Siam S.E.A.S The Skin Revolution Mask 全效戰痘面膜

- 50ml

配方經重新改良的 Skin Revolution 是一款排毒面膜,除了有助淨化肌膚外,亦能「重設」肌膚狀態,改善皮膚暗沉、毛孔堵塞、炎症以及鬆弛問題,讓肌膚回復白皙透亮。


Skin Revolution 是一種多功能的修復面膜,有助鎮靜及緩解任何肌膚問題,尤其是適合油性、毛孔堵塞及暗瘡肌膚使用。

香氣體驗:試想像一下走進一位天然治療師的家 —— 牆壁上滿佈香料及草本,將你和大地之母連結起來。全效戰痘面膜注入了多種富異國情調的香氣:茉莉、依蘭依蘭、玫瑰、胡蘿蔔籽、橙花和雲呢拿,芳香療法助你平靜心靈。

Skin Revolution is a detoxifying mask created to have a clarifying effect on your skin. It is a stagnant-clearing facial treatment intended to transform dull, congested and sluggish skin to a clear, bright and toned complexion.

Synergistically blended with extraordinary spices and biodynamic herbs to deeply cleanse skin, The Skin Revolution releases congestion within pores and stimulates cells for better circulation to help with the nutrient absorption of your next steps. Additionally, rice enzymes provide significant elastase inhibitory effect which helps to improve skin texture and tone the skin and reduce the appearance of pores.

Skin Revolution is a versatile healing mask that decongests and calms all skin types, especially those with oily, congested or acne-prone skin.

Scent Experience: Imagine walking into the home of a natural healer — walls are stacked high with spices and herbs, connecting you to Mother Earth. Infused with the exotic scents of Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Carrot Seed, Neroli and Vanilla to provide aromatherapy and calm your mind.

  • 1/ 將一茶匙面膜粉倒進碗中,然後加三茶匙熱水。
    Take 1 heaping teaspoon of the powder mask and 3 teaspoons of hot water.

    2/ 將面膜粉及清水完全混和,就像泡茶一樣,靜候一會讓面膜激活配方。乾燥或敏感肌膚可額外加入幾滴 Twilight 暮光黃金精華或蜂蜜。
    Mix well and allow the mask to steep, activating the formula, similar to a fresh cup of tea. For dry or sensitive skin, mix a few drops of our Twilight BeCalm Skin Serum in at this step. Or you can supplement with honey.

    3/ 當面膜變成糊狀後,大量塗於面部及肩頸位置。
    When the mask transforms into a paste, apply generously to your face and décolleté area.

    4/ 用清水或爽膚水噴濕皮膚,保持面膜濕潤以加強激活效果。45 至 60 分鐘後,以溫水沖洗面膜,然後進行日常保濕護理步驟。
    Lightly mist your skin with water or toner, keeping the mask wet and activated will increase efficacy. After 45-60 minutes rinse the mask of with warm water and follow with hydrating step.

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