【Skincare School】物理科:Ayuna 至強防曬組合(預購中)

8.6 g | 0.3 oz

📒現凡購買 Ayuna Velo [C] 啞緻絲滑防曬膏即可獲贈 Ayuna Velo [X] 極緻版絲絨防曬日霜 15ml 乙個 (價值 $360)

西班牙品牌 Ayuna 從來無停止過追求最完美嘅防曬系統👩‍🏫 除咗剛剛推出嘅液態狀Velo [X] 極緻版絲絨防曬日霜之外,為方便用家出外補防曬及補妝,Velo [C] 啞緻絲滑防曬膏便誕生了!

Velo [C] 同其他防曬產品最大嘅分別係佢質地極度透薄絲滑,真正做到上面後零感覺,但同時提供至強防曬保護 SPF 60 PA++++!佢嘅啞緻效果令你無需擔心面部會有過份油膩感,而且佢有均勻膚色功效,即使唔使卸妝都可以直接補防曬!

日常大家可以係屋企用 Velo [X] 打好底,出街再用Velo [C] 補防曬,佢外型設計極具簡約美及輕巧,方便收納係手袋帶出街,快啲趁優惠獲得 Velo [X] 奢華旅行裝啦!

📝 優惠細則:
優惠由即日起至 9 30日,數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知
是次優惠不得與會員生日優惠、ROAR Points 及現金券同時使用
如有任何爭議,Beautysaur Group Limited 保留最終決定權

A fundamental piece in AYUNA’s exclusive protective collection, this compact powdered balm complements the Velo experience by offering comprehensive skin defense. Its ultra-fine, water-free finish and practical format allow for quick and targeted touch-ups anytime during the day, ensuring results. From nourishing, repairing, and protecting to regenerating, its multifunctional formula provides up to seven essential benefits for skin care. Use alone or with other Velo products.

  • 單獨直接使用;如想效果更持久,建議可與Velo [x] 配合使用。先於指尖溫熱,之後來回均勻塗抹於皮膚上。

    For localized and long-lasting results, you can use it alone or in conjunction with other protective products, such as Velo or Velo [x]. Warm it up with clean fingers and apply it to the skin by gliding a few times back and forth.

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