MV Skintherapy Rose Plus Booster 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華


- 35ml

MV 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華屢獲殊榮,可以幫助平衡油脂、強化嫩膚,亦能夠舒緩由玫瑰痤瘡或敏感性肌膚帶來的相關紅腫。 若您的皮膚因曬傷或使用內含化學成份的除角質產品後而變薄弱或發炎,這個神奇的精華油也能使您的皮膚立即鎮靜下來。

溫馨提示:配合 MV 玫瑰保濕噴霧使用能幫助肌膚更快吸收 MV 奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華。

This award winning booster helps balance, strengthen and protect hormonal and delicate skins while calming redness associated with rosacea and sensitivity. If your skin is tender or inflamed from sunburn, microdermabrasion or a chemical peel, this miracle oil will calm your skin in no time at all.

Top tip: A spritz of the Rose Hydrating Mist will make a little Rose Plus go a lot further.

  • 在清潔面部過後,將玫瑰保濕噴霧噴濕臉,然後在皮膚仍然濕潤的情況下,在您的臉部、頸部和眼部周圍均勻地塗上2滴奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華。 您亦可將2滴奧圖玫瑰嫩肌精華與半泵玫瑰舒緩保護面霜放在手掌中混合,再塗上臉上按摩至吸收,使皮膚保持濕潤和光滑。

    First cleanse, spritz with Rose Hydrating Mist, then — while the skin is still damp — smooth 2 drops of Rose Plus Booster over your face, neck and outer eye area. Alternatively, place 2 drops of Rose Plus in the palm of your hand along with half a pump of Rose S&P Moisturiser, blend together between both palms then, while your skin is still damp, smooth over your face and neck.

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