Sold Out $380.00
- 100ml
✦ 有機成份高達99%,榮獲有機認證
✦ 有機抗氧大馬士革玫瑰花水,有效潔膚並保持pH值平衡,重拾水潤緊緻肌
✦ 蘆薈萃取具有保水、潤膚和抗炎特性,有助於傷口癒合和皮膚再生
✦ 隨時隨地為肌膚即時保濕,適合各種膚質使用
A perfect balance between organic rose water and aloe vera extract, this unique blend is best for any season and skin type.
Features organic rose water to remove impurities from the upper skin layer and to deeply moisturize the skin, making it appear plumper and firmer. Rose water also helps to restore the skin’s pH balance. Its unique antioxidant properties help to strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.
噴於已清潔、乾爽的臉上,並等3 - 5 分鐘至完全吸收;或噴於化妝綿上以潔淨肌膚
Spray on clean, dry skin and wait 3-5min, or clean the skin with cotton pad.
1/ 蘆薈萃取 Aloe Vera Leaf Extract*
2/ 大馬士革玫瑰花水 Rosa Damascena Flower Water*
* 有機認證成份 Certified organic ingredients
- Made in Bulgaria 保加利亞製造
100% 不含 100% free from:
- 填充物 Fillers
- 人造香精 Artificial Fragrances
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯類 Parabens
- 矽酮 Silicones
- 聚乙二醇 PEG Derivates
- 人造色素 Artificial Colorings
- 基因改造 GMO
- 動物測試 No Animal Testing
🥠現凡購買任何兩件 arbu 臻黑緊緻系列產品即可享有 8 折優惠! 📣可參考 arbu 頁面 選購兩件臻黑緊緻系列產品即可,可自由配搭,加入購物車後會自動獲得優惠! 保加利亞奢華品牌 arbu 嘅臻黑緊緻系列 (black collection) 以矜貴嘅魚子醬融入護膚配方,本着「有機、高效、永續性」嘅品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,令肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤營養! 🧏🏻♀️ arbu 臻黑魚子提拉面霜 ✦ 採用86% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證 ✦ 強效六胜肽有效撫平幼紋皺紋 ✦ 小米與魚子精華合力促進膠原蛋白生成 👀 arbu 臻黑魚子緊緻眼霜 ✦...
- 50ml
讓肌膚來一場魚子醬盛宴!️保加利亞神級護膚品牌arbū 以矜貴的魚子醬入饌成面霜,本着「有機、高效、永續性」的品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,讓肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤的營養。
貴為「世界三大珍饈」之一的魚子醬,含有大量人體必需氨基酸、維他命及微量元素,可以刺激膠原蛋白增生,強化並重建肌膚組織,研究證實能促進「細胞發電機 」粒線體機能,特別針對老化鬆馳問題,發揮緊緻提拉功效,將皺紋細紋一一擊退。
✦ 採用86% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 從小米提取植物矽,與魚子精華合力促進膠原蛋白生成,瞬間提昇重拾緊緻青春
✦ 強效六胜肽有效撫平幼紋皺紋,預防並解決各種衰老跡象
✦ 針葉櫻桃萃取含抗氧化劑和保濕多醣,保護肌膚細胞免受氧化損傷
✦ 含月見草、荷荷巴油,具有消炎抗皺特性,適用於各種膚質
A gorgeous and powerfully lifting formula featuring luscious caviar extract and rejuvenating rose oil. Indulge The Cream day after day for a retextured, plumper and firmer skin and truly youthful facial contours.
Developed with caviar extract rich in glycine and proline – essential amino acids, part of the skin’s natural bio-feedback mechanism that stimulates collagen synthesis. Thanks to the organic rose oil the skin is firmed and the wrinkles are highly reduced. In addition, the botanical silicon from millet strongly promotes the production of the skin’s structural proteins.
Apply morning and evening on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.
1/ 魚子醬萃取 Caviar Extract
2/ 大馬士革玫瑰花油 Rosa Damascena Flower Oil*
3/ 茉莉花萃取 Jasmine Flower Extract
4/ 六肽-11 Hexapeptide-11
5/ 稷籽萃取 Millet Seed Extract
6/ 針葉櫻桃萃取 Acerola Fruit Extract*
7/ 透明質酸 Hyaluronic Acid
8/ 大米萃取 Rice extract*
9/ 佛手柑精油 Bergamot Essential Oil*
10/ 檀香精油 Sandalwood Essential Oil*
11/ 大馬士革玫瑰花水 Rosa Damascena Flower Water*
12/ 月見草油 Evening Primrose Oil*
13/ 琉璃苣籽油 Borage Seed Oil*
14/ 山茶花油 Camellia Oil*
15/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil*
16/ 乳木果脂 Shea butter*
17/ 椰子油 Coconut Oil*
* 有機認證成份 Certified organic ingredients
- Made in Bulgaria 保加利亞製造
100% 不含 100% free from:
- 填充物 Fillers
- 人造香精 Artificial Fragrances
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯類 Parabens
- 矽酮 Silicones
- 聚乙二醇 PEG Derivates
- 人造色素 Artificial Colorings
- 基因改造 GMO
- 動物測試 No Animal Testing
- 15 ml
為雙眼注入矜貴魚子醬精華!保加利亞神級護膚品牌arbū 以魚子醬入饌成眼霜,本着「有機、高效、永續性」的品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,讓眼周肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤的營養。
✦ 採用87% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 蘊含純淨植萃精油,配方溫和專為脆弱眼部而設
✦ 魚子精華結合先進複合益生菌,即時改善浮腫、眼紋、黑眼圈,提昇緊緻眼部輪廓
✦ 綠茶、咖啡因及石榴等高抗氧萃取,有效抵禦紫外線及污染物,減緩肌膚老化
✦ 琉璃苣籽油富有Omega-6 必需脂肪酸,對抗發炎、皺紋等問題
Intensive yet delicate care with green tea, caffeine, pomegranate, caviar extract, and a highly advanced probiotic complex, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles, and to provide immediate tightening and lifting benefits.
A formula designed with pure organic oils, which boost collagen synthesis and provide the skin with firm and vibrant look. Developed with caviar extract rich in glycine and proline – essential amino acids, part of the skin’s natural bio-feedback mechanism that stimulates collagen synthesis.
Apply morning and evening on cleansed skin and massage gently.
1/ 魚子醬萃取 Caviar Extract
2/ 大馬士革玫瑰花油 Rosa Damascena Flower Oil*
3/ 綠茶萃取 Green Tea Extract
4/ 咖啡因 Caffeine
5/ 茉莉花萃取 Jasmine Flower Extract
6/ 紅石榴 Pomegranate Extract
7/ 六肽-11 Hexapeptide-11
8/ 稷籽萃取 Millet Seed Extract
9/ 乳酸桿菌發酵溶胞產物 Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate
10/ 透明質酸 Hyaluronic Acid
11/ 大米萃取 Rice extract*
12/ 檀香精油 Sandalwood Essential Oil*
13/ 大馬士革玫瑰花水 Rosa Damascena Flower Water*
14/ 月見草油 Evening Primrose Oil*
15/ 琉璃苣籽油 Borage Seed Oil*
16/ 山茶花油 Camellia Oil*
17/ 荷荷芭油 Jojoba Oil*
18/ 乳木果脂 Shea butter*
19/ 椰子油 Coconut Oil*
* 有機認證成份 Certified organic ingredients
- Made in Bulgaria 保加利亞製造
100% 不含 100% free from:
- 填充物 Fillers
- 人造香精 Artificial Fragrances
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯類 Parabens
- 矽酮 Silicones
- 聚乙二醇 PEG Derivates
- 人造色素 Artificial Colorings
- 基因改造 GMO
- 動物測試 No Animal Testing
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It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $50 運費
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▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
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Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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