AYUNA ixtli Energizing Obsidian 黑曜石刮痧板

ixtli 黑曜石刮痧板取材自墨西哥莫雷洛斯州San Marcos礦床的黑曜石火山玻璃,全由人手雕刻打磨而成。每天按摩肌膚可幫助促進血液循環,有效去水腫並加強護膚品吸收,而且高能量的黑曜石更可舒緩情緒壓力,排走負能量,讓您時常保持肌膚及心理健康。

A sophisticated tool made from Obsidian – a volcanic glass known for its wonderfully energizing properties.

Extracted from the San Marcos deposit in Ahuatepec, State of Morelos (Mexico), each Ixtli is carved by hand. Its unique shape is inspired in the past, going back to pre-Historic cultures where the Obsidian was part of the contemplative conceptions of the universe and its energies.

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