LA FERVANCE Gommage Extraordinaire 深海黑鑽煥膚面膜


- 100ml

La Fervance 採用法國普羅旺斯橄欖、夏威夷果仁粉、海砂和有機糖等原材料,研製出成份百分百天然的Gommage 面膜(活性成份超過67%),以法式溫和去角質配方為肌膚去除各種老化角質,清潔毛孔污垢,導出黑頭粉刺等污染物。除了深層清潔,這款面膜更有保濕滋潤功效,能促進皮膚細胞更生,改善膚色暗啞不均等問題,打造健康光澤肌。

Gommage 三重功效:

  • 完美去角質配方:Gommage面膜除了夏威夷果仁粉、海砂和有機糖等天然去角質材料外,亦蘊合法國布列塔尼海水及掌紅海藻萃取,有助溫和清潔面部,豐富礦物質(鎂、鉀、鈣)同微量元素亦可促進新陳代謝,活化皮膚細胞,迅間令肌膚變得柔軟光滑。
  • 清潔淨肌:活性植物竹炭成分能強效吸附皮膚死皮雜質及多餘皮脂,緊緻毛孔同時淡化肌膚各種瑕疵。
  • 強化滋潤:品牌特別從澳洲採用及當地盛產的芒果、木瓜和菠蘿三種熱帶水果,從中提取活性分解酵素,再加上夏威夷果仁粉,為肌膚提供滋潤營養,綻放水潤光澤。

    The Gommage Extraordinaire is a new and innovative product, formulated with a sugar ester emulsion that progressively changes into an oil during the massage, releasing its natural exfoliating agents and giving off a slight heated sensation. In addition, the formula becomes milky with water during the rinsing.

    Its exfoliating action is natural thanks to the macadamia seeds powder in combination with natural sand and organic sugar. It effectively eliminates impurities and irregularities caused by dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. The skin is soft, smooth and truly enhanced. It also nourishes the skins, helps moisturize and accelerate skin desquamation and fights again fade away uneven skin pigmentation.

    The Gommage Extraordinaire provides wellbeing, purity and balance to the epidermis. The skin looks amazing, with energy and a healthy glow. It has been designed with three specific actions

    • 1/ 可取適量,避開眼部位置,於乾爽肌膚薄敷10分鐘或以上。

      2/ La Fervance Gommage通過按摩會被激活成油狀,釋放成份中的天然去角質劑,面膜會散發獨特花香及溫熱感。

      3/ 面膜能被輕鬆清洗,只需加上少量清水慢慢按摩則可乳化,可一星期使用一至兩次。

      4/ 使用後薄薄塗抹一層LA FERVANCE ÉCLAT 23K金珍珠奢華面膜能達至最佳效果。

      Apply a thin layer to clean, dry face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Leave for at least 10 min. Massage in circular motions with lightly moistened hands until the care turns into delicately scented milky bath. Rinse with water. Use 1 or 2 times a week. This ritual may be followed with a thin layer of the Eclat Extraordinaire.

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