May Lindstrom Skin The Jasmine Garden 茉莉花園【預購中】

預計 4月頭 到貨🌿✨(感謝大家支持!!)

- 100 ml | 3.38 oz

走進創辦人 May Lindstrom 獨一無二的茉莉花園,探索最浪漫的爽膚體驗,讓肌膚沐浴於典雅的茉莉花、玫瑰及依蘭花香之中,加上甜蜜的可可豆及雲呢嗱精華作點綴,此高貴的噴霧能保濕抗氧化之餘更能成為您前序或後序肌膚護理的「引導者」,是不可或缺的面部護理產品!茉莉花園噴霧由膠性銀粒子液及大馬士革玫瑰花水作基調,能有效抗菌及平衡油性肌膚,抑制痘痘滋生同時令肌膚回復朝氣!

The Jasmine Garden is an ethereally light formula that adds just a touch of moisture while bringing refreshing cleansing action with the unique combination of colloidal silver and witch hazel. This duo is particularly effective for soothing oily, acne, and irritation-prone skin, as well as eliminating dullness and stagnation that leads to chronic dehydration. Romance your spirit with the gentle sensory experience of a lush botanical garden in the tropics, somewhere near a field of cocoa beans bathed in warm rain.

  • 1/ 大量地噴於已清潔的臉上,能在用任何護膚油前或後使用,此步驟在鎖緊水份及提升護膚油的養份吸收

Mist generously over freshly cleansed skin, before and after oils, to seal in hydration and enhance nutrient absorption

    2/ 能在化妝後噴於臉上定妝及增加光澤感

Repeat again after makeup to set and impart a gorgeous glow

    3/ 若想「獎勵」自己,不妨噴灑於全身、頭髮及肌膚,能愉悅一整天的心情

If you are feeling indulgent (and you should be), don’t stop there – spritz head to toe all throughout the day to revive and elevate mood, skin, and hair

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