GRESSA The Essentialist Concealer Clickstick 水潤明亮遮瑕筆

- 3 ml / 0.10oz

繼神級精華粉底液後 GRESSA 推出遮瑕筆,一支做到修正、遮瑕、調色三大功效!

GRESSA 水潤明亮遮瑕筆採用 cushion 刷頭設計,只需輕按幾下即能施展魔法,輕易遮蓋黑眼圈、痘印、細紋等瑕疵。而且遮瑕筆設有多個色號,輕盈易推更帶有細膩珠光,備有打亮、陰影多種功能,明亮膚色之餘亦可修飾五官立體感,打造完美輪廓!

Click your Essentialist three times and it becomes a magic wand. You are the magician. You get to conceal what you want and reveal whatever is essential to you. Once thing’s for sure: The Essentialist comes alive in the hands of its owner. Choose your shade wisely. 

The Essentialist corrects, conceals, evens out skin.


Macaron - 最淺亮白色,適合提亮

Crème Brûlée - 偏粉白,適合大部分膚色

Tiramisu - 偏黃色,適合暖色調肌

Leche Frita - 偏黃淺米色,適合暖色調肌 

Cannele - 暖蜜桃色,適合自然膚色

Madeline - 偏粉淺米色,適合自然膚色

Flan - 深蜜桃色,適合中深膚色

Bônet - 淺小麥色,適合偏深膚色

  • 按壓遮瑕筆按鈕 2 - 3 次,等待海綿刷頭沾上遮瑕液後輕輕塗抹於瑕疵處,可配合指尖、化妝掃或海綿平均推開。

    Click your Essentialist stick 2-3 times and wait for the product to disperse onto the sponge. Apply on bare skin or over makeup with just one click and blend with fingertips, brush, or sponge.


    To brighten, use a shade lighter than your skin tone down the bridge of the nose, the brow bones, above the brow, and on the tops of the cheeks.


    To prime/prep, apply a tiny amount before applying your Minimalist to the smile lines, on the forehead, and on the crow’s feet. Pro tip: use a shade close to your skin tone.


    To contour: use two shades darker than your skin tone and apply to areas of face that you’d like to appear more hollow (under cheekbone, along jaw, in the crease of your eye, bottom of your nose).

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