Agent Nateur HOLI (WATER) Pearl and Rose Hyaluronic Toner 珍珠極潤精露

- 30ml / 100ml

珍珠極潤精露以野生收成保加利亞玫瑰花水及薰衣草花水做基底,注入有機火龍果精華、透明質酸及珍珠粉,能立即緊緻肌膚、提亮膚色及深層保濕,加上有機蜂蜜及植物甘油,令珍珠極潤精露更易按摩於肌膚上,帶來半精華半花水的純露護膚體驗!珍珠極潤精露是品牌推崇的神聖護膚三步曲中不可或缺的一員,是激活 Double C 美白粉的最佳拍檔,更是帶動保加利亞玫瑰凍齡精華融入肌膚的引導水,能全效地提升其他護膚品的吸收力,締造無瑕陶瓷肌!
An ultra moisturizing toner that exfoliates, plumps, tightens, brightens and firms the appearance of the skin while providing a radiant glow. HOLI (WATER) helps minimize the appearance of redness, pores, and fine lines. It’s rich content of antioxidants help strengthen the look of the skin and help reduce the appearance of acne. Using wild crafted Bulgarian rose water as the foundation of this luxurious essence helps reduce the appearance of puffiness, redness and acne and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores.
  • 1/ 噴 3-5 下珍珠極潤精露於手心然後均勻按摩於面部。
    Spritz 3-5 times in the palm of your hand after cleansing face.

    2/ 在早晚於手心將適量 Double C 美白粉與珍珠極潤精露或清水混和,直接拍上及按摩在面部及胸頸位置。隨後使用保加利亞玫瑰凍齡精華達到最佳效果。
    Add a dime size of Holi (c) then pat on face, neck and decollete. Follow with Holi oil, moisturizer and spf. Can be used morning and night.

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