HAAN Case + Lanyard 消毒噴霧頸繩套 (Blossom Elixir)

配合頸繩套,無論將HAAN消毒噴霧掛於頸上,或使用掛鈎掛在背包,都能讓您隨心所欲地保持雙手清潔!更可利用Blossom Elixir 5種顏色配襯不同造型,打造您的完美裝扮。

Wear your HAAN Pocket around your neck thanks to our Lanyard or use the metal hook to attach it to your bag or backpack. A functional gadget to carry our HAAN Pocket more handy! Choose the color of your favourite HAAN fragrance or play with our 5-color palette, mixing and matching freely to create your perfect outfit.

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