au NATURALE Semi-Matte Powder Foundation 啞緻礦物粉底

0.32 oz / 9 g

auNATURALE 啞緻礦物粉底由最安全、最純淨的天然礦物粉而成,其高遮瑕度能立即為您修飾面部瑕疵,感覺輕盈而不會抽乾面部水份,全天候貼服自然!

Our Semi-Matte Powder Foundation is as pure as it is powerful, providing you with extraordinary coverage and an airbrushed finish all without weighing you down or drying out your skin.


Porcelain: 最透白色號 帶冷色底調
for the fairest skin tones with neutral to cool undertones. 
Sand: 淺色帶中等自然色調
for light skin tones with neutral undertones. 
Lucerne: 中等自然色調
for light to medium skin tones with neutral undertones. 
Seville: 淺色帶微橄欖色調
for light skin tones with neutral to light olive undertones. 
Lucia: 中性色調肌膚帶微橄欖色底調
for medium skin tones with neutral to light olive undertones.

  • 配合 au NATURALE 礦物化妝掃打圈均勻地塗抹在臉上

    Apply the foundation powder with au NATURALE Jumbo Powder Brush, with gentle circular motions to ensure even coverage.

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