arbū Plentiful Hydration Cream 水漾薔薇保濕面霜(預購中)

- 50ml

「玫瑰王國」保加利亞的大馬士革玫瑰一直被譽為最頂級的花種, arbū 團隊以全人手方式採摘花瓣,需要用上逾4000 公斤的玫瑰花瓣才能製成1 公升的高濃度玫瑰精油!水漾薔薇保濕面霜揉合有機玫瑰精油、蘆薈萃取、透明質酸及牛油果等成份,能即時滋潤肌膚,並鎖住水份和養分,讓肌膚迅速回復柔軟亮滑,而且質感水潤輕盈,日間使用一樣no problem!

採用90% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 全人手採摘珍貴大馬士革玫瑰,高效抗氧保濕,迅速回復肌膚飽滿彈性
✦ 質感水潤輕盈,能讓肌膚無負擔吸收各種養分,特別適合用作日間護理

A delightful and light-textured yet deeply moisturizing care suitable for all skin types.


Enriched with rose water, rose oil, and extracts of aloe vera and green tea to soothe and soften the skin. The hyaluronic acid deeply penetrates the skin and moisturizes it. The skin is supple, tender and bright. Its youthful beauty is revealed, and its defenses for the challenges of tomorrow are enhanced.

  • Delivers deep and intense hydration
  • Provides antioxidant protection
  • Soothes the skin and boosts its natural radiance
  • Leaves the skin feeling supple and smooth


  • 取適量塗於潔淨的面部及頸部位置,可早晚使用
    Apply morning and evening on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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