MV Skintherapy multiBALM 沙棘全效修護軟膏


- 15ml

MV multiBALM 沙棘全效修護軟膏 採用含豐富Omega-3的沙棘籽油,並結合金盞花、山茶花等珍貴的草本植物複方,有助舒緩皮膚炎症,撫平傷口疤痕。MV Multi Balm由品牌團隊全人手製作,方便設計讓你能隨時隨地滋潤呵護身體每吋肌膚,自然修復因不同情況而引起的皮膚問題。

Finally, a balm that actually works!

At MV we firmly believe less is more, which is why this multi-use salve is a 'one pot wonder'. Each plant-powered active is used in abundance and at a dose that allows for a truly therapeutic action.

Lovingly hand crafted in small batches, and brimming with anti-inflammatory omegas, antioxidants, and healing phytonutrients. This golden, buttery balm is enriched with powerful plant compounds to soothe, soften, and nourish any areas in need of therapeutic care.

    • 直接塗抹於皮膚所需部位,每天重覆使用多次,能達至最佳效果。適用於:











      Smooth generous amounts of this golden balm onto any area of skin requiring tender-loving-care.

      Use liberally and reapply as often as required to intensely repair, soften, nurture, calm, and heal areas such as;

      .dry and flaky skin

      .sore lips

      .cracked nipples from breastfeeding

      .irritated dermatitis & eczema

      .healing wounds & scars

      .scaly elbows & knees

      .hardened cuticles

      .tattoo aftercare

      .itchy rashes & insect bites

      + plus much more!

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