May Lindstrom Skin The Blue Cocoon 藍月光【預購中】

預計 4月頭 到貨🌿✨(感謝大家支持!!)

- 50 ml | 1.69oz

「藍月光」將會是您感受過最迷人、最神奇、最易上癮的身體及心靈呵護。由接觸指尖的瞬間,「藍月光」便由膏狀輕柔地化身成晶瑩剔透的護膚精華,她能成為您日夜最重要的保濕霜,也能成為您在有特別需要時的急救品,透過稀有珍貴的藍艾菊立刻鎮靜敏感、紅腫及受損肌膚。「藍月光」擁有神秘魔幻的深藍色,全因 May 團隊經長年不斷努力,確保最高質素的藍艾菊,而藍艾菊更有香薰治療的功效,在晚間撫平心靈。

The Blue Cocoon is a balmy blue enchantress that greets your skin with cool serenity, melting on touch to a fluid potion that tenderly envelopes you in the most decadent azule calm. This is effective both as your primary moisturizer or as a special treatment for skin that is sensitive, inflamed, damaged, acneic or irritated. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothes skin in the most beautiful way, providing the perfect level of hydration and healing, eliminating redness and irritation. Mystical blue tansy eases feelings of emotional anxiety while releasing heat and providing nourishing hydration and relief.

  • 1/ 將一顆米或豆型份量的「藍月光」溶化後直接按摩於已清潔及濕透的臉上

    Melt a rice grain to pea-sized amount into fully wet skin, morning and night, immediately after cleansing

    2/ 能集中按摩於特別敏感或眼部位置

    Focus on areas of sensitivity and the delicate eye contour

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