Agent Nateur HOLI (WASH) Ageless Resurfacing Body Cleanser 絲絨牡丹沐浴凝露【預購中】


- 200ml

holi (wash) 絲絨牡丹沐浴凝露採用最優質的面部級抗衰老活性及保濕修復有機生物活性,是一款具有天然去角質功能的沐浴露。它的獨特保濕配方遇水後會由凝露轉化成油狀,再轉為豐盈綿密的柔滑泡沫,徹底潔淨日常污垢油脂,同時深層滋養肌膚,觸感柔嫩不乾燥。


天然香味:木質花香 (烏木、檀香、玫瑰、椰子及洋甘菊)

Both a body wash and natural exfoliant, this smoothing and resurfacing body cleanser is made with the highest quality face-grade, anti-aging actives as well as skin restorative organic bioactives and moisturizing ingredients.

holi (wash) is hydrating and works to cleanse, nourish and balance skin. Deeply rich and hydrating, yet never drying, the sensual, purifying holi (wash) formulation takes you on a gel to oil to creamy foam body wash journey every time you use it.
Great for all skin types, holi (wash) is powered by lactic acid, a gentle exfoliant that washes away all remnants of dirt and pollution on your skin, and works alongside organic bioactives like Daisy Extract, Cyathea Medullaris Leaf Extract and Algae Extract that work to deliver a balanced, even and luminous complexion. 
  • ✦ 乳酸:溫和去角質劑,溶解身體死皮細胞,改善暗啞。

    ✦ 牡丹根萃取:抗氧化、抗衰老,增加肌膚緊緻度。

    ✦ 有機雛菊萃取:富含有機化合物和氨基酸,均勻膚色,改善身體色素沉澱和色斑。

    ✦ 髓桫欏葉萃取:減少細紋和皺紋,抵禦自由基污染。

    ✦ 海藻萃取:增強肌膚屏障,舒緩乾燥皮膚。

    ✦ 甘草根萃取:抑制黑色素形成,提亮均勻膚色。

    ✦ 荷荷巴油:深層保濕、滋養及抗衰老,促進全身膠原蛋白的生成,對於淡化胸部和肩部的細紋特別有幫助。

    ✦ 甜杏仁油:富含維他命和營養素,沐浴後為肌膚持續保濕滋潤。

    ✦ 維他命 E:對抗自由基損害,同時提供補水功效。

    ✦ 蘆薈:鎮靜降紅,補充皮膚水分屏障,舒緩乾燥、受損或曬傷的皮膚。

  • - 美國製造 Made in USA

    - 如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用身體產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Agent Nateur不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。

    Agent Nateur and Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.

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