HAAN Hand Cream Refill 天然保濕潤手霜補充裝

- 150ml (3 x Pocket)


Extend your favorite Hand Cream's lifetime up to 3 times with this refill pouch! This innovational solution not only keeps your hands nourished for longer but also lowers your environmental footprint in the world (as well as ours as a brand). Every time you clean & refill, you're making a sustainable choice.

這個夏天就由這三款忌廉雪條為您滋潤雙手吧!內含豐富益生元超級食物,讓您的皮膚微生物群由內而外保持健康。採用 96% 天然成分製成,隨時隨地呵護雙手。

A hand cream collection inspired by creamy popsicles packed with all that prebiotic superfood your skin microflora needs to stay healthy from the inside out! Made with 96% natural origin ingredients, these three exclusive fragrances are here to nourish your skin wherever you go!

    • 1. 除去補充裝的蓋子並剪掉尖嘴口 Pull the plug of your hand cream’s refill and cut off its top.

      2. 將補充裝放在潤手霜的開口處 Lean your pouch into the opening of your hand cream.

      3. 慢慢注入~ Fill up the bottle with the refill's hand cream.

      4. 填滿後蓋上潤手霜瓶蓋 Put the cap back on the hand cream's bottle.

      5. 確保潤手霜瓶蓋正確合上 Make sure the cap is correctly inserted and the hand cream is properly closed.

      6. 蓋上補充裝的蓋子,留待下次使用Plug the Refill and keep it for the next time.


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