arbū blāck The Cream 臻黑魚子提拉面霜

- 50ml

讓肌膚來一場魚子醬盛宴!️保加利亞神級護膚品牌arbū 以矜貴的魚子醬入饌成面霜,本着「有機、高效、永續性」的品牌理念,嚴選純淨有效原材料,特意遠訪西伯利亞可持續養殖場,以零殘忍人道方式抽取珍貴鱘魚卵精華,讓肌膚吸飽最新鮮滋潤的營養。

貴為「世界三大珍饈」之一的魚子醬,含有大量人體必需氨基酸、維他命及微量元素,可以刺激膠原蛋白增生,強化並重建肌膚組織,研究證實能促進「細胞發電機 」粒線體機能,特別針對老化鬆馳問題,發揮緊緻提拉功效,將皺紋細紋一一擊退。

採用86% 有機成份,榮獲有機認證
✦ 強效六胜肽有效撫平幼紋皺紋,預防並解決各種衰老跡象
✦ 針葉櫻桃萃取含抗氧化劑和保濕多醣,保護肌膚細胞免受氧化損傷

A gorgeous and powerfully lifting formula featuring luscious caviar extract and rejuvenating rose oil. Indulge The Cream day after day for a retextured, plumper and firmer skin and truly youthful facial contours.


Developed with caviar extract rich in glycine and proline – essential amino acids, part of the skin’s natural bio-feedback mechanism that stimulates collagen synthesis. Thanks to the organic rose oil the skin is firmed and the wrinkles are highly reduced. In addition, the botanical silicon from millet strongly promotes the production of the skin’s structural proteins.

  • Provides an immediate lifting effect
  • Improvesthe skin’s firmness and texture
  • Reducesthe appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Promotes collagen synthesis
  • Helps torestore the appearance of youthful skin 


  • 取適量塗於潔淨的面部及頸部位置,可早晚使用
    Apply morning and evening on thoroughly cleansed face and neck.

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