- 30ml
您有否曾經想過您正在使用的身體護膚產品可能會對私密部位造成刺激?Holi Sex Oil 正好能解決這問題。不論有沒有伴侶,我們每個都值得被呵護。然而,有些更年期女士會有「乾燥」的情況出現,因為隨着年齡增長,我們的性荷爾蒙會自然減少,但除了性荷爾蒙,還有些因素或會引致「乾燥」,例如洗衣粉、某些藥物、腸漏症、壓力等。
這快速吸收的身體護膚油(伴有濃厚有機椰子和甜杏仁油香味),絕對會是取代坊間的化學護膚油的不二之選。Sex Oil不局限於在私密部位使用,而是全身都可以使用,為您留下持久的茉莉、椰子、玫瑰和雲呢拿香味。
How often do you step out of a luxurious bath or shower, apply body oil or lotion, and pause wondering if it’s safe to use on your intimate area? Holi (sex) solves this problem and a slew of others, too. We all deserve pleasure, whether with or without a partner. But postmenopausal women report concerns with dryness. And as we age, our sex hormones, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA, naturally decline. But hormones aren’t the only reason behind vaginal dryness. Detergents, certain medications (steroids and antibiotics, for example), leaky gut, and stress can all contribute. This oil-based, quick-absorbing formula (think organic coconut and sweet almond oil) is our solution to the chemical-filled lubricants on the market. But holi (sex) is not just for your intimate area. Use it all over to hydrate the body and leave behind a lingering scent of jasmine, coconut, rose, and vanilla.
Apply to intimate areas post-shower for comfort and to enhance your natural lubrication sans irritation.
Jena’s Notes: A form of self-care, apply before a night out to encourage sensual stimuli. I created this special oil as an extra step in your self-care routine. That word might be a bit played out, but when I apply our body oil, it DOES feel like I’m caring for my body because the oil feels so good. However, I wouldn’t put on a body oil that’s created for tightening and cellulite on my intimate parts. Nor do I want to put an irritating fragrance down there. Essentially, this oil solves that problem.
1/ 有機椰子油 Organic Coconut Oil
2/ 甜杏仁油 Sweet Almond Oil
3/ 雲呢拿精油 Vanilla Essential Oil
4/ 玫瑰 Rose
5/ 茉莉 Jasmine
*Agent nateur的產品採用非基因改造和食品級材料製造,超敏感肌都適用。
*Agent Nateur products are created with non-gmo, food-grade ingredients for even the most sensitive skin.
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 不能和乳膠安全套同用 Not compatible with latex condoms
- 200 ml
The Happy Galaxy 藍星河採用品牌明星成份藍艾菊,配合李子核仁油、茉莉、柑橘、依蘭依蘭等成分,能為身體補充維他命B、維他命C、透明質酸等等養分。這枝有「身體版藍月光」之稱的護膚油能幫助改善乾燥、暗啞、細紋,更適用於濕疹敏感性肌膚,療癒的香味和顏色將讓你沐浴於溫柔星河,呵護身體每一吋肌膚。
The Happy Galaxy is liquid joy. Formulated specifically for the body and dripping in bouncy, skin-loving nourishment and a plethora of vitamin actives and hero humectants, this plush, cerulean skin drink delights from head to toe.
Indulge generously each day after bathing to:
使用前先搖勻,將 4 - 6 泵擠在沾濕的手心,以手掌按壓以激活維生命活性,從下而上全身按摩護理。 每天沐浴後立即塗抹在濕潤的皮膚上,可達致最佳效果。
- 把藍星河放置在淋浴間,每天淋浴後在濕潤柔軟的肌膚上使用。
- 在熱水中加入幾滴藍星河,讓身體在香薰浴中放鬆浸泡。
- 在乾/濕髮上使用,為髮絲增添柔順光澤。
- 洗手後不用拭乾,使用 1 - 2 泵藍星河滋潤雙手,改善乾裂情況。
After shaking bottle, dispense 4 - 6 pumps into wet hands, pressing between palms to trigger the vitamin actives. Massage from toes to hips, repeating generously over your upper body. To maximize your results, always apply to wet skin daily, immediately following bathing.
To maximize your results and pleasure…
- leave your bottle in the shower for easy access and a daily reminder to massage into fully wet, softened skin prior to reaching for your towel.
- drizzle into a hot bath before sinking deep into the aromatic waters.
- give love to your locks, smoothing a few pumps through wet or dry tresses, for a shine-boosting moisture treatment.
- massage a pump or two into wet hands after washing and before drying to bring healing hydration to chapped, dry skin.
1/ 山茶花籽油 Camellia Oleifera Seed Oil*
2/ 歐洲李籽油 Prunus Domestica (Plum) Seed Oil
3/ 繡線菊種子油 Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil*
4/ 藍艾菊油 Tanacetum Annuum (Blue Tansy) Flower Oil*
5/ 茉莉花萃取 Jasminum Grandiflorum (Jasmine) Flower Extract
6/ 檸檬果皮油 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil*
7/ 依蘭花油 Cananga Odorata (Ylang-Ylang) Flower Oil*
8/ 西柚果皮油 Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Peel Oil*
9/ 玫瑰天竺葵精油 Pelargonium Graveolens (Geranium Rose) Oil*
10/ 薰衣草精油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
11/ 維他命B Niacinamide
12/ 維他命C Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate (Vitamin C)
13/ 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate
14/ 氫化蓖麻油 Hydrogenated Castor Oil
15/ 蓖麻籽油 Ricinus Communis Seed Oil
16/ 苯甲醇 Benzyl Alcohol+
17/ 苯甲酸苄酯 Benzyl Benzoate+
18/ 水楊酸苄酯 Benzyl Salicylate+
19/ 檸檬醛 Citral+
20/ 丁香油酚 Eugenol+
21/ 法呢醇 Farnesol+
22/ 香茅醇 Citronellol+
23/ 香葉醇 Geraniol+
24/ 異丁香酚 Isoeugenol+
25/ 檸檬烯 Limonene+
26/ 芳樟醇 Linalool+
*有機驗證 Certified Organic
+精油成份 Component of Essential Oil
- 美國手製 Handmade in USA
- 微生態友好 Microbiome-friendly
- 50ml
Siam S.E.A.S Mekha 香茅深層潔面軟膏糅合多款東南亞天然植物油與純淨蜂蜜及蜂膠,能強效帶走面部多餘油脂污垢,蜂皇漿更能深入毛孔,打擊肌底細菌預防暗瘡形成。東南亞植物成份能協助蜂皇漿發揮功效,抗炎殺菌,溶解死皮同時刺激面部血液循環,為打後的護膚程序作最佳準備,展現出肌膚自身的光芒。
A perfect marriage of healing butters, pure plant oils and sweet unsprayed raw honey infused propolis and pollen. Mekha creates a reset button for your skin by fusing with excessive sebum, drawing deep seated impurities while the queen bee’s royal jelly provides deep enzymatic cleansing to protect your skin against bacteria. The extraordinary Southeast Asian botanicals work synergistically to alleviate inflammation, dissolve dead skin layers and stimulate blood flow in preparation for maximum nutrient absorption after cleansing, revealing your brightest skin.
1/ 以乾爽潔淨手指取出大約5毫子份量
Take a dime size dollop with dry clean fingers.
2/ 快速地塗在臉上 (不需按摩)
Quickly apply the cleanser on skin without massaging.
3/ 沾濕雙手後將軟膏按摩於面部 Run your hands through water and start massaging the cleanser on your skin turning it into a creamy milk cleanser.
4/ 持續打圈按摩 按摩時間越久效果越顯著Keep massaging in a circular motion. The more you massage the deeper it - cleanses and stimulates your blood circulation for better absorption.
5/ 以熱毛巾敷在臉上 冷卻後向上抹去 重覆至完全潔淨
When you are done, apply a hot towel on your skin and once cool, wipe the cleanser off in an upward motion. Rinse the towel and wipe again.
1/ Mango Butter - 芒果脂
2/ Raw Honey infused Royal Jelly - 蜂皇漿
3/ Bee Pollen - 蜂花粉
4/ Propolis - 蜂膠
5/ Grapeseed Oil - 葡萄籽油
6/ Avocado Oil - 牛油果油
7/ Olive Oil - 橄欖油
8/ Sunflower Oil - 太陽花油
9/ Capuacu Butter - 古布阿蘇果脂
10/ Pulverized Aloe gel - 粉狀蘆薈
11/ Castor Oil - 蓖麻油
12/ White Willow Bark Extract - 白柳樹皮萃取物
13/ Thanaka Bark - 藥木
14/ Coccinia Grandis Herb - 紅瓜香草
15/ White Mulberry leaf - 白桑葉
17/ Witch Hazel Extract - 金縷梅萃取物
18/ Ginger - 薑
19/ Ginseng Panax - 人蔘
20/ Curcuma Zedoaria
21/ Curcuma Longa
22/ Vegetable Glycerin - 植物甘油
23/ Mixed Tocopherol (vitamin E) - 維他命E
24/ Schisandra CO2 - 華中五味子
25/ Hibiscus Roselle Calyx - 朱槿
26/ Geranium Oil - 天竹葵油
27/ Lemongrass Oil - 香茅油
28/ Frankincense Sacra Oil - 乳香油
29/ Sweet orange Oil - 甜橙油
30/ Rosemary Oil - 迷迭香油
31/ Grapefruit Oil - 西柚油
32/ Lemon Oil - 檸檬油
33/ Fermented Lactobacillus - 乳酸益生菌
34/ Lecithin - 卵磷脂
35/ Gum Arabic - 阿拉伯膠
36/ Xanthan Gum - 黃原膠
- 泰國自家手製 Handmade in Thailand
- 用作深層潔淨面膜時可跟著使用方法步驟 1-4,然後因個人需要將軟膏留在臉上5至60分鐘不等再以熱毛巾抹走
For deep cleansing and decongesting mask (effective for those little congested bumps under skin)
- Perform the four cleansing steps above.
- Once done massaging, leave the cleanser on as a mask for 5-60 minutes (the time will allow the ingredients to exfoliate your cells more thoroughly)
- When ready, apply a hot towel to your skin and once cool, wipe the cleanser off in an upward motion. Rinse towel and wipe again.
- 35ml
Pure Jojoba是Emma Watson的紅地毯必備品。 它能作為眼部護理,亦能去除眼部化妝品和睫毛膏,更能增強睫毛毛囊,同時在眼周深層滋潤皮膚。Pure Jojoba具有多重功能,您可在任何保濕霜前使用,以鎮靜肌膚,包括濕疹和玫瑰痤瘡等等的敏感症狀。Pure Jojoba與皮膚自身的皮脂相似,它能快速地吸收、軟化皮膚並提供保護,而不會堵塞毛孔。
This is Emma Watson’s red carpet essential. An eye-care all-rounder, MV’s Pure Jojoba removes eye make-up and mascara and strengthens lashes whilst conditioning and hydrating the skin in this delicate area. Fantastically versatile, jojoba can be used under any moisturiser to calm reactive skins including eczema and rosacea. Similar to the skins own sebum, this fast absorbing salve softens and protects without clogging.
- 作為眼部卸妝,將3-4滴 Pure Jojoba 滴在微濕的化妝棉上,按住每隻眼睛敷約5秒然後輕輕抹掉眼妝。
As an eye make-up remover, place 3-4 drops of pure jojoba on a slightly damp make-up removal pad. Hold over each eye for a slow count of 5, then use a light touch to wipe away make-up.
- 作為全臉卸妝,將3-4滴Pure Jojoba滴在微濕的化妝棉上,然後輕輕擦拭面部,以去除化妝品、污垢。如需更深層的清潔效果,可重複多次。
As a cleanser, place 3-4 drops of pure jojoba on a slightly damp make-up removal pad and gently wipe over face to remove traces of make-up, grime etc, repeat if needed.
- 作為天然的臉霜,只需在濕潤的皮膚上塗上2-3滴便可。
As a superfine natural moisturiser, simply smooth 2-3 drops over damp skin.
有機荷荷巴油 Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinesis) Seed Oil*
*有機種植 Organically Grown
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
- 15ml / 80ml
還以為敏感及乾性肌膚便不能使用排毒面膜嗎?AYUNA 黑曜石排毒面膜蘊含珍貴的火山玻璃及活性炭,嶄新地以忌廉狀將以上兩款傳統公認為排毒首選的原材料結合檸檬水及有機橄欖油,大大減低肌膚敏感度,加上天然糖份「普魯蘭多糖」滋養及緊緻肌膚,能清除毛孔污垢同時保濕敏感肌,讓每一個毛孔重新呼吸,達到煥顏活膚效果!
The secret of this detoxifying mask, rich in Volcanic Glass and Active Carbon, is its texture. This highly gentle balm lessens skin sensitivity, draws out impurities, and leaves the skin feeling luscious. The presence of Pullulan, a natural sugar, in the formula creates a hydrating and tightening film and enhances the skin’s natural ability to protect itself.
1/ 攪拌面膜
Stir the product
2/ 均勻將薄薄一層面膜塗抹在臉上及頸胸位置
Apply a fine layer over the face, neck and décolletage.
3/ 待 5-10 分鐘
Allow to act for 5 to 10 minutes
4/ 用大量清水將面膜乳化及打圈按摩
Emulsify by adding plenty of water and using gentle circular movements over the skin
5/ 以溫熱及濕透的面部海綿拭去面
Remove using warm, moist facial sponges.
1/ 檸檬水 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Water*
2/ 普魯蘭多糖 Pullulan
3/ 橄欖油 Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil*
4/ 植物性酒精 Alcohol*
5/ 炭粉 Charcoal Powder
6/ 角鯊烷 Squalane
7/ 微晶纖維素 Microcrystalline Cellulose
8/ 純淨水 Aqua (Water)
9/ 硬脂酰谷氨酸 Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate
10/ 乳酸 Lactobacillus Ferment**
11/ 葡萄糖酸內酯 Gluconolactone
12/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
13/ 珍珠岩 Perlite
14/ 乳桿菌 Lactobacillus**
15/ 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
16/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate**
17/ 大豆油 Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
18/ 角豆膠 Ceratonia Siliqua (Carob) Gum
19/ AYUNA 特調香薰 Parfum (Fragrance)***
20/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide
21/ 大茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate**
22/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
23/ 椰子萃取精華 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract**
24/ 維他命 E Tocopherol
25/ β-谷甾醇 Beta-Sitosterol
26/ 角鯊烯 Squalene
*69% 有機原材料
69 percent of Organic ingredients
Natural and Probiotic Preservatives
Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- Made in Spain 西班牙製造
- ECOCERT 驗證 Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant- Aceptado por Ecocert y/o Natrue
- 絕無有害原材料 Free of ingredients of concern – Libre de ingredientes de riesgo
- 素食主義適用 Vegan Friendly – Cosmética Vegana
- 15ml / 50ml
AYUNA 神奇忌廉 (輕柔) 完美糅合科學與有機草本美學,推進由植物性成份提煉的保養技術,將綠胡蘿蔔、阿拉伯綿花及紅石榴等含有豐富植物肽及等離子體的植物細胞因子融入 AYUNA 的獨特配方,配合有長壽草之稱的薑黃根莖及崩大碗萃取精華,能顯著地提升肌膚細胞更新能力,維持肌膚應有彈性!在使用時,AYUNA 神奇忌廉(輕柔) 會瞬間在臉上溶化,「智能」地配合肌膚的晝夜節律作出調整,清爽不油膩,為您帶來健康啞緻光采!
The emulsion has excellent sensorial properties. The formula targets a range of skin functions and expands the potential benefits obtained from botanical ingredients by incorporating the science of Phyto-peptides and Plasmas rich in Botanical Cell Factors, including those of Green Carrot, Arabian Cotton and Pomegranate. Phyto-peptidic Fractions from Turmeric Root and Centella, known as the longevity plant, favorably help the skin to maintain its regenerative abilities. This integral rejuvenating treatment melts onto the skin, leaving in its wake a soft evanescent film.
Should be used daily, in the morning and at night. Apply over the face, neck and décolletage, gently massaging until fully absorbed.
1/ 檸檬水 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract*
2/ 丙二醇 Propanediol
3/ 十三烷 Tridecane
4/ 十一烷 Undecane
5/ 純淨水 Aqua (Water)
6/ 鯨蠟醇 Cetyl Alcohol
7/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
8/ 辛酸辛酸酯/癸酸酯 Caprylyl Caprylate/Caprate
9/ 植物來源酒精 Alcohol*
10/ 硬脂醇庚酸酯 Stearyl Heptanoate
11/ 甜杏仁油 Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil*
12/ 乳木果脂 Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
13/ 硬脂醯基麩氨酸鈉 Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate
14/ 乳酸 Lactobacillus Ferment**
15/ 硬脂醇辛酸酯 Stearyl Caprylate
16/ 葡萄糖酸內酯 Gluconolactone
17/ 微晶纖維素 Microcrystalline Cellulose
18/ 珍珠岩 Perlite
19/ 角鯊烷 Squalane
20/ 麥芽糊精 Maltodextrin
21/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate**
22/ AYUNA 特調香薰 Parfume (Fragrance )***
23/ 薑黃專利萃取 Curcuma Longa (Turmeric ) Callus Conditioned Media
24/ Centella Asiatica Callus Conditioned Media
25/ 乳酸桿菌 Lactobacillus**
26/ 大豆油 Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
27/ 綠胡蘿專利細胞溶胞 Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Root Cell Culture Lysate
28/ 棉花愈傷組織 Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Callus Culture
29/ 紅石榴籽細胞溶胞 Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Seed Cell Culture Lysate
30/ 大茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate**
31/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
32/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide
33/ 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
34/ 椰子萃取精華 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract**
35/ 維他命 E Tocopherol
36/ β-谷甾醇 Beta-Sitosterol
37/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
38/ 角鯊烯 Squalene
39/ 焦糖 Caramel
40/ 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate*
*51% 有機原材料
51 percent of Organic ingredients
Natural and Probiotic Preservatives
Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- Made in Spain 西班牙製造
- ECOCERT 驗證 Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant- Aceptado por Ecocert y/o Natrue
- 絕無有害原材料 Free of ingredients of concern – Libre de ingredientes de riesgo
- 素食主義適用 Vegan Friendly – Cosmética Vegana
$100.00 $336.00
- 4g ( 附送 Plume 雙頭眉型掃乙支 )
Plume Science 100%天然及全素的濃密急急長眉膏薀含獨家獲獎毛髮精華配方,在勾畫眉型時同時深層滋潤眉毛,增進角蛋白再生,一款產品能做到刻畫、填補及滋潤三個功效!每款濃密急急長眉膏更配備一支「Plume 雙頭眉型掃」,助您輕鬆打理眉毛,以最自信的眉態示人!
Plume Science Nourish and Define Brow Pomade promotes the growth of your brows while adding definition and colour to your best feature. Our 100% natural, long-wearing formula has a three-part effect on the appearance of your brows: Sculpt, Full and Nourish.
請使用「Plume 雙頭眉型掃」以達至最佳效果
Plume Nourish & Define Brow Pomade is best applied with the Plume angled brow brush.
1/ 點點:為確保均勻上色,將眉型掃點在眉膏上,先輕輕擦在樽口邊或皮膚上以去除多餘眉膏
Dip: To ensure even application, dip brush into the pot and swipe against skin or inside of cap to remove excess.
2/ 勾畫:輕輕將眉膏掃在眉毛上及刻畫出理想眉型- 切記少少眉膏便以足夠
Apply: Apply to brows with the angled brow brush - a little goes a long way.
3/ 塗抹:上色後,用眉掃的螺旋形邊端將顏色均勻塗抹在眉上Blend: After applying colour, use the spooley end to blend the colour into brows.
月桂酸異戊酯Isoamyl Laurate
椰油酸異戊酯Isoamyl Cocoate
橄欖油鯨蠟醇酯Cetearyl Olivate
橄欖油鯨蠟醇酯Sorbitan Olivate
米糠蠟Oryza Sativa Cera (Rice Bran Wax)
乳油木果脂Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea)Butter
小燭樹蠟Candelilla Cera (Candelilla Wax)
漆果皮蠟Rhus Verniciflua Peel Cera (Berry Wax)
有機蓖麻籽油Ricinus Communis (Castor)Seed Oil
余甘果果萃取Emblica Officinalis Fruit Extract
橄欖果油Olea Europaea (Olive)Fruit Oil
氫化橄欖油Hydrogenated Olive Oil
油橄欖油不皂化物Olea Europaea (Olive)Oil Unsaponifiables
棕櫚蠟Cera Carnauba (Carnauba Wax)
醋酸鹽維他命E Tocopheryl Acetate
毛喉鞘蕊花根油Coleus Forskohlii Root Oil
椰油醯谷氨酸鈉Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate
十二酸Lauric Acid
可能含有 May Contain:
CI77891 (二氧化鈦 Titanium Dioxide)
CI 77492 (氧化鐵 Iron Oxide Yellow)
CI 77491 (氧化鐵 Iron Oxide Red)
CI 77499 (氧化鐵 Iron Oxide Black)
專業貼士 Pro Tips:
1/ 刻畫眉型 - 將眉掃垂直放在鼻子旁邊找出最理想的眉頭位置
Shape your brows - find the ideal start of your brows by placing a brush along the side of your nose.
2/ 將眉掃由鼻子旁邊轉角度至眼外角找出理想的眉尾位置
Angle the brush from the outside of your nose to the outer corner of your eye to find where your brows should naturally end.
3/ 眉峰位置應該與眼珠外線連成一線
The highest point of the arch should line up with the outside edge of the iris.
- 10ml / 0.35 FL OZ
每一天就讓 HENNÉ ORGANICS 100%天然的有機護唇霜滋潤您的雙唇吧!榮獲美國 USDA 有機驗證,HENNÉ ORGANICS 尊貴有機護唇霜透過有機乳木果脂、牛油果油及可可脂等帶給您長效滋潤,其不含任何香料及精油配方更照料到敏感咀唇的需要,以最上乘的原材料讓您的雙唇告別乾燥!
Experience luxury every day with our 100% natural and moisturizing organic lip balm. We've carefully chosen the most nourishing and sumptuous ingredients, ensuring that only the very best touches your lips.
1/ 將適量護唇霜均勻塗抹在雙唇上
Apply liberally on the lips for maximum benefits
2/ 亦可使用在身體其他感到乾燥的地方
Also suitable for use on dry areas such as hands, elbows, heels and anywhere else that requires moisturization
1/ 有機椰子油 Organic Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil
2/ 有機蜂臘 Organic Cera Alba (Beeswax)
3/ 有機牛油果油 Organic Persea Americana (Avocado) Oil
4/ 有機乳木果脂 Organic Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Fruit
5/ 有機可可脂 Organic Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter
6/ 有機荷荷芭油 Organic Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
7/ 維他命E Tocopherol (Vitamin E)
99% 有機 Organic
- 美國製造 Made In Usa
- 為達成最佳效果,建議先為咀唇磨砂,當死皮被磨走後咀唇能更容易吸收護唇霜的滋養成份
For best results, first exfoliate the lips prior to using the luxury lip balm. This will remove dead skin cells and allow the lips to fully absorb the lip balm
- 建議一星期使用 3-4 次
Best If Used 3-4 Times Per Week
- 只供外用
For External Use Only
- 請存放在陰涼及乾燥的地方
Store In a Cool, Dry Place
- 絕無動物測試
Not Tested On Animals
1. 擰緊瓶蓋後,將產品放入熱水中。
2. 靜待數分鐘讓樽內所有護膚膏融化為液體,輕輕攪拌均勻。
3. 冷藏過夜,產品將回復凝固狀態。
Sold Out
- 50ml / 1.6 oz
AYUNA 神奇忌廉 (滋潤) 完美糅合科學與有機草本美學,推進由植物性成份提煉的保養技術,將綠胡蘿蔔、阿拉伯綿花及紅石榴等含有豐富植物肽及等離子體的植物細胞因子融入 AYUNA 的獨特配方,配合有長壽草之稱的薑黃根莖及崩大碗萃取精華,能顯著地提升肌膚細胞更新能力,維持肌膚應有彈性!在使用時,AYUNA 神奇忌廉 (滋潤) 會瞬間在臉上溶化,「智能」地配合肌膚的晝夜節律作出調整,清爽不油膩,為您帶來健康啞緻光采!
The emulsion has excellent sensorial properties. The formula targets a range of skin functions and expands the potential benefits obtained from botanical ingredients by incorporating the science of Phyto-peptides and Plasmas rich in Botanical Cell Factors, including those of Green Carrot, Arabian Cotton and Pomegranate. Phyto-peptidic Fractions from Turmeric Root and Centella, known as the longevity plant, favorably help the skin to maintain its regenerative abilities. This integral rejuvenating treatment melts onto the skin, leaving in its wake a soft evanescent film.
Should be used daily, in the morning and at night. Apply over the face, neck and décolletage, gently massaging until fully absorbed.
1/ 檸檬水 Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract*
2/ 丙二醇 Propanediol
3/ 十三烷 Tridecane
4/ 十一烷 Undecane
5/ 純淨水 Aqua (Water)
6/ 鯨蠟醇 Cetyl Alcohol
7/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
8/ 辛酸辛酸酯/癸酸酯 Caprylyl Caprylate/Caprate
9/ 植物來源酒精 Alcohol*
10/ 硬脂醇庚酸酯 Stearyl Heptanoate
11/ 甜杏仁油 Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil*
12/ 乳木果脂 Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
13/ 硬脂醯基麩氨酸鈉 Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate
14/ 乳酸 Lactobacillus Ferment**
15/ 硬脂醇辛酸酯 Stearyl Caprylate
16/ 葡萄糖酸內酯 Gluconolactone
17/ 微晶纖維素 Microcrystalline Cellulose
18/ 珍珠岩 Perlite
19/ 角鯊烷 Squalane
20/ 麥芽糊精 Maltodextrin
21/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate**
22/ AYUNA 特調香薰 Parfum (Fragrance )***
23/ 薑黃專利萃取 Curcuma Longa (Turmeric ) Callus Conditioned Media
24/ Centella Asiatica Callus Conditioned Media
25/ 乳酸桿菌 Lactobacillus**
26/ 大豆油 Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil
27/ 綠胡蘿專利細胞溶胞 Daucus Carota Sativa (Carrot) Root Cell Culture Lysate
28/ 棉花愈傷組織 Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Callus Culture
29/ 紅石榴籽細胞溶胞 Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) Seed Cell Culture Lysate
30/ 大茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate**
31/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
32/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide
33/ 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
34/ 椰子萃取精華 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract**
35/ 維他命 E Tocopherol
36/ β-谷甾醇 Beta-Sitosterol
37/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
38/ 角鯊烯 Squalene
39/ 焦糖 Caramel
40/ 苯甲酸鈉 Sodium Benzoate*
*40% 有機原材料
40 Percent of Organic ingredients
Natural and Probiotic Preservatives
Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- Made in Spain 西班牙製造
- ECOCERT 驗證 Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant- Aceptado por Ecocert y/o Natrue
- 絕無有害原材料 Free of ingredients of concern – Libre de ingredientes de riesgo
- 素食主義適用 Vegan Friendly – Cosmética Vegana
- 5ml
GRESSA 有機草本魅力眼影是由創新的百分百草本配方打造而成,其絲滑乳膏狀質地在眼皮上能立刻化身成粉狀眼影,提供持久不易溶化的眼妝,更能多用變化成眼線膏,是每位化妝愛好者必備之選!
Organic make with extraordinary performance Gressa Eye Tint is an innovative 100% Vegan formula that transforms from cream to velvet, instantly enveloping the eyelid and providing fault-proof and smudge-free wear. Versatile and buildable, can be worn as an eyeliner or eyeshadow.
1/ 因應色號能當作全面眼影、下眼影或光影粉
Depending on the shade, use as an all over lid shade, as a lower lid shade or as a highlighter.
2/ 指尖能提供更透薄效果
For more sheer application, use fingertips.
3/ 使用透明蜜粉能令眼妝更持久
For longer wear set with a transparent powder.
1/ 椰子烷烴 Coconut Alkanes (and) Coco-Caprylate/Caprate
2/ 小燭樹蠟 Candelilla (Euphorbia Cerifera) Wax
3/ 二氧化矽 Silica
4/ 雲母 Mica
5/ 月桂樹賴氨酸 Laurel Lysine
and may contain: [+/- Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Iron Oxides CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499, Mica CI 77019
- 百分百天然原料 100% Formula of Natural Origin
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 最佳配合使用 GRESSA 膏影化妝掃 Best applied on bare lids using the Cream Shadow Brush (sold separately).
- 200 ml
每次飲完一杯香醇幼滑嘅咖啡心情都特別好,精神爽利迎接新一日☕️ 嚟自丹麥 Aarhus 嘅環保品牌Grums 利用咖啡渣研發出高效能天然身體護理,用上100%不含致敏原、防腐劑、香料、色素,素食者適用嘅配方,令你全身都沐浴係咖啡香味之中!
Grums 滴漏咖啡身體磨砂利用環保有機滴漏式咖啡渣,加埋甜杏仁油同太陽花籽油,磨完身之後皮膚除咗滑捋捋之外,仲好似搽咗 cream咁有滋潤感,一啲都唔會乾!加水後佢仲識得乳化勁方便添呀!
Grums raw coffee body scrub is made with a blend of recycled organic drip brewed coffee grounds and pure, natural ingredients. It gives you a deep but mild skin exfoliation treatment, leaving your skin clean, soft and hydrated. 100% free of allergens, parabens, perfumes and colorants, and vegan friendly.
1/ 朝早或晚上使用;一星期一至兩次
Use morning or evening, 1-2 times a week
2/ 將適當份量產品在肌膚上輕輕按摩
Massage an appropriate amount on your body and exfoliate gently
3/ 用暖水清洗乾淨,最後用冷水
Rinse thoroughly with temperate water and then a splash of cold water
Avoid using any soap while rinsing, since this may remove the nourishing oils from the scrub and dry out your skin
1/ 葵花籽油 Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil ⓝⓥ
2/ 阿拉比卡咖啡 Coffea Arabica/Robusta Seed Powder ⓝⓞⓥ
3/ 甘油 Glycerin ⓝⓥ*
4/ 癸酸三酸甘油酯 Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride ⓝⓥ
5/ 甜杏仁油 Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil ⓝⓥ
6/ 水 Aqua ⓝⓥ
7/ 蔗糖月桂酸酯 Sucrose Laurate ⓝⓥ
8/ 蔗糖硬脂酸酯 Sucrose Stearate ⓝⓥ*
9/ 蔗糖棕櫚酸酯 Sucrose Palmitate ⓝⓥ
10/ 甘油辛酸酯 Glyceryl Caprylate ⓝⓥ
* 或來自不同貨源。如標記為V或N,我們確保材料是100%全素 及/或 天然。
N:天然 | O:有機 | V:全素 | S:人造
- 丹麥製造 Made in Denmark
- 不含過敏原、對羥基苯甲酸酯類、香水和人造色素
Free of: allergens, parabens, perfumes and colorants
是 Gressa 完美修護精華粉底的最佳拍檔,鋁木柄配上 100% 純素植物纖維的濃密掃頭,能將粉底液均勻地推在臉上,帶有柔軟質感,打造完美膚色。 用法:建議先將粉底液均勻點在臉上後,將以化妝掃打圈式向外掃開,每次用完後宜用洗掃水清潔。 長度:16.5cm This vegan foundation brush expertly blends and buffs makeup to achieve the soft finish of airbrushing. It pairs perfectly with the Corrective Serum Foundation...
- 15ml / 50ml
最新版本Cream lll 面霜含有高百分比的有機活性成分(49%),當中富含純素成份 - 薑黃中的等離子細胞因子,令皮膚持續年輕和保持心情愉悅。這亦是行業內第一個品牌使用從大麻幹細胞提取的生物技術,有效明顯改善表情細紋,提昇膚質,喚醒肌膚的自然修復和再生機能。
A supreme emulsion that promotes longevity, manages hydration, diminishes emotional wrinkles, lifts your mood, providing the skin with a flawless appearance. Its vegan and prebiotic composition is based on Plasma Rich in Cell Factors from Turmeric, and a biotechnological cocktail of Terpenes and Micro-lipids obtained from Cannabis stem cells that visibly improve the quality of the skin.
建議以‘I LOVE YOU’方式按摩,先用雙手搓熱Cream lll,由下巴至眉心,再返回下巴,順著臉部輪廓以心形循環按摩臉部。您亦可用雙手以’U’ 形方式從兩邊耳垂輕輕地推至頸胸及鎖骨位置。
Dense texture transforms on your fingertips and melts perfectly into the skin when applied, quickly penetrating.
Apply daily - morning and/or night - onto cleansed skin. Using your fingertips, gently massage onto the face, neck and décolleté, including the eye contour while performing a light I LOVE YOU massage until completely absorbed.
Using both hands, draw the shape of a heart while smoothing your facial features. Descend towards the neck and follow the facial contour line towards the chin. For the neck and décolleté, gently run hands from each earlobe towards the opposite collarbone, drawing a U-shape.
1/ 葡萄水 Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Water*
2/ 油醇芥酸酯 Oleyl Eurocate
3/ 1,3-丙二醇 Propanediol
4/ 水 Water (Aqua)
5/ 甘油 Glycerin
6/ 海藻醣 Trehalose
7/ 蔗糖硬脂酸酯 Sucrose Stearate
8/ 橄欖油 Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil*
9/ 脂肪酸醇類 Behenyl Alcohol
10/ 乳酸桿菌發酵物 Lactobacillus Ferment
11/ 乳木果脂 Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter
12/ 乙二醇辛酸酯/癸酸酯 Caprylyl Caprylate/caprate
13/ 硬脂醇庚酸酯 Stearyl Heptanoate
14/ 小燭樹蠟/荷荷巴/米糠 Candelilla/Jojoba/Rice Bran
15/ 聚甘油-3酯 Polyglyceryl-3 Ester
16/ 甘油硬脂酸 Glyceryl Stearate
17/ 微晶纖維素 Microcrystalline Cellulose
18/ 角鯊烷 Squalane
19/ 硬脂醇辛酸酯 Stearyl Caprylate
20/ 棕櫚醇 Cetearyl Alcohol
21/ 硬脂醯乳醯乳酸鈉 Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate
23/ 葡糖酸內酯 Gluconolactone
24/ 葡糖酸鈉 Sodium Gluconate
25/ 甜杏仁 Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil*
26/ 薑黃 Curcuma Longa (Turmeric) Callus Lysate
27/ 太陽花籽油 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil
28/ 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus
29/ 椰子萃取 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract
30/ 戊二醇 Pentylene Glycol
31/ 乙醯丙酸鈉 Sodium Levulinate
32/ 阿拉伯膠 Acacia Senegal Gum
33/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum
34/ 纖維素膠 Cellulose Gum
36/ 茴香酸鈉 Sodium Anisate
37/ 香薰 Fragrance (Parfum)***
38/ β-穀固醇 Beta-Sitosterol
39/ 角鯊烯 Squalene
40/ 維他命E Tocopherol
41/ 植酸 Phytic acid
42/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
43/ 焦糖 Caramel
*49%有機原材料 49 Percent of Organic ingredients
**天然生物防腐 Natural and Postbiotic Preservatives
**天然精油調配香薰 Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- 純素 Vegan
- 有機認證 Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant
- 安全使用成份 Free of ingredients of concern
- 15ml / 0.51 FL OZ 嘴唇重新變得柔軟再不是夢!滋潤成分例如沙棘和月見草能輕易撫平唇紋,再配上清新甜蜜的檸檬味,可稱得上是奢華而不可缺少的唇部護理! Drift into a self-care reverie as your lips are softly enveloped in our rejuvenating lip mask. Allow nourishing ingredients like sea buckthorn and evening...
1/ 用前先搖匀
Shake well before using
2/ 在使用 Ayuna 神奇忌廉前,用指尖或棉花在已清潔的臉、頸、鎖骨上塗抹
Apply on clean skin, prior to your AYUNA treatment cream, onto face, neck and décolleté using fingertips or a cotton pad
*可以在朝早 及/或 夜晚使用
May be used in the morning and/or at night
1/ 水 Water (Aqua)
2/ 醋 Vinegar (Acetum)
3/ 麩胺酸 Glutamic Acid
4/ 琥珀酸 Succinic Acid
5/ 1, 3-丙二醇 Propanediol
6/ 甘油 Glycerin
7/ 氯化鈉 Sodium Chloride
8/ 甘油辛酸酯 Glyceryl Caprylate
9/ 海巴戟癒傷組織溶解物 Morinda Citrifolia Callus Culture Lysate
10/ 覆盆子果萃取 Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract
11/ 乳酸桿菌發酵產物 Lactobacillus Ferment*
12/ 椰子果萃取 Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Fruit Extract*
13/ 葡糖酸內酯 Gluconolactone
14/ 乳酸菌 Lactobacillus*
15/ 葵花籽油 Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil
16/ 維他命E Tocopherol
17/ β-穀固醇 Beta-Sitosterol
18/ 角鯊烯香薰 Squalene Fragrance (Parfum)**
19/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
*天然生物防腐劑 Natural and Probiotic preservatives
**天然精油調配香薰 Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
* 純素 Vegan
* 不含對肌膚有害的成份 Free of ingredients of concern
Sold Out
- 6.5 inch in length 工欲善其事,必先利其器!要享受 May Lindstrom 護膚品的魔法力量,可選用這款美麗的「魔杖」將 Problem Solver 黑武士或 Clean Dirt 星塵攪拌成完美的慕絲質地。它採用純素天然的 Taklon 纖維,配備可回收的鋁製密封圈及堅固的天然木質手柄,絕對是高質的面部護理小刷子!Crafted with vegan-friendly Taklon fibers, a recyclable aluminum ferrule, and a sturdy natural wood handle,...
Sold Out
- 200ml
它來自天堂的香氣,不止為你沐浴的肌膚後灑下一層聖光,更增添一點迷人氣息。Agent Nateur 神聖身體精華的每種成分均是野生收成,來自非基因改造植物及受ECOCERT標準認證,透過小眾供應商直接把最好的原材料放入配方,以米糠油,玫瑰果油,野生大馬士革玫瑰,法國專利鈣及馬達加斯加蠟菊油混合成由天而降,送給我們皮膚一份極致的禮物,讓我們全身都擁有一種令人難以置信的光芒。
Our firming anti-cellulite body oil combines natural, non-gmo ingredients that are organic or wild crafted. Penetrates to help improve the appearance of tighter, firmer skin, creating the look of contouring. Helps reduce the look of cellulite to promote the appearance of smooth, hydrated skin. Diminishes the appearance of dark spots and acne and helps to fight free radicals. Holi (Oil) gives an incredible glow and smells heavenly.
Apply generously to wet skin after bathing or add a few drops to your bath. Avoid contact with eyes.
1/ 有機米糠油 Organic Oryza Sativa (Rice Bran)
2/ 有機玫瑰果油 Organic Rosa Mosqueta (Rosehip Oil)
3/ 野生大馬士革玫瑰油 Wild Crafted Rosa Damascena
4/ 法國專利鈣 French Calcium
5/ 維他命C磷酸鈉鹽 Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate
6/ 有機蠟菊 Organic Helichrysum Gymnocephalum
7/ 野生檀木 Wild Crafted Santalum Album Oil
8/ 水 Aqua
9/ 可可鹼 Theobromine
10/ 咖啡因 Caffeine
11/ 有機太陽花籽油 Organic Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Oil
12/ 有機葡萄籽油 Organic Vitis Vinifera (Grapeseed) Oil
13/ 野生荷荷巴油 Wildcrafted Simmondsia Chinensis Oil
14/ 有機杏仁油 Organic Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Oil
15/ 有機亞堅果油 Organic Arganil Spinosa (Argan) Oil
16/ 有機蓖麻油 Organic Ricinus Communis Seed (Castor) Oil
17/ 副黃嘌呤(源自於咖啡因及 ECOCERT 許可) Paraxanthine (Derived From Caffeine And ECOCERT Approved)
18/ 7-甲基黃嘌呤 (源自於咖啡因、可可鹼及 ECOCERT 許可) 7-Methyl Xanthine (Derived From Caffeine And Theobromine And ECOCERT Approved)
19/ 脫氫醋酸及苯甲醇 ( ECOCERT 准許於歐洲用於有機化妝品的防腐劑 ) Dehydroacetic Acid (dha) And Benzyl Alcohol (A Preservative That Is ECOCERT Approved In Europe For Organic Cosmetics)
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 有機雪松複方精油、瓜爾豆膠、葵花修護因子、有機蘆薈- 純素(vegan)可用、無動物實驗- 敏感肌膚、孕產婦推薦使用- 保存期限:未開封 2 年,已開封 6 個月 有機洗髮精無添加矽靈、成分來源天然,不使用易造成刺激的成分,是追求「溫和清潔」的首選。也因不得添加矽靈,往往讓人感到洗後乾澀;天然來源成分起泡不易,常有人覺得不習慣。經過比較、研究數十款有機洗髪精後,童顏有機使用瓜爾豆膠、有機蘆薈等植萃護髮因子,與 3 種天然來源清潔成分,打造了一款起泡細緻、洗後不乾澀、不糾結的洗髮精—讓你也能享受有機洗髮的樂趣。 本產品已取得歐盟 COSMOS 有機認證和 EWG 健康友善認證。 專為細軟髮、染燙後的受損髮設計的修護洗髮精。市售洗髮精常見的界面活性劑 SLS、SLES 以及人工香精等,可能會對皮膚造成刺激,且 SLS 在製造過程中往往伴隨致癌物質 1,4-DIOXANE(EWG 評比為 8 分)與 ETHYLENE OXIDE(EWG 評比為 10...
- 80g / 2.8 oz
Ayuna 活性炭手工洗面皂(淨肌)以天然活性植物炭作為主要成分,其強效吸附能力能迅速把污垢毒素從毛孔中帶走,為肌膚進行深層清潔,去除死皮角質,尤其適合暗啞及毛孔閉塞皮膚人士使用。洗面皂中的植物甘油更是天然保濕因子,可以組成皮脂膜為皮膚建造天然屏障,鎖緊肌膚底層水分,在水潤狀態下排毒淨肌,「煥」醒閃閃光澤肌!
The soap detox bar gives you a radiant and glowing complexion, thanks to its powerful dose of Activated Vegetable Charcoal. The dermo-cosmetic benefits of this wonderful ingredient include purifying the pores and deeply detoxifying the skin, making it ideal for cleansing congested, dull and stressed skin. Other natural ingredients, particularly the high glycerine content that helps to seal in moisture and form a protective barrier, promote gentle cleansing without drying out or damaging the skin.
1/ 潔面乳 Creamy Cleanse
Gently but effectively removes all traces of impurities and make-up. Rub the bar between wet hands. Generate a creamy texture. Apply onto the skin, using a light massage on the face, neck and neckline, being more insistent in difficult areas. Rinse off and dry.
2/ 泡沫潔面 Foaming Cleanse
Oily skin and/or with visible pores, leaves no greasy residue. Activate the product with water and a brush, etc., until a creamy foam forms. Massage into the skin. Rinse off with warm water and dry.
3/ 潔膚水 Aqueous Cleanse
Delicate skins, ideal for removing make-up from the eyelids and lips. Activate the product with plenty of water until a micellar water forms. Moisten a cotton wool pad, gently cleanse and/or remove make-up from the face and eye contour. Repeat the application until the cotton wool pad remains clean. Rinse off with warm water and dry.
1/ 橄欖油酸鈉 Sodium Olivate
2/ 椰油酸鈉 Sodium Cocoate
3/ 純淨水 Water (Aqua)
4/ 植物甘油 Glycerin
5/ AYUNA 特調香薰 Fragrance (Parfum)*
6/ 活性植物炭 Charcoal Powder
7/ 琉璃苣籽油 Borago Officinalis Seed Oil
8/ 維他命E Tocopheryl Acetate
Natural Essential Oil-based Fragrance (Gurjum Balsam, Holy Wood, Myrrh, Chamomile, Rosemary, Buchu)
- Made in Spain 西班牙製造
- ECOCERT 驗證 Natrue and/or Ecocert Compliant- Aceptado por Ecocert y/o Natrue
- 絕無有害原材料 Free of ingredients of concern – Libre de ingredientes de riesgo
- 素食主義適用 Vegan Friendly – Cosmética Vegana
UMA輕柔的身體香膏可為肌膚提供豐富的營養和充足的補濕。 UMA從有機酥油(脫水奶油)開始 — 阿育吠陀中珍貴的主食,具有滋養、修復和深層保濕的功能。當中加上在UMA莊園中有機種植的辣木和石榴而製成,提供豐富的維他命、植物營養素、礦物質、脂肪酸和抗氧化物。 葡萄柚能促進淋巴排毒和血液循環,使皮膚更柔滑。南非醉茄(Ashwagandha)是一種有效的適應原(adaptogen),可幫助身體內部和外部應對環境壓力,包括:焦慮、創傷、疲勞等問題。細膩得像梳芙厘的香膏遇上肌膚會隨即溶化成絲,迅速吸收並不會殘留任何油膩感覺,使皮膚充滿著醉人的橙花香、茉莉和檀香木的香氣。 這如皇家般的自我護理是身體和感官的終極奢華體驗。 UMA's indulgent, lightweight balm cocoons skin in nutrient-rich, toning hydration. They started with organic ghee (clarified butter), a revered staple in Ayurveda for its nourishing, healing, and deeply moisturizing abilities, and...
Sold Out
Demineralized Water, Melissa Officinalis Flower/Leaf/Stem Water*, Propanediol, Glycerin*, Polyglyceryl-4 Caprate, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Water*, Sodium Levulinate, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract*, Sodium Anisate, Sodium Dehydroacetate, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract, Citrus aurantium dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil*, Leptospermum petersonii oil*, Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil*, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder*, Xanthan Gum, Citrus aurantium bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil*, Epilobium Fleischeri Extract*, Citric Acid, Sophora Flavescens Root Extract, Psoralea Corylifolia Fruit Extract, Platycarya Strobilacea Extract, Potassium Sorbate
*Ingredients from organic farming.
- Made in Tai Wan 台灣製造
- 榮獲 EWG 對環境及健康友善驗證
- 榮獲 COSMOS 天然有機認證
- 100%素食(vegetarian)、無動物實驗
- Bullet-point內含Sodium Dehydroacetate(去水醋酸鈉)安全保存劑,顏色偏黃屬自然現象,請安心使用。
這款專用粉底化妝掃的迷你版,方便攜帶補妝,100%純素植物纖維的濃密掃頭,可專業地將粉底液均勻地推開,同時用作胭脂、眼影、遮瑕及輪廓掃,打造完美妝容。 長度:11.5cmThis vegan brush is a mini copy of our best-selling Air Focus Foundation Brush. It expertly blends and buffs makeup to achieve the soft finish of airbrushing. It pairs perfectly...
Jumbo Brush 的大尺寸掃頭能幫助輕鬆並快速地上粉,超柔軟的合成刷毛可輕鬆沾取粉餅和碎粉,根據所需的遮瑕度自行調節。 採用了耐用的優質高密度合成纖維,妥善保養下能長期使用,並可與液體、粉末和乳霜配狀產品一同使用。 不含任何動物毛髮,純素、無動物測試,低致敏材質,適合任何人士使用。 The Jumbo Powder's large size make it perfect for quick and easy powder applications. Its ultra soft, synthetic bristles easily pick up of both pressed...
- 65ml
當皮膚開始出現暗沉、脫水或曬傷的問題,9 Oil Radiance Tonic 便是您皮膚的急救恩物。它有助皮膚回復水油平衡、減少出油及粉刺的形成。它的成份含有抗菌、消炎和抗氧化的植物和精油,能深層滋潤和潔淨肌膚,也能讓皮膚回復健康和光澤。9 Oil Radiance Tonic可用作二次清潔、舒緩保護,或用作深層滋潤的晚間精華。
Versatile and luxurious with an addictive aroma, this oil is an instant pick-me-up for tired, dehydrated and sun-damaged skins. Additionally, it acts as a balancing treatment for oily, congested and pimple-prone skins. Packed with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich plant and essential oils, this is the ultimate skin tonic and deep cleansing treatment to restore skin health and radiance. Use as a secondary cleanser, a decongesting treatment or as a nourishing night serum.
1/ 首先用MV的Gentle Cream Cleanser清潔臉部,然後用6-8滴 9 Oil Radiance Tonic 按摩臉部和頸部約1-2分鐘。 用一塊熱毛巾熱敷約5秒。重複步驟2-4次,效果更佳。每週使用3-4次。
First surface cleanse with MV’s Gentle Cream Cleanser, then massage 6-8 drops over the face and neck for 1-2 minutes. Hold a warm-hot muslin cloth over the area for a slow count of 5. For optimal absorption do not remove, simply repeat compressing 2–4 times. For best results use 3-4 times weekly.
2/ 您也可以在淋浴前將2-3滴的 9 Oil Radiance Tonic 塗抹在剛洗過的臉上,能有效保護皮膚和防止水份流失。
You can also apply 2-3 drops to a freshly cleansed face prior to showering for ultimate protection.
1. 有機山茶花油 Camellia (Camellia Oleifera) Oil*,
2. 有機牛油果油 Avocado (Persea Gratissima) Oil*,
3. 崩大碗萃取油 Infused Centella (Centella Asiatica Extract) Oil,
4. 維他命E Vitamin E – non GM (Tocopherol),
5. 有機迷迭香萃取 Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract*.
其他包含精油 With essential Oils of:
苦橙精油 Bitter Orange, 薰衣草精油Lavender, 天竺葵 Geranium, 檀香Sandalwood, 花梨木Rosewood and 胡蘿蔔籽Carrot Seed.
* 天然種植Organically Grown.
- 澳洲製造 Made in Australia
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
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Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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