May Lindstrom Skin The Clean Dirt 星塵

- 200 ml | 6.76 oz

「星塵」 (The Clean Dirt) 是 May Lindstrom Skin 從開立便屹立不倒的原型產品之一,其溫和而強效的配方助你瞬間磨走厭人的死皮及乾燥肌膚,同時擊退膚色不均及痘印等問題,讓肌膚回復應有的光采,是最快見效及最能衝擊您現有護膚程序的產品!

「星塵」是由一系列具潔淨能力的乾土、帶溫熱效果的香料及海鹽等組成,加上遇水激活的維他命 C能促進臉部及身體細胞更新,此有助血液循環的肌膚護理只需 2-3 天一次便能令暗沉無光的肌膚重生,再次擁抱屬於您的光澤!

Our original cult favorite, The Clean Dirt, is an energizing blend of cleansing clays, warming spices and restorative salts lifts impurities while a surge of H20-activated Vitamin C encourages cellular rejuvenation and undeniable luminosity. It gently exfoliates, easing congestion and helping you to shed dead and dehydrated skin. The unique formula brightens and tones, fading discoloration and post-acne marks while giving you the most radiant skin ever. The Clean Dirt is powerfully effective, and gives immediate results from use one. It’s a game-changer in your routine.

  • 1/ 將一茶匙滿的磨砂粉加上比粉末少的清水形成慕絲狀

    Activate one true teaspoon powder with just shy of equal parts water to form a soft mousse

    2/ 溫柔地用指尖將磨砂慕絲按摩於濕透的臉上

    Massage gently into damp skin with the pads of your fingertips

    3/ 在淋浴間直接洗走磨砂慕絲

    Rinse in the shower for ease, facing into the water and letting the stream rehydrate and wash the formula away easily

    4/ 洗走磨砂慕絲後,持續按摩一分鐘能將死皮完全帶走

    Continue your massage for another minute after the grains have been rinsed clear - often, you can feel dead skin releasing at your fingertips in this step

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