1/ 在頭髮乾淨時 (或濕髮準備用熱風吹乾時),針對髮尾及中段塗上。取2-3滴於手心,均勻地搓上受損髮質、漂染或乾性髮質 或
When applied to dry hair (or to damp hair prior to heat-styling), the oil should be applied to ends and mid-lengths. Take 2-3 drops of oil between your palms and rub into hair, focusing on drier, processed or damaged ends
2/ 把頭髮分為三段,每段使用1-2滴 或
You may even want to section your hair in three parts and apply 1-2 drops to each part for even application
3/ 用作最深層護理,把5-8滴護髮油直接滴在頭皮上,然後用手指以打圈方式溫柔地按摩頭皮2-3分鐘。以梳子把護髮油均勻地塗在頭髮,讓護膚油在晚間發揮功效,第二天早上再洗掉。(或於晚間洗頭前使用此方法)
To use as a treatment, we recommend taking a quarter-full dropper of oil directly to the scalp, and applying 5-8 drops all over until the whole scalp is covered. Then, using your fingers, gently massage your scalp for 2-3 minutes in circular motions. Comb out to spread the oil along your hair shaft. Leave on overnight and wash in the morning