Grums Raw Coffee Body Scrub 滴漏咖啡身體磨砂

- 200 ml

Grums 滴漏咖啡身體磨砂利用環保有機滴漏式咖啡渣,以甜杏仁油、太陽花籽油、咖啡渣等,滋潤和保護肌膚,給您一個深層溫和的磨砂體驗,讓您感受潔淨、柔軟、滋潤。它100%不含致敏原、防腐劑、香料、色素,素食者適用。

Grums raw coffee body scrub is made with a blend of recycled organic drip brewed coffee grounds and pure, natural ingredients. It gives you a deep but mild skin exfoliation treatment, leaving your skin clean, soft and hydrated. 100% free of allergens, parabens, perfumes and colorants, and vegan friendly.

  • 1/ 朝早或晚上使用;一星期一至兩次
    Use morning or evening, 1-2 times a week

    2/ 將適當份量產品在肌膚上輕輕按摩
    Massage an appropriate amount on your body and exfoliate gently

    3/ 用暖水清洗乾淨,最後用冷水
    Rinse thoroughly with temperate water and then a splash of cold water

    Avoid using any soap while rinsing, since this may remove the nourishing oils from the scrub and dry out your skin

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