UMA Pure Love Wellness Candle 純愛心靈香薰蠟燭 (檀香茉莉)

UMA 的芳療精油不只香氣撩人,還能提振情緒,撫慰心靈。這款純愛心靈香薰蠟燭揉合數款有機精油:清香淡雅茉莉、性感溫暖檀香,融入玫瑰、天竺葵及橙花等溫柔花香,讓環境空間瀰漫迷人芬芳,同時助你提升自信,建立自愛能量,沉浸在愛的氛圍當中。

燃燒時間:約 75 小時

特別適用於:正向積極| 提升自信| 平衡

UMA’s Pure Love Wellness Candle serves as the ultimate aphrodisiac: encouraging self-love and elevating confidence so you’re bountiful with endearment to all in your aura. A tender night filled with the seductive aroma of night jasmine. Royal silks and chiffons scented with sensual sandalwood. The majesty of rose, a subtle touch of geranium, the lingering allure of neroli. 

BURN TIME: Up to 75 hours

RECOMMENDED FOR: Positivity|Confidence| Balance

  • 1/椰子蠟 Coconut Wax

    2/茉莉精油 Jasmine Essential Oil

    3/玫瑰精油 Rose Essential Oil

    4/檀香精油 Sandalwood Oil

    5/椰子精油 Coconut Oil

    6/天竺葵精油 Geranium Essential Oil

    7/橙花精油 Neroli Oil

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