- 30ml
arbū 有機香薰蚊怕水(強效) 以有機薰衣草花水為基底,揉合尤加利、香茅、薄荷葉、薰衣草、百里香及甜橙等精油,以天然芳香的草本氣味驅除蚊子、蜱蟲、跳蚤等各種昆蟲,對人體、環境安全無害。
The spray was created on the basis of organic lavenderwater and a complex of essential oils: eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint, lavender, thyme, orange. They effectively repel mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other insects. Safe for health and nature. Suitable for everyday use.
Apply directly to exposed skin, avoiding the eye area and any broken skin. Reapply after three hours as needed.
1/ 薰衣草花水 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Water*
2/ 聚甘油-10 月桂酸酯 Polyglyceryl-10 Laurate
3/ 尤加利油 Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil*
4/ 曲序香茅油 Cymbopogon Flexuosus (Lemongrass) Oil*
5/ 辣薄荷葉油 Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Leaf Oil*
6/ 薰衣草油 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil*
7/ 白百里香油 Thymus Saturejoides (White Thyme) Oil*
8/ 北非雪松樹皮油 Cedrus Atlantica (Cedarwood) Bark Oil*
9/ 甜橙皮油 Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Orange (Red Orange) Peel Oil*
10/ 水 Water
11/ 苯甲醇 Benzyl Alcohol**
12/ 水楊酸 Salycylic Acid
13/ 甘油 Glycerin
14/ 山梨酸 Sorbic Acid
15/ 檸檬酸 Citric Acid
16/ 檸檬油精 Limonene**
17/ 芳樟醇 Linalool**
18/ 檸檬醛 Citral**
19/ 香葉醇 Geraniol**
*有機認證成份 Certified Organic Ingredients
** 源自天然成份 Ingredients of Natural Origin
- Made in Bulgaria 保加利亞製造
100% 不含 100% free from:
- 填充物 Fillers
- 人造香精 Artificial Fragrances
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯類 Parabens
- 矽酮 Silicones
- 聚乙二醇 PEG Derivates
- 人造色素 Artificial Colorings
- 基因改造 GMO
- 動物測試 No Animal Testing
$1,390.00 $1,874.00
🎄現凡購買 arbu x Beautysaur 獨家 Botanic Eden系列三件套裝即可獲得 74折 震撼優惠! Santa Baby🎅🏻聖誕點少得我哋嘅 arbu 寶貝!由清潔開始就用至 pure 嘅茉莉花香喚醒肌膚,再用獨一無二嘅蘭花清香呵護身心靈,透過香氛治療重拾青春及護膚樂趣! 🫧 arbu 蠶絲茉莉溫和潔顏泡泡• 特別加入水解蠶絲蛋白及錦葵萃取• 清潔同時防止肌膚水份流失• 有機青瓜萃取及崩大碗舒緩紅腫 🌹arbu 玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液• 大馬士革玫瑰花水及蘆薈汁作水性潔淨階段• 天然大豆油、角鯊烷作油性潔淨階段• 清潔同時滋養肌膚 💐arbu 七色奇蹟花水• 由七種活性有機花水特調而成• 精心加入蘭花及橙花香氛•...
- 100ml
Crafted with a delicate infusion of Orchid + Neroli Blossom, along with five other exquisite floral waters, "The 7 Floral Waters" toner is meticulously designed to gently tone + enhance complexion, boost hydration, and tighten the skin. This unique blend, comprising seven floral waters, helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving overall skin tone and increasing circulation. Its captivating and unique scent lifts your mood and transports you to a timeless garden.
Spray directly onto the face.
100% 不含 FREE FROM:
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯 PARABENS
- 基因改造 GMO
$1,168.00 $1,376.00
現凡購買 玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液 乙支 及 蠶絲茉莉溫和潔顏泡泡 乙支即可享套裝優惠價 $1168 😻 折扣高達85折‼️ 我哋同 arbu嘅聯乘系列叫做「BOTANIC EDEN」⛲️希望呢個膠囊系列每一個成員都令大家好似浸醉係一個充滿花香嘅伊甸園入面,用草本配方帶比你最純粹嘅護膚體驗🪴首發嘅洗面組合挑選咗我最愛嘅茉莉花,我哋用最高級嘅茉莉原精,令你一路洗面一路享受又清甜又迷人嘅茉莉花香💐 🌹玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液糅合精細科學同天然草本,玫瑰茉莉雙效卸妝液透過水性同油性進行二段清潔,完美瓦解頑固嘅防水化妝品同污垢🙌🏼 1/ 以保加利亞大馬士革玫瑰花水同蘆薈汁做 base,針對水溶性化妝品💧 2/ 配合角鯊烷、西梅油同山茶花油擊退用蠟性同油溶性防水化妝品 🌺 雙劍合璧完美卸走化妝品同防曬,同時透過天然草本配方立即滋養修護肌膚,佢將會係你用過最強效而最溫和嘅卸妝液⚔️____________________ 🫧蠶絲茉莉溫和潔面泡泡用完潔面泡泡都可以又滑、又有光澤仲有水潤感?🙀 我哋用上雙重極溫和、由天然椰子油同粟米抽出嘅起泡劑,配合天然有機草本萃取,令你洗完面後肌膚維持水感有彈性,唔使再擔心洗面令你乾噌噌啦🌊1/ 水解蠶絲蛋白配合蘿蔔根發酵可以為肌膚鞏固天然屏障,防止水份流失,同時增加光澤感,令肌膚更絲滑🥕2/ 木瓜萃取蘊含維他命A、C、E同木瓜酵素,可以係洗面過程溫和軟化角質層,令清潔更深層,肌膚立即變柔軟光澤✨加埋有甜菜鹼、崩大碗同有機青瓜萃取,潔膚體驗除咗清爽之外,仲做埋消炎同保濕,預防痘痘,洗完仲滑嘟嘟添!🧏🏻♀️ -🎀 優惠細則:* 優惠適用於門市及網店訂單* 優惠數量有限,售完即止,恕不另行通知* 是次優惠不得與會員ROAR Points 、生日優惠及現金券同時使用* 如有任何爭議,Beautysaur Group...
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
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Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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