Kjaer Weis Concealer Brush 遮瑕掃

Kjaer Weis 遮瑕掃是個能把皇牌有機粉底霜當作遮瑕膏塗上的終極用具:隨您需要控制化妝品份量,能塑造自然或高的遮瑕度。

The ultimate tool for applying and blending our Cream Foundation as a concealer. The Kjaer Weis Concealer Brush always deposits the right amount of makeup to your face, whether you need light or heavy coverage.

  • *使用天然化妝掃清潔液或溫和的天然肥皂/洗髮水 Use a natural brush cleanser or a gentle natural soap/shampoo

    *一星期清潔一次 Cleanse once a week

    *確保水不要接觸到掃毛根部 Make sure that water doesn’t get into the ferrule

    *用紙巾拭乾或過夜放在毛巾上待乾 Dry with a paper towel or cloth then lay flat to dry overnight

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