【May Lindstrom 的甜蜜教室】:新配方Honey Mud 泛紅 ≠ 敏感

by Beautysaur Organics August 27, 2021

【May Lindstrom 的甜蜜教室】:新配方Honey Mud 泛紅 ≠ 敏感

曾經停產兩年嘅 Honey Mud 蜜糖小姐上個月強勢回歸,即刻引起訂購旋風 (感謝大家支持🥺🙏🏻),唔知大家用嘅時候有冇同我一樣有泛紅發熱嘅狀況出現呢?如果有嘅話千萬不必驚慌! 用Honey Mud 時引起嘅種種反應全因新配方加入咗一種獨特成份 -冬青萃取。而且呢啲反應只會係使用初期出現,等皮膚適應咗Honey Mud後出現次數就會減少✨ 以下就由May Lindstrom Skin 創辦人May 用一封信嘅時間同大家解釋吓呢種成份點化神奇為更神奇啦:

我們的皇牌產品Honey Mud 榮譽回歸,這次團隊在原有的溫和配方中加入全新冬青萃取,從冬青葉中提取100% 全天然水楊酸,成功取代坊間傳統的合成水楊酸,自然煥發肌膚亮采光芒。請齊來感受Honey Mud 甜蜜溫柔的升級力量!


以上是我使用Honey Mud 時肌膚蛻變的三個階段:

圖一:在乾爽臉部塗上如慕絲般質感的Honey Mud (亦可先沾濕臉部當作潔面奶使用)

不過,若您們在使用Honey Mud 時上述反應* 持續超過15 分鐘,我會建議把Honey Mud 留在晚間使用,直至皮膚完全適應產品的功效。尤其是新配方Honey Mud 特別適合用作睡前護理,肌膚經過一整晚的修護滋潤,早上隨即展現柔滑光澤!

*Honey Mud 引起的泛紅溫熱反應常見於下列膚質狀況:
敏感肌、曬後、運動後、極端天氣、使用酸類、視黃醇或其他強效去角質產品後,或從不/較少使用含活性成份的護膚品。作為專門針對嬌嫩肌膚而特製的護理面膜,Honey Mud 有效紓緩以上情況所引起的肌膚問題,幫助大家提升日常肌膚護理體驗。

其實我現在使用Honey Mud 時已經很少出現泛紅狀況,往往是當我無意間忽略護膚,或忘記細心按摩面部促進血液循環時才會令肌膚有所反應。這亦正正提示我要細心聆聽肌膚需要,勤用Honey Mud 護理皮膚。原有配方的Honey Mud 柔滑呈慕絲狀,而全新配方除了保留其好處外,新加入的冬青萃取更加強了面膜的神奇功效。

雖然「冬青」這個名子帶有陣陣薄荷涼意,但我們使用的萃取並無氣味,絕不會影響Honey Mud 原來甜蜜馥郁的香氣。



我們在冬青葉內萃取的天然水楊酸,作用近似坊間傳統的水楊酸 (BHA) ,同樣是透過刺激皮膚內的蛋白分子,加快肌膚角質的代謝和脫落。天然水楊酸不但有助去除皮膚表面的死皮,更可以帶走毛孔內的日積月累的污垢,例如防曬、化妝品殘餘物、多餘油脂、壞死細胞等等。如果平日沒有去除皮膚表層和毛孔內的角質,肌膚會因被堵塞而變得粗糙暗沉、凹凸不平、容易敏感,完全失去應有的健康光彩。這些積聚物更會阻礙皮膚的吸收力,令護膚品不能送達皮膚底層,功效自然大打折扣。我真的真的非常喜歡冬青萃取這個全新成份,它令Honey Mud 的魅力提升到另一個層次,功效遠遠超乎我的想像!


如果要當作日常清潔,可以取出一顆藍莓份量的Honey Mud 直接按摩於已沾濕的臉上,它即時會乳化成像絲般柔滑的潔面奶;如果要體驗酵素面膜的升級功效,便要把Honey Mud 塗抹在乾爽的臉上,時間可按個人需要,但沖洗時記得要邊深呼吸邊用指尖輕輕按摩。我個人喜歡先用溫水軟化肌膚,它可以同時帶走壞死細胞和污垢,最後再以凍水徹底沖洗乾淨。

完成潔面或面膜護理後,您們其實不需拭乾臉部,可直接使用Blue Cocoon Youth Dew 輕作按摩,把臉部水份帶進肌膚底層,再大量噴灑Jasmine Garden ,在臉部、頸部及肩骨位置按壓,為完美的護膚儀式劃上句號。


All my love,


Get ready for some power enveloped in this cushy, luscious pudding. Our gentle hero has been given a glow-inducing boost via the inclusion of our new and very special extract of wintergreen. This unique addition is the first 100% naturally-derived salicylic acid obtained from wintergreen leaves; an incredibly effective alternative to traditional synthetic salicylic acid.

It is normal with acid exfoliation to experience tingling and a temporary pinking of the skin, with an increase of heat and blood flow as fresh oxygen rushes to your cells. This is a good thing, and key to the magic ahead. Not everyone will experience this sensation or flush of color, but many of you will. Don’t be nervous, get excited!

In the photos above, you can view three stages - this is me with In the photos above, you can view three stages - this is me with 
1. The Honey Mud applied as a pudding-like mask on dry skin (apply on wet skin to turn to a silky milk cleanser), then 
2. just after rinsing with skin flushed and circulation in full effect, and finally
3. - when the rosiness fades, the glow and softness is revealed.

If you find that pinking or heat sensations persist beyond 15 minutes, reserve The Honey Mud for nighttime use in these early weeks of introduction until your skin acclimates. This formula is especially beautiful before an early bedtime and long sleep, and for mornings you can ease into softly. 

Note that pinking and heat sensations occur most frequently in skin that is sensitive, or recently exposed to the sun, exercise, temperature extremes, acids, retinol, or other strong topicals and exfoliants, and for individuals who have never, or rarely use, skin actives.

The Honey Mud was formulated for delicate skin and works in support of these conditions and in complement to your existing ritual.

For me personally, flushing or pinking of the skin happens only very rarely now, particularly when I've been neglecting my skin or skimping on massage and other practices that keep my circulatory system moving. It's a gentle reminder for me to slow down and tune into the needs of my own skin, and truly, to keep coming back to this formula and the unique gifts it has for me every single day. 

While our original formula was as soft and sweet as its pudding-like goodness looks to be, the update doesn’t mess around. Expect results on a new level.

While the name sounds cool and minty, our extract is odorless and does not impede the magnificence of The Honey Mud's lush aromatics.

With a long history of use in traditional medicine, wintergreen is an evergreen shrub from Canada which grows in the pine forests and underbrush of North America. It was known by the native populations who used it in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, including within compresses to ease skin inflammation.

To extract this natural acid, our supplier first distills the leaves of the wintergreen plant, then uses a process called hydrolysis - which sounds like a fancy word, but can be explained simply as using water to break down the oil, which in turn produces salicylic acid.

What results is an anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory compound ideal for gently purifying oily and breakout-prone skin, visibly reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, easing redness and discomfort, decongesting clogged pores, and bringing a glow and radiance that surpasses even the beauty of our much-loved original formula.

Our wintergreen extract works similarly to beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) to target certain protein bonds in the skin and enhance the skin's natural shedding process. Natural salicylic acid helps to release dead skin not just on the surface, but also in the pore lining, where accumulation of pollution, makeup, and sunscreen mix with your natural oils and dead cells. Without effective exfoliation on both levels, skin may present as congested, dull, bumpy, rough, irritated, and simply lacking the glow of health. This buildup also impedes the effectiveness of all other products you use, blocking their delivery to your skin.

This ingredient update gives oomph to The Honey Mud on a level I didn't even know was possible. I love it so much!

Milk or Pudding, Cleanser or Mask, you choose!

Massage a fat, blueberry-sized dollop into wet skin to emulsify into a gorgeous and silky cleansing milk, or smooth extra generously over clean, dry skin to do double duty as an enzyme masque.

Slow your breathing and massage your skin lovingly with the pads of your fingertips as you rinse The Honey Mud clear after cleansing or masking. I like to begin with warm water as skin softens and dead cells and pollution are released, completing with a final cool water rinse.

Immediately follow cleansing and masking sessions with The Blue Cocoon and The Youth Dew, massaged directly into the water on your skin after rinsing (skipping your towel entirely). Mist generously with The Jasmine Garden to saturate, press gently across face, neck, and décolleté, and your ritual is complete.

I can’t wait for you to experience this luscious, transformative, deliciousness.

Wishing you slow, deep, restorative breaths, and countless moments of beauty and glorious care ahead.

All my love,

Beautysaur Organics
Beautysaur Organics
