TWELVE BEAUTY The London Mask 倫敦神奇保濕清潔泥膜

- 50ml


一般泥膜都容易倒抽肌膚水分,The London Mask卻能提供高度保濕效果,是100%天然的革命性產品!獨特的配方設計出能夠在肌膚上保持濕潤的狀態,同時有效去除毒素,對抗污染所造成的傷害。鎮靜受損肌膚,瞬間補水並煥發光彩。

Anti-pollution purifying mask

This 100% natural mask is a game-changer: A clay mask that is also highly moisturising. Formulated to remain damp on the skin, whilst effectively removing toxins and counteracting pollution-induced skin damage. It will leave stressed skin calm, hydrated and with an instant, radiant glow.

  • 薄薄一層塗抹於全面,等待 10-15 分鐘即可發揮奇妙功效,其後用溫水洗掉。適用於「過勞肌」、乾燥及敏感肌膚,亦可於醫美/術後作護理,需要顯著舒緩和強化肌膚時同樣適用。暗瘡肌建議每週使用2-3次,其他肌膚建議每週使用1-2次。

    Apply thin layer all over face and let it work wonders for 10-15 minutes. Remove with lukewarm water. Recommended for stressed, dry and delicate skin (also suitable for post-surgical care), or whenever skin is in need of a visible soothing and revitalising boost. For blemish-prone skin, use 2-3 times a week, for all other skin types, use 1-2 a week.

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