UMA Pure Bliss Wellness Candle 幸福心靈香薰蠟燭 (檀香玫瑰)

UMA 幸福心靈香薰蠟燭優雅脫俗的香氣能保持身心平衡,喚醒並提昇感官能量,為周遭環境營造和諧靜謐的氛圍,引領內心平靜。

燃燒時間:約 75 小時


This candle's transcendent aroma brings balance to the mind and the home, boosting overall well-being and positivity. Promote mind-body balance, internal calm, and harmony with your surroundings with this luxuriously-crafted wellness candle.

BURN TIME: Up to 75 hours

RECOMMENDED FOR: Positivity|Confidence| Balance

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