LA FERVANCE Éclat Extraordinaire 23K金珍珠奢華面膜



-50 ml

La Fervance 23K金珍珠奢華面膜由法國頂級護膚科學家研製,榮獲 COSMOS 驗證其100%天然配方,高達67%活性成份及23%有機原材料,全法國製造,為您帶來極緻法國宮廷式護膚體驗!23K金珍珠奢華面膜藴含多款澳洲本土果實、猴麵包樹果肉啫喱、100%純淨HA來源的透明質酸、來自意大利的23K食用等級金箔及珍珠等,在緊緻去紋同時為肌膚深層保水,更能舒緩紅腫及抗菌,是一款全效多功能的護膚寶物!

Expertly formulated by France’s leading skin care scientists, dermatologically tested, and COSMOS approved. Boasting 67% active ingredients and perfectly balanced with double hyaluronic acid from 100% pure HA sources, a bio-active complex of Australian mountain plant extracts, mimosa and jojoba extracts, baobab lifting gel, Buriti oil, Kakadu plum extract, vitamin E, 23K gold, pearly pigments and pure seawater from the French Breton coasts. Eclat Extraordinaire will dramatically Improve your skins hydration whilst visibility reducing wrinkles and restoring the skins elasticity and firmness. Your skin will experience a lifting effect whilst also appearing more soothed and toned.

  • LA FERVANCE 簡單可分為3個主要用法,經過皮膚科測試,豐富的活性成分,完美結合出此多功能的黃金面膜

    LA FERVANCE understands mindful luxury, which is why they created the Dermatologically tested, ECLAT EXTAORDINAIRE Transform Active Multi-Mask to serve key purposes with equally efficacy. As this is Dermatologically tested multi-mask, the abundance of active ingredients, formulated in perfect harmony, is designed to target 30 functional areas making this the ultimate multi-functional product.

    用法1 - 瞬間提亮

    可於每天早上,使用LA FERVANCE專用搭配的金匙,取少量面膜於指尖推開後均勻按摩全面,及後可繼續平常護膚程序,亦可於粉底前使用,薄薄一層的黃金面膜足以讓您一整天散發透亮光茫。

    FUNCTION ONE – INSTANT GOLDEN GLOW; Scoop a tiny amount with the LA FERVANCE golden spatula and lightly blend through fingertips, then massage all over the face each morning, after moisturising and then proceed with your usual ritual. This can be done prior to applying a light foundation or allow the glow to shine through. This is why it’s called TransformActive, as it will transform the look of the skin, whilst being active.

    用法2 - 面膜

    可取適量,於肌膚厚敷10分鐘或以上,可按照個人需要,敷較長時間可讓肌膚更有效吸收面膜內的豐富精華。LA FERVANCE的創新配合可讓面膜輕鬆清洗,只需加上少量清水慢慢按摩則可乳化並散發獨特香味,可一星期使用兩次。

    FUNCTION TWO – TREATMENT MASK; This may be applied for a minimum of 10 minutes; however it may be left on for much longer if you wish, allowing the product to be absorbed into the skin – nourishing it and benefiting it all the while. It is an innovative product which will emulsify upon water being added, after which we encourage a light face massage to enjoy the beautiful textures and exquisite aromas of our custom-made perfumes. Treatment Mask: Apply this Dermatologically tested multi-mask as a thick layer to the face and neck. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then moisten fingers and massage the mask to emulsify. Remove the excess. Renew up to twice a week.

    用法3 — 睡眠面膜



    Use with an added pillow case of course! As the product is of 100% natural origins, it is totally safe to leave on the skin whilst benefiting from the all-important cell renewal sleep time. This is a favourite way to use the mask by our global test panel, who absolutely love the look of their skin upon awakening.

    Overnight mask: Apply a thin layer before slumber to awaken to skin which is firm, plump and alive.

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