arbū blāck The Eye Cream 臻黑魚子緊緻眼霜【預購中】


- 15 ml

為雙眼注入矜貴魚子醬精華!加利亞神級護膚品牌arbū 以魚子醬入饌成眼霜,本着「有機、高效、永續性」的品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,讓眼周肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤的營養。


採用87% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 魚子精華結合先進複合益生菌,即時改善浮腫、眼紋、黑眼圈,提昇緊緻眼部輪廓
琉璃苣籽油富有Omega-6 必需脂肪酸,對抗發炎、皺紋等問題

Intensive yet delicate care with green tea, caffeine, pomegranate, caviar extract, and a highly advanced probiotic complex, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles, and to provide immediate tightening and lifting benefits.


A formula designed with pure organic oils, which boost collagen synthesis and provide the skin with firm and vibrant look. Developed with caviar extract rich in glycine and proline – essential amino acids, part of the skin’s natural bio-feedback mechanism that stimulates collagen synthesis.

  • Immediate and visible skin tightening and lifting
  • Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces the appearance of puffiness, dark circles, and bags under the eyes
  • 取適量塗於潔淨的眼部位置上,再輕輕按摩至完全吸收,可早晚使用
    Apply morning and evening on cleansed skin and massage gently.

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