼服持久,締造珠光效果!
Highly recommends cleansing and nourishing before applying make-up! A good cleanse pairing with a light daytime facial oil could do wonders for your make-up application!
- 70ml / 120ml
這款奢華潔面乳在世界各地擁有被崇拜的地位。MV 山茶花抗敏潔面乳可卸除所有化妝品和毛孔污垢,而不會傷害肌膚,幫助解決無光澤、毛孔閉塞的問題。山茶花抗敏潔面乳質感細滑、香氣撲鼻,適合所有皮膚使用,包括最敏感的肌膚。這也是 ‘MV 三分鐘護膚療程’ 中不可缺少的第一步。
Gaining ‘cult’ status around the world, this luxe cleanser removes all traces of make-up and grime without stripping and works miracles on congested skin. Silky-smooth and deliciously scented, this unique moisturising cleanser is perfect for all skins including even the most sensitive and is the essential first step in the ‘MV 3 Minute Skin Ritual.’
1. 將山茶花抗敏潔面乳塗在乾的臉上,以「抓緊」污垢
Smooth 2 pumps of our cult cleanser over your face & neck (dry skin). Then then with wet fingertips, work over your skin in circular movements to help lift and emulsify dirt & grim.
2. 以蒸氣壓縮的洗面方法去除角質和淨化毛囊
Master this step and your skin health will change drastically! After dampening a muslin cloth in warm to hot water, wring tightly to create a steamy compress. Press and hold this to your face for a slow....count....of.....five - as you take a long, slow, deep breath. Breathe in the essential oils, this is an aromatherapy mind-body-soul ritual. Wipe away excess cleanser.
3. 重複壓縮
重複壓縮2-4次,能使您的皮膚變得更潔淨。 MV的產品並不會刺激皮膚。請不要在洗澡時使用洗面奶,並盡量不要嘗試用水沖洗,因為MV獨特的山茶花抗敏潔面乳是配合熱毛巾去除污垢。較濃的妝容或防曬則無法靠山茶花抗敏潔面乳和水有效去除。
Repeat the compressing process with your steamy muslin cloth another 2-4 times. Your skin will be perfectly clean while respecting your delicate natural microbiome, nothing harsh or aggressive happens at MV.
Please don't take your cream cleanser into the shower and attempt to wash off with water. MV’s unique moisturising cleanser is designed to be removed with a warm steamy cloth. Compacted make-up and/or sunscreen cannot be removed effectively with a rich cream cleanser and running water.
Always apply to dry skin. If applied to wet skin, the cleanser will then slip over the surface, rather than grabbing make-up & grime.
1. 純水 Water,
2. 有機山茶花油 *Camellia (Camellia Oleifera) Oil,
3. 鯨蠟硬脂基葡糖苷(乳化劑 )Ceteary Glucoside,
4. 鯨蠟醇 Cetearyl Alcohol,
5. 有機植物甘油 *Vegetable Glycerin,
6. 有機橄欖油 *Olive (Olea Europaea) Fruit Oil,
7. 有機椰子油 * Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Oil,
8. 甘油硬脂酸酯 Glyceryl Stearate,
9. 維他命E Vitamin E non GM (Tocopherol),
10. 忍冬花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) Flower Extract,
11. 金銀花萃取 Honeysuckle (Lonicera Japonica) Flower Extract,
12. 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum,
13. 山梨酸鉀 Potassium Sorbate,
其他包含精油 With essential oils of: 紅橘Mandarin, 洋甘菊Chamomile and 玫瑰天竺葵 Rose Geranium
*有機種植 organically grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 30 ML / 1 FL.OZ
其極輕盈質地及顯著功效令一眾 Ayuna 粉絲重新愛上這極簡約品牌!Ayuna 團隊以理念及科技,從千年野生橄欖樹以專利科技抽取出幹細胞精華油,從橄欖樹的細胞膜 (cell membranes)抽取出微脂質(micro-lipids),以44%有機原材料調配出「逆齡」精華油,能緊緻去紋,修復歲月痕跡!
- 每天早和/或晚使用,均勻按摩全面、頸部及鎖骨位置。
- 可用於面霜前,或單獨使用。
- 用前請搖勻, 避免接觸眼睛。
Apply daily, morning and/or night on face, neck and décolleté by performing a gentle massage until completely absorbed. May be used prior to your treatment cream or alone. Shake before using. Avoid contact with eyes.
18/ 角鯊烯 SQUALENE
*44% 有機原材料 44 percent of Organic ingredients
**天然精油調配香薰 Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- 符合 Natrue及/或 Ecocert認證
- 不含有害物質
- 素食主義者適用
- Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant
- Free of ingredients of concern
- Vegan Friendly
Why You'll Love It
The ultimate skin quenching nectar. This antioxidant powerhouse harnesses phytoactives found within our unique Australian Natives.
A truly special formulation and homage to the traditional medicine practiced by our First Nations people. This serum heroes Kakadu and Davidson Plum, together with Quandong (Wild Peach) for a skin drink that will illuminate and impart a living glow. These Indigenous plants have acquired powerful capabilities to thrive within our harsh environment and work synergistically to deliver the most universally versatile serum - we know you’ll love it.
Created For
The powerful enhancement of your natural vibrance, and as a perfect companion to your moisturising cream.
1/2 pump per use = 210 uses
1/ 清潔面部後,先噴上千葉玫瑰保濕噴霧
2/ 取半泵精華並均勻塗於濕潤的面部和頸部,按摩直至完全吸收。
3/ 可跟據皮膚不同需要,於早上/晚間配合不同MV精華、荷荷巴萬用油或面霜使用。
Spritz our Rose Hydrating Mist onto a cleansed complexion and - while the skin is still damp - use relaxed palms to immediately smooth 1/2 a pump over face and neck, massaging until completely absorbed.
If your skin requires more personalised care, follow this step with your favourite MV oil booster, Pure Jojoba or moisturiser - morning or night.
1. 水 Aqua
2. 澳洲檀香 Santalum Spicata (Australian Sandalwood) Wood Water
3. 甘油 Glycerin
4. 卡卡杜李萃取 Terminalia Ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum) Fruit Extract
5. 戴维森李萃取 Davidsonia Jerseyana (Davidson Plum) Fruit Extract
6. 佛螺菩提果萃取 Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract
7. 苦橙油 Citrus Aurantium Amara (Orange Bitter) Peel Oil
8. 香天竺葵油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Flower Oil
9. 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
10.角豆膠 Ceratonia Siliqua (Carob) Gum
11. 鹿角菜膠 Chondrus Crispus (Carrageenan) Extract
12. 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
13. 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
14. 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
15. 蔗糖 Sucrose
16. 乳酸 Lactic Acid
17. 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate
18. 山梨酸鉀Potassium Sorbate
19. 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
20. 檸檬油精 Limonene
21. 芳樟醇 Linalool
22. 香茅醇 Citronellol
23. 香葉醇 Geraniol
24. 檸檬醛 Citral
All Australian Native Extracts have been wild harvested and ethically sourced in partnership with local indigenous communities.
We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we handcraft our products. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.
- 15ml
絕對抗皺系列以珍貴的乳香及檀香為主調,其強效的抗氧化及深層滋潤功效能針對肌膚老化、出現細紋等問題,助您的肌膚扭轉時光,回複彈性!UMA 絕對抗皺眼部修復油質地比面部護膚油更輕盈、更透薄,能立刻慘透幼嫩的眼部位置!眼部修復油與面部護膚油最大分別之處在於其含有尤加利樹油及以五款強效肌底油如紅石榴油和玫瑰果油作基調!尤加利樹油能賦於眼周無限精神及力量,去除腫脹及倦容,提亮眼部!
This nourishing Ayurvedic formula harnesses the power of Eastern medicine to deliver lasting moisture and brighten the delicate skin around the eyes. Revitalizing frankincense and sandalwood essential oils turn back the clock on maturing skin, as rich rose essential oil deeply hydrates, leaving the skin soft and supple. Eucalyptus oil invigorates the under eye area, eliminating puffiness and other signs of fatigue. This luxurious blend absorbs rapidly and dramatically to reduce signs of environmental stress, for a brighter and more youthful complexion.
1/ 早晚使用時將 2-3 滴滴在指尖然後在眼周點開再輕輕按
Every morning and evening, dab and gently press in 2-3 drops of the oil using the ring finger on the upper and lower lids.
2/ 溫柔地用指尖由眼周外部至內加以按摩
Gently massage the area around the eyes using your fingertip, moving from outer corner to the inner corner of the eye.
1/ Rose Essential Oil 玫瑰精油
2/ Lavender Essential Oil 薰衣草精油
3/ Chamomile Essential Oil 洋甘菊精油
4/ Eucalyptus Essential Oil 尤加利樹精油
5/ Rosemary Essential Oil 迷迭香精油
6/ Frankincense Essential Oil 乳香精油
7/ Geranium Essential Oil 天竺葵精油
8/ Sandalwood Essential Oil 檀香精油
9/ Clary Sage Essential Oil 鼠尾草精油
基底 BASE :
1/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil
2/ 紅石榴油 Pomegranate Oil
3/ 玫瑰果油 Rosehip Oil
4/ 杏仁油 Almond Oil
5/ 葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil
- 印度製造 Made in India
- UMA 的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA 極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
- 47ml / 1.58oz
Kypris 水份精華系列一號:水氧純露保濕精華薈萃一系列抗氧化劑、滋養氨基酸及草本精華,為肌膚迅速注水解渴,如露水般灌注潤澤光彩。可單用作水感保濕霜,亦可隨個人喜好混合/疊塗 Kypris Beauty Elixir 護膚油以達致最佳效果。
Featherweight texture. Intense hydration.
Antioxidant Dew lavishes skin with quenching encapsulated antioxidants, nurturing amino acids, and an array of soothing botanicals. Use as a lightweight hydrator or as a layering piece in your skin care wardrobe. For best results, use in combination with your favorite KYPRIS Beauty Elixir.
Made for skin desiring a kiss of hydration.
早晚以數滴保濕精華於潔淨肌膚輕輕按摩。可隨個人喜好混合 Kypris Beauty Elixir 護膚油使用,以達至最佳效果。只供外用。
Apply several drops of Antioxidant Dew to clean skin morning and night. For best results, combine with your favorite KYPRIS Beauty Elixir. For external use only.
1/ 水 Aqua/Water/Eau
2/ 甘油 Glycerin
3/ 向日葵籽油 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil
4/ 油茶籽油 Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil
5/ 明串球菌/蘿蔔根發酵產物濾液 Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate
6/ 木糖醇葡萄糖苷 Xylitylglucoside
7/ 甜菜鹼 Betaine
8/ 二棕櫚醯羥脯氨酸 Dipalmitoyl Hydroxyproline
9/ 維他命原B5 Panthenol
10/ 美麗伊穀草萃取 Ahnfeltia Concinna Extract
11/ 庫拉索蘆薈葉汁 Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
12/ 脫水木醣醇 Anhydroxylitol
13/ 瓊崖海棠油 Calophyllum Inophyllum (Tamanu) Seed Oil
14/ 聚合草葉萃取 Symphytum Officinale (Comfrey) Leaf Extract
15/ 維他命E Tocopherol
16/ 異株蕁麻萃取 Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract
17/ 蛇婆子葉萃取 Waltheria Indica Leaf Extract
18/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
19/ 糊精 Dextrin
20/ 阿魏酸 Ferulic Acid
21/ 卵燐脂 Lecithin
22/ 木蜜醇 Mannitol
23/ 磷脂 Phospholipids
24/ 歐洲酸櫻桃花萃取 Prunus Cerasus (Sour Cherry) Flower Extract
25/ 洋玫瑰花萃取 Rosa Centifolia (Rose De Mai) Flower Extract
26/ 大馬士革玫瑰萃取 Rosa Damascena (Damask Rose) Flower Extract
27/ 迷迭香葉萃取 Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract
28/ 超氧歧化酶 Superoxide Dismutase
29/ 維他命C棕櫚酸酯 Ascorbyl Palmitate
30/ 檸檬酸鈉 Sodium Citrate
31/ 葡糖酸鈉 Sodium Gluconate
32/ 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
33/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
34/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
35/ 木醣醇 Xylitol
36/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 50ml
「清新.重整.保護」,以純淨天然蘆薈及27種草本萃取精華精心調配而成,Siam S.E.A.S YEN 蘆薈抗痘精露噴霧能即時為肌膚解渴,強效草本醫藥成份則能鎮靜肌膚,配合氨基酸及聚糖能促進肌膚細胞再生,讓肌膚回復彈性,尤其在潔臉後為特別敏感的臉部提供一層舒適的保護罩!YEN 精露噴霧是多元化的保濕產品,除了可當作爽膚水外,其微精華狀質地更能充當日用清爽保濕霜,是油性及暗瘡性肌膚最全效的產品!
' Refresh. Reset. Protect. ' The combination of organic whole plant Aloe Vera and cooling botanical water will quench your skin’s thirst for hydration and provide refreshment to parched skin. Twenty-Seven botanical extracts are entwined in the synergistic foundation to infuse skin cells with healing actives and powerful antioxidants. Amino acid-filled protein and polysaccharides work to retain your skin’s moisture, encouraging skin elasticity while providing a transparent layer of protection allowing cells to repair and renew.
Yen Heal and Hydrate Toner helps reset skin balance after cleansing, preventing further damage of the skin barrier. It is formulated with a delivery system that effectively prepares the skin for maximum nutrient absorption during the moisturizing step. The all in one hydration boost toner and light moisturizer is also a perfect pick me up during the day for the beautiful natural glow.
1/ 在保濕面霜或護膚油前噴 2-3 下YEN 精露噴霧於已清潔的臉部,然後用按壓方式將保濕護膚品按摩在臉上。
Mist 2- 3 pumps onto cleansed skin before moisturizing step. Using the push and press technique to apply your moisturizers on the skin afterward.
2/ 可噴2-3 下YEN 精露噴霧於 MEKHA 香茅深層潔淨軟膏或薑黃淨化草本面膜粉中混和,能大大提升面膜及潔臉功效。
Mix 2-3 pumps with Mekha cleanser and/or purifying herbal mask to enhance with the delivery of nutrients and actives in your mask treatment.
3/ 化妝後噴2-3 下YEN 精露噴霧於臉上能為肌膚及妝容帶來光澤感,能全日任何時間使用清爽臉部。
Mist 2-3 pumps over makeup to refresh your skin and induce a dewy glow. This can be done throughout the day for a hydration boost.
1/ Aloe Barbadensis (whole plant Aloe Vera)* - 蘆薈
2/ Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Hydrosol* - 青瓜精露
3/ Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium) Hydrosol* - 天竺葵精露
4/ Lavandula (Lavender) Hydrosol* - 薰衣草精露
5/ Matricaria recutita (Chamomile) Hydrosol* - 洋甘菊精露
6/ Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Oil*- 青瓜油
7/ Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Oil* - 紅桑子油
8/ Extracts of Terminalia chebula (Chebulic Myrobalan)* - 訶子萃取精華
9/ Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) Seed - 羅望子籽
10/ Camellia sinensis (Green tea)* - 綠茶
11/ Phyllanthus emblica (Amla)* - 印度聖果
12/ Punica Granatum(Pomegranate)* - 紅石榴
13/ Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha)* - 南非醉茄
14/ Vitis Vinifera(Grape Seed)* - 葡萄籽
15/ Terminalia Bellirica* - 藏青果
16/ Lycium Chinense (Goji)* - 杞子
17/ Ginkgo Biloba (Gingko)* - 銀杏
18/ Belamcanda Chinensis (Blackberry Lily)* - 尾蝶花
19/ Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry)* - 紅桑子
20/ Opuntia Ficus Indica (Prickly Pear) Oil* - 仙人掌油
21/ Plukenetia Volubilis (Sacha Inchi) Oil* - 印加果油
22/ Areca Catechu (Betel leaf and Kernel)** - 檳榔葉
23/ Gardenia Jasminoides (Cape Jasmine)*梔子花
24/ Psoralea Corylifolia (Babchi)* - 補骨脂
25/ Nymphaea Caerulea (Lotus petals and roots)* - 蓮花花瓣及根莖
26/ Boswellia Serrata (Frankincense)* - 乳香
27/ Prunella (Selfheal)* - 夏枯草
28/ Paeonia (Peony)* - 牡丹
29/ Scutellaria (Skullcap)* - 美黃岑
30/ Asparagus Racemosus (shatavari)* - 蘆筍草
31/ Hydrolyzed Wheat and Soy Protein - 水解小麥及大豆蛋白
32/ Hyaluronic Acid - 透明質酸
33/ Beta glucan (Mushroom Polysaccharides) - 蘑菇多醣
34/ Squalane (Plant Derived) - 植物提煉角鯊烷
35/ Sodium PCA (Plant Derived) - 植物提煉鈉羥基皮酪烷酮
36/ Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)* - 薑
37/ Panax Ginseng (Asian Ginseng) - 亞洲人蔘
38/ Magnolia Champaca (White Champaca) Oil* - 白玉蘭油
39/ Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Oil* - 玫瑰天竺葵油
40/ Hedychium (Ginger lily )CO2* - 薑花萃取
41/ Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) CO2* - 雲呢嗱萃取
42/ Glycerin - 植物甘油
43/ Sodium Levuninate - 乙酰丙酸鈉
44/ Sodium Anisate - 茴香酸鈉
45/ Piperine (black and long peper) - 黑椒
*Organic Ingredients - 有機原材料
** Wildcrafted Ingredients 野生收採
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
- 30 ml
UMA 創辦人的姨姨因為籌備婚禮而變得極度緊張,情緒為她帶來滿面嚴重的暗瘡,身為阿育吠陀草本治療師的祖母為治療她女兒的嚴重突發性暗瘡肌膚,親手調配出以葡萄籽油及丁香油為基調的護膚油針對應付她的暗瘡,讓女兒能夠在婚禮前回復健康美麗的肌膚!UMA創辦人 Shrankhla 與大眾分享此家族秘方,以姨姨之名創立品牌,推出 UMA 深層潔淨護膚油,讓大眾體驗保濕同時消炎的極透薄護膚油!以葡萄籽油作為基調,秘方透過丁香精油淨化肌膚,適量的茶樹油以加快消炎,配合上乘薰衣草及鼠尾草油平衡油脂分泌,同時保護暗瘡性肌膚避免患處受過度刺激!
When our founder’s great aunt was a young bride-to-be in rural India, pre-wedding anxiety sent her skin into a frenzy weeks before the big ceremony. Seeing her daughter’s frustration, her mother – an avid botanist, with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic scripture – formulated a powerful botanical blend incorporating clove and grape seed oils, specifically to treat her blemishes.This gentle yet high-impact formula balances and moisturizes as it combats impurities and bacteria in acne-prone skin.
1/ 每天早上及晚上完成潔面程序後,將2-3滴深層潔淨護膚油均勻塗抹手心
Every morning and evening after your cleansing routine, massage 2-3 drops between your palms
2/ 然後以打圈方式按壓於面部以及頸胸
and gently pat your face, in firm circular motion all over your face, neck and decolletage
1/ 丁香精油 Clove Essential Oil
2/ 茶樹精油 Tea Tree Essential Oil
3/ 杜松果精油 Juniper Berry Essential Oil
4/ 香橙精油 Orange Essential Oil
5/ 薰衣草精油 Lavender Essential Oil
6/ 天竺葵精油 Geranium Essential Oil
7/ 鼠尾草精油 Clary Sage Essential Oil
基調油:葡萄籽油 Grapeseed Oil base
- 印度製造 Made in India
1/ 深層潔淨護膚油能單獨使用或用於護膚程序的最後一個步驟
This may be used on its own or as the final step in your moisturizing routine
2/ UMA的護膚油都是醇度極高,每次使用2-3滴即可。一瓶30ml的護膚油能為用家提供至少三個月的呵護
Each drop of this luxuriously light oil spreads generously across your skin, so you only need to use 2-3 drops at a time, and can expect a 30ml. bottle to last 3 months or more
- UMA的產品均為100%有機天然及素食者適用。UMA絕對堅守不使用人造香料、乳化劑、防腐劑、基因改造產品及礦物油
All of our products are 100% organic, vegan, and free from synthetic fragrances and emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, GMOs, and mineral oils
- UMA極力反對動物測試
We test our oils on real women – never animals
Sold Out
- 擠1-2泵份量至手芯,輕搓雙手激活精華,然後以向外和向上的方向塗至肌膚上。您會輕微感受到微細粉末,但這種感覺會隨按摩漸漸消失。
So the best way to apply Sai, is to pump onto the palm of your hand, rub your palms together to activate & warm up the gypsum powder then apply it on to your face in slightly outward & upward direction. You will barely feel tiny particles like powder on skin. The powderiness then will dissipate as you apply Sai onto your skin but the gypsum is there, cooling & releasing moisture onto your skin.
1/ Oryza sativa(rice)water* 米水*
2/ Ascorbyl phosphate 維生素C磷酸鹽
3/ Methylsulfonylmethane 二甲基碸
4/ Gluconolactone 葡糖酸內酯
5/ Senna tora(cassia tora)water* 決明子水*
6/ Terminalia chebula(chebulic myrobalan)extract* 訶子萃取*
7/ Unsulfured gypsum fibrosum 不含二氧化硫的石膏(煅石膏)8/ Vigna aconitifolia(moth bean)extract 蛾豆萃取
9/ Ceramide NP 神經醯胺3
10/ Ceramide AP 神經醯胺6 II
11/ Ceramide EOP 神經醯胺9
12/ Phytosphingosine 植物鞘氨醇
13/ Cholesterol 膽固醇
14/ Sodium Lauroyl Lactylate 月桂醯乳醯乳酸鈉
15/ Carbomer 聚羧乙烯
16/ Aloe Barbadensis(aloe vera)juice* 蘆薈汁*
17/ Curcuma longa(turmeric)hydrosol* 薑黃純露*
18/ Acacia concinna(sompoi)water* 金合歡水*
19/ Ocimum gratissimum(basil)extract* 羅勒萃取*
20/ Camellia sinensis(green tea)extract* 綠茶萃取*
21/ Glycerin 甘油
22/ Aqua 水
23/ Sodium Levulinate 乙醯丙酸鈉
24/ Sodium anisate 茴香酸鈉
25/ Silybum Marianum(milk thirtle)fruit extract* 奶薊果萃取*
26/ Psoralea corylifolia(babchi)extract* 補骨脂萃取*
27/ Boswellia serrate(frankincense)extract* 乳香萃取*
28/ Gardenia jasminoides(cape jasmine)extract* 梔子花萃取*
29/ Coptis chinensis(coptis)extract* 黃連萃取*
30/ Phellodendron amurense(amur cork tree)extract* 黃檗萃取*
31/ Scutellaria baicalensis(Skullcap)extract* 黃芩萃取*
32/ Berberis(barberry)extract* 伏牛花萃取*
33/ Plumbago zeylanica(chitrak)extract** 烏面馬萃取**
34/ Angelica Dahurica(wild angelica)extract* 白芷萃取*
35/ Glycyrrhiza glabra(licorice)extract* 甘草萃取*
36/ Paeonia lactiflora(peony)extract* 芍藥萃取*
37/ Azadirachta indica(siamese neem)extract* 印度楝樹萃取*
38/ Centratherum Anthelminticum(kali jiri)seeds extract** 苦孜然籽萃取**
39/ Andrographis paniculata(king of bitters)extract** 穿心蓮萃取**
40/ Usnea Barbata(beard lichen)extract* 須松蘿萃取*
41/ Baptisia australis(indigo) extract* 木藍萃取*
42/ Rhus chinensis(galla chinensis)extract* 五倍子萃取*
43/ Myristica fragrans(nutmeg)extract* 肉豆蔻萃取*
44/ Piper nigrum(black pepper)extract* 黑胡椒萃取*
45/ Hemidesmus indicus(indian sarsaparilla)extract* 印度菝葜萃取*
46/ Terminalia arjuna(arjuna)extract* 阿江欖仁樹萃取*
47/ Withania somnifera(ashwagandha)extract* 印度人蔘萃取*
48/ Rheum palmatum(rhubarb)extract* 掌葉大黃萃取*
49/ Eclipta prostrate(false daisy)extract* 鱧腸萃取*
50/ Garcinia mangostana(mangosteen) extract* 山竹萃取*
51/ Rubus occidentalis(black raspberry) oil 黑莓油
52/ Populus tremuloides(aspen)bark extract* 歐洲山楊樹皮萃取*
53/ Raspberryketone Glucoside 覆盆子酮葡糖苷
54/ Terminalia bellirica (beleric)extract* 毗黎勒萃取*
55/ Phyllanthus emblica(amla)extract* 余甘子萃取*
56/ Cupressus cashmeriana (weeping cypress)oil* 不丹柏木油*
57/ Rosa centifolia(rose moroc)absolute oil* 薔薇玫瑰油*
58/ Xanthan Gum 黃原膠
59/ Lecithin 卵磷脂
60/ Sclerotinum Gum 菌類植物膠
61/ Pullulan 茁黴多糖
62/ Vanilla planifolia(vanilla)CO2* 香草CO2*
63/ Cananga odorata(ylang ylang extra)oil* 特級伊蘭伊蘭油*
*Organic *有機
**Wildcrafted **野生採摘
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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