Kypris Cleanser Concentrate 積雪奇蹟潔面霜

- 70 mL / 2.36 fl oz



Kypris 積雪奇蹟潔面霜擁有最軟綿柔滑的親膚觸感,不起泡配方溫和水潤,能輕易順滑延伸,快速清除全日積聚的雜質污垢。沖洗時同時帶走老廢死皮,肌膚將感到前所未有的舒爽乾淨,𣊬間回復明亮透白,是任何肌質也適用的二次清潔產品!

🌟 重點成分介紹 🌟



仙人掌果油:蘊含高濃度氨基酸、脂肪酸、固醇及維生命 E,有良好保水能力,更有維他命 K 改善黑色素沉澱,達至提亮美白的功效


The ideal cleanse...

Featuring co-op grown moringa, wildcrafted prickly pear, and probiotics, this opulent, non-foaming Cleanser Concentrate dissolves the day and evening actives to leave skin soft, hydrated, and glowing.

For most skin types, especially dry, dehydrated, or imbalanced complexions seeking a gentle, yet effective second creamy cleanse

  • 以乾爽、清潔的手取約珍珠般大小的潔面乳,塗抹於乾燥或微濕的面部和頸部,弄濕指尖並輕輕按摩,沖洗時繼續按摩。

    潔面乳配方濃縮,按照以上指示可使用約 60 天。 只供外用。

    With clean, dry hands, apply a pearl of Cleanser Concentrate to a dry or damp face and neck. Wet fingertips and gently massage into skin. Continue massaging as you rinse.

    This highly concentrated formula offers approximately 60 days of cleansing if used as directed. For external use only.

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