SOLEIL TOUJOURS Clean Conscious Antioxidant Sunscreen Mist 抗氧防曬噴霧 SPF50

- 170 g / 6 fl oz

市面上唯一使用 70%以上有機原材料而不含二苯甲酮及甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯的防曬噴霧!研究顯示大量含有二苯甲酮及甲氧基肉桂酸辛酯的防曬產品均會影響人體內分泌系統及致敏度極高,而且此兩款化學防曬成份對珊瑚礁極具危險性!SOLEIL TOUJOURS 帶給你安全而高效能的全面 80 分鐘耐水化學防曬噴霧,含有多款草本抗氧化成份,防曬同時護膚!輕巧,快乾,不油膩!

The only 70%+ organic, SHEER sunscreen mist formulated without oxybenzone or octinoxate on the market. Antioxidant-rich formula nourishes and hydrates skin. Lightweight, non-greasy, fast-drying. 80 Minutes water resistant. 


  • 1/ 徹底搖勻。
    Shake well.

    2/ 緊閉雙眼,距離面部或身體10-12吋,均勻噴於所需部位。
    Close eyes completely, then mist on face evenly, holding bottle 10-12 inches away from face.

    3/ 待乾,並避免吸入噴霧。
    Do not breathe mist in. Wait until dry.

    4/ 在接觸陽光前20分鐘均勻噴在身體上。 
    Apply liberally 20 minutes before sun exposure.

    5/ 每80分鐘的游泳或出汗後、毛巾拭臉後或每兩小時補塗。
    Reapply after 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, immediately after towel drying and at least every 2 hours.

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