【Skincare School】地理科:Ayuna 冰球消暑優惠

🌏現凡購買任何花水即可獲贈 Ayuna 冰敷按摩水晶球模一個!

Ayuna 冰敷按摩水晶球可以結合妍悠益生水晶粉或其他護膚花水達成冰敷美容治療功效,能夠係炎炎夏日為肌膚去除浮腫、激活血液循環、收縮毛孔,同時為肌膚帶來冰爽觸感🧊 Ayuna 冰敷按摩水晶球嘅特別設計令美容冰塊方便易取,令你簡單靈活咁進行爽膚同輪廓按摩!

📝 優惠細則:
優惠由即日起至 9 30日,數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知
是次優惠不得與會員生日優惠、ROAR Points 及現金券同時使用
如有任何爭議,Beautysaur Group Limited 保留最終決定權

Combine Yan You Powder's therapeutic benefits with face icing to reduce puffiness, activate blood microcirculation, refine pores and sculpt the face with an icy touch.

Yan You Powder’s moisture-boosting probiotic formula is perfect for making the most of this long-lasting beauty trick without damaging the skin. For this, a specific tool has been designed, a cryosphere, into which the activated formula is poured. Its special material helps to extract the ice so that you can conveniently perform a toning and contouring massage. 

  • 1/ 把兩包妍悠益生水晶粉倒入球體,加入飲用水至一半位置,靜置至配方停止冒泡,蓋上並加水至填滿球體,放入冰箱冷藏至 凝固。

    Pour the entire contents of 2 sachets of Yan You Powder (two weeks worth of treatment) into the mold base and add water up to the halfway point, leave to stand until it stops effervescing, then cover and finish filling the sphere. Then freeze it to use as a massager.

    2/ 打開球體上半部,直接於面部來回滾擦,以水晶球的冰凍觸感結合溫熱手感按摩面部。

    Uncover the upper part and apply it to the skin using the contrast technique, by combining the thermal sensations of the cold with the warm touch of your hand.

    3/ 以雙手配合水晶球,根據下圖指引快速朝上按摩,以達至緊緻效果。當水晶球在面部溶化時,靜候數分鐘讓肌膚自行調節溫度並把其完全吸收。


    Make short, quick movements, alternating between the cryosphere and your hand. Use the illustrations to guide the direction of your hands, moving them in quick, upward, toning gestures.

    Once the cold crystalloid bath has been distributed over the skin,let it stand for a few minutes until it has been absorbed and the facial temperature regulates itself.

    Repeat daily, day or night.

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