AYUNA balm [k] 青花苗亮肌面膜

AYUNA balm[k] 青花苗亮肌面膜具有強效修護及鎮靜作用,同時幫助改善色斑問題。面膜呈柔滑乳霜狀,揉合豐富鉀元素的西蘭花苗,將其植物營養素完美融入當中,讓膚色展現出無瑕透亮的精緻光采。塔斯曼尼亞胡椒萃取(又名天然性利多卡因)降紅功效顯著,能疏通堵塞毛孔,讓肌膚重拾柔嫩健康。青花苗亮肌面膜通合所有膚質使用,均勻膚色並淡化色素沉澱,讓無綻放仿如寶石般的明皙光芒。

Offers an effective repairing and calming action while helping to improve dyschromia. Its luscious creamy texture incorporates the phytonutrient benefits of potassium-rich Broccoli Sprouts to reveal a sublime complexion with a flawless finish. Tasmanian Pepper extract (popularly known as the natural lidocaine) visibly improves congestion and redness. Perfect for all skin types and tones, the luminous mimetic Sapphire contained in this soft, clay mask offers a brightening and radiance action to visibly diminish the appearance of dark spots.

  • 塗抹一層,靜候約 20 分鐘,用水洗走即可。每週使用兩次或以上,用作去角質或深層清潔產品的後續護理。

    Use twice or more a week, or more often, after exfoliation and deep cleansing. Apply a generous layer, leave on the skin for up to 20 minutes and remove with water.

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