- 30ml
Siam SEAS 古法美顏修復霜 為肌膚建立一層保護及修復的屏障,針對應付各種皮膚狀況,如濕疹、玫瑰痤瘡、乾燥、老化、發炎和敏感等,配方中的維他命 C 及植物性維他命A 補骨酯酚,能有效幫助改善肌膚健康,促進細胞再生。
“Evens skintone. Boosts collagen. Preserves skin youth.”
Seas Element Beauty Balm forms a protective and healing barrier, a therapy for skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, dryness, aging, inflammation, and sensitivity. It delivers a powerful infusion of skin-friendly vitamin C and cell-renewing Bakuchiol.
1/ 完成潔膚程序後以乾爽手指取出橘橙籽大小份量的美顏修復霜
After your cleansing ritual. With dry finger scoop an orange seed size dollop out of the jar
2/ 均勻地按摩於潔淨而帶點濕潤的面部
Massage onto a clean, damp or wet skin.
1 / 可可姆脂 Kokum Butter**(維持青春的強效成分 / youth preserving powerhouse)
2 / 羅勒籽脂 Mowrah Butter**(防止乾燥和抑制皺紋生成 / prevents drying and hinders wrinkle development)
3 / 火麻籽油 Hemp Seed Oil*(調節油脂分泌 / regulates oil production)
4 / 紅花油 Safflower Oil*(減少紅腫,柔軟並滋潤脫屑肌膚 / reduces redness, softens and hydrates flaky skin)
5 / 野波羅蜜木萃取 Lakoocha Heartwood Extract**(抑制酪氨酸酶生成以幫助提亮肌膚 / inhibits tyrosinase production to help brighten the skin)
6 / 甘草萃取 Licorice Extract**(舒緩敏感和修復問題肌膚 / soothes irritation and heals troubled skin)
7 / 蔘露藤 Yanang**(保持年輕肌膚 / preserves youthful skin)
8 / 藍覺萃取 Ran Jued Extract(排毒 / detoxifies skin)
9 / 積雪草 Gotu Kola*(抗炎和保濕 / anti-inflammatory and moisturizing agent)
10 /卡薩蒙納薑萃取 Zingiber cassumunar. roxb (Plai) extract**(釋放肌膚熱量並舒緩腫脹 / release heat from the skin and soothe the swelling)
11 / 羅馬洋甘菊萃取 Roman Chamomile Extract*(舒緩紅腫和癢感 / soothes redness and itchiness)
12 / 洛神花萃取 Hibiscus Roselle Extract*(抗老化,增加彈性,緊緻並溫和去角質 / anti-aging, increases elasticity, firms and gently exfoliates)
13 / 脂溶性維他命C Tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate(最適合肌膚的維他命 C,具有抗氧化作用,改善細紋和提亮 / most skin-compatible vitamin C for antioxidant, treating fine lines and brightening)
14 / 玫瑰果籽二氧化碳萃取 Rosehip Seed CO2 Extract*(促進傷口癒合並改善疤痕 / promotes wound healing and improves scarring)
15 / 南瓜籽油 Pumpkin Seed Oil*(緩解炎症並減少疤痕 / relieves inflammation and reduces scarring)
16 / 巴卡斯果油 Pracaxi Oil**(疤痕和傷口治療 / effective scar and wound treatment)
17 / 瓊崖海棠籽油 Tamanu Oil*(癒合傷口並促進天然膠原蛋白生成 / heals wounds and promotes natural collagen production)
18 / 芒果脂 Mango Butter*(滋潤和修復保護劑 / hydrating and healing protectant)
19 / 補骨脂酚 Bakuchiol(植物性維他命A,治療暗瘡並逆轉過早老化 / botanical retinol, treats acne and reverses premature aging)
20 / 藍艾菊油 Blue Tansy Oil*(緩解紅腫和過敏 / relieves redness and irritation)
21 / 皇家茉莉原精 Royal Jasmine Absolute*(抗真菌,促進傷口癒合 / anti-fungal that speeds up wound healing)
22 / 奧圖玫瑰油 Rose Otto Oil*(抗菌、收斂和抗炎 / antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory)
23 / 蠟菊油 Immortelle Oil*(減少細紋和皺紋出現 / decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles)
24 / 羅文莎葉油 Ravensara Oil*(進一步傳遞活性成分 / further delivers actives)
25 / 大馬士革玫瑰原精 **Bulgarian Rose Absolute*(均勻膚色並減少陽光損傷 / evens skin tone and reduces sun damage)
26 / 橙花油 Neroli Oil*(刺激細胞再生 / stimulates cell regeneration)
27 / 沒藥油 Myrrh Oil*(逆轉老化跡象 / reverses signs of aging)
28 / 乳香油 Frankincense Oil**(抗菌抗炎 / anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory)
29 / 薰衣草油 Lavender Oil*(減少疼痛和炎症 / reduces pain and inflammation)
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
- 面部濕潤時使用能更有效及幫助皮膚吸收 Wet skin is best for penetration.
1. 擰緊瓶蓋後,將產品放入熱水中。
2. 靜待數分鐘讓樽內所有護膚膏融化為液體,輕輕攪拌均勻。
3. 冷藏過夜,產品將回復凝固狀態。
Targets the repair of skin injuries such as sunburn, peeling, redness, fine lines, and dehydration, as well as restoring lost elasticity and firmness. Harnessing the power of DNA-repairing ingredients with cutting-edge liposome technology, the formula aims to enhance cell recovery from sun-caused and oxidative damage at the DNA layer.
Use 1-2 pumps following your treatment serum, like Vitamin C or retinoid serum. Massage thoroughly.
To soothe damaged, injured or sensitive skin, such as sunburns, laser-treated skin, redness, or wounds, apply 1-2 pumps immediately after cleansing. For added hydration, you can also consider combining it with a hydrating toner like The Reservoir Mist.
To address skin traumatized skin, post-treatment sensitivities such as eczema, cuts, laser or radiated skin, mist the Reservoir, add 2 pumps of the Guardian, and seal it in with the Seas Element Balm. Continue to apply The Guardian Serum throughout the day or whenever your skin requires relief and protection.
For added protection during outdoor activities, apply 1-2 pumps of the Guardian to your skin before applying sunscreen. Reapply as necessary throughout the day.
1/ 玫瑰純露 Rose Hydrosol* (即時保濕,幫助舒緩刺激性肌膚 instant hydration, helps soothe irritated skin)
2/ 稻米萃取 Rice Extract (豐富的氨基酸有助於修復肌膚細胞,並提供保濕 dense amino acids to help repair skin cells, also provides hydration)
3/ 羅望子萃取Tamarind Seed Extract (植物性透明質酸,幫助從內部豐盈肌膚 botanical hyaluronic acid, helps plump the skin from inside out)
4/ 戊二醇 Pentylene Glycol (保濕並幫助活性成分的有效吸收 hydrates and helps boost the delivery of actives)
5/ 竹子發酵產物濾液 Bamboo Ferment Filtrate (比蘆薈更有效地增加保濕,強化肌膚屏障 increases hydration better than Aloe vera, strengthens the skin barrier)
6/ 膠性銀粒子液 Colloidal Silver (強效抗菌特性,幫助治癒感染 strong antibacterial properties, heals infection)
7/ 水解米蛋白 Hydrolyzed Rice Protein (平滑肽,有助於促進膠原蛋白生成 smoothing peptide to boost collagen production)
8/ 稻米脂質 Rice Lipids (柔軟並深層滋潤肌膚 softens and deeply moisturizes)
9/ 乳酸桿菌發酵物 Lactobacillus Ferment (用作天然防腐劑的益生菌 probiotic for preservation)
10/ 乳酸桿菌發酵溶胞物 Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate (增強細胞修復,改善肌膚質地 enhances cell repair and improves the skin texture)
11/ 芒果籽脂 Mango Seed Butter* (修復肌膚屏障,防止水分流失 repair skin barrier and protects water loss)
12/ 黑樹莓籽油 Black Raspberry Seed Oil* (豐富的抗氧化劑,深層滋養 dense antioxidants, deeply nourishing)
13/ 異構寡糖 Saccharide Isomerate (強效持久的保濕劑 strong and lasting humectant)
14/ 木糖醇葡萄糖苷 & 脫水木醣醇 & 木醣醇 Xylitylglucoside & Anhydroxylitol & Xylitol (糖分子,深層保濕 various molecular sugar to hydrate skin deeply)
15/ 藏紅花油 Safflower Seed oil* (適合痘痘肌的極佳保濕劑 great moisturizer for acne prone skin)
16/ 火麻萃取 Hemp Extract (減少刺激和炎症 reduces irritation and inflammation)
17/ 薑黃萃取Turmeric Extract (緩解熱感和炎症 releases heat and inflammation)
18/ 維他命原B5 Panthenol (修復肌膚屏障,防止細胞水分流失 repairs skin barrier and protects against water loss in the cells)
19/ 1,3-丙二醇 1,3 Propanediol (保濕,增加活性成分的吸收 hydrates, increases delivery of actives and preservatives)
20/ 木薯澱粉 Tapioca Starch (強效抗氧化劑,促進細胞新陳代謝,加速傷口癒合 strong antioxidants, increases cellular metabolism to increase wound healing)
21/ 氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide (調整配方的pH值 adjusts ph in the formula)
22/ 磷脂 Phospholipids (保濕,作為傳遞系統和膠囊包裹的一部分 hydrates, part of delivery system and encapsulation)
23/ 微球菌溶胞物 Micrococcus Lysate (修復DNA細胞的陽光損害 repairs sun Damage in DNA cells)
24/ 阿拉伯芥萃取Thale Cress Extract (修復DNA細胞的氧化損傷 repairs oxidative damge in the DNA cells)
25/ 浮游藻 Phyto Plankton (保護UV損害,抵抗痘痘,改善肌膚質地 protects UV damage, fights acne, improves texture)
26/ 雪耳萃取 Snow Mushroom Extract (強效保濕,提升膠原蛋白,提亮肌膚 intensely hydrates, boosts collagen, brightens)
27/ 椰油醯基水解彈性蛋白 Cocoyl Hydrolyzed Elastin (增強肌膚彈性 increases skin elasticity)
28/ 咯烷酮羧酸鈉 Sodium PCA (保持水分,進一步傳遞活性成分 maintains hydration and further delivers actives)
29/ 白茶萃取White Tea Leaf Extract (抵抗UV和氧化傷害 fights UV and oxidative damage)
30/ 水解膠原蛋白 Hydrolyzed Collagen (豐盈肌膚,促進膠原蛋白生成 plumps, boosts collagen production)
31/ 葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil* (滋潤和營養肌膚 moisturizes and nourishes)
32/ 茜草萃取 Indian Madder Extract* (提亮和改善肌膚質地 brightens and improves skin texture)
33/ 綠茶萃取 Green Tea Extract* (抗氧化,抵抗陽光損害 antioxidants, fights sun damage)
34/ 補骨脂萃取 Babchi Extract* (促進細胞更新 increases cell renewal)
35/ 薑根萃取 Ginger Root Extract* (淡化疤痕,提亮肌膚 fades scar, brightens)
36/ 乳香萃取 Frankincense Extract* (抗微生物和抗炎 anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory)
37/ 蝶豆花萃取 Butterfly Pea Flower Extract** (舒緩和鎮靜刺激 soothes and calms irritation)
38/ 甜沒藥 Bisabolol*** (緩解熱感,舒緩炎症和癢感 releases heat and soothes inflammation and itchiness)
39/ 甘草根萃取 Licorice Root Extract (提亮,促進細胞再生 brightens, boosts cell-regeneration)
40/ 明串球菌/蘿蔔根發酵產物濾液 Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate (天然廣譜防腐劑 natural broad spectrum preservatives)
41/ 透明質酸鈉 Sodium Hyaluronate (保濕劑 humectant)
42/ 甜葉菊苷 Stevioside (減少紅腫,縮短癒合時間 reduces redness, shortens healing time)
43/ 椰子果萃取 Coconut Fruit Extract (防止配方變質 preserves formula from mold)
44/ 聚谷氨酸鈉 Sodium Polyglutamate (從內部豐盈細胞 plumps the cells from within)
45/ 菊糖 Inulin (供給微生物群營養 food for microbiome)
46/ 玫瑰油 Rose Flower Oil* (舒緩炎症,柔軟細紋 soothes inflammation and softens the fine lines)
47/ 香草二氧化碳萃取 Vanilla Bourbon CO2 Extract* (舒緩肌膚,提升心情 soothes the skin and uplifts the moods)
48/ 黃原膠 Xanthan Gum (增稠配方 thickens the formula)
49/ 羽扇豆 Lupine Seeds Extract (含有緊緻和增加彈性的肽 contains peptide to firm and increase elasticity)
50/ 神經醯胺 3 Ceramide 3 (保濕,保護免受有害環境影響 hydrates, protect against harmful environments)
51/ 神經醯胺 6 Ceramide 6 (改善肌膚質地,保持水分,減少細紋 improves skin texture, hydration fine lines)
52/ 麥角硫因 Ergothioneine (強效抗氧化劑 strong antioxidants)
53/ 卵燐脂 Lecithin (提亮 brightening)
*有機 Organic
**野生採集 Wildcrafted
***提取自德國洋甘菊Extracted from the flowers of German Chamomile
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
-30 ml
結合古代知識及現代科技,Siam S.E.A.S BUA 紅茶睡蓮緊緻面霜質地透薄輕盈,為肌膚細胞打好基礎,幫助肌膚對抗外界侵害。
使用野波羅蜜木和緬甸傳統美顏成分 Thanaka 黃香楝,除有助傷口癒合外,亦幫助抑制黑色素沉澱和減淡炎後紅印。以抗氧化能力極高的有機紅茶和綠茶水取代清水,配合粉紅蓮花和野葛根,有效緊致肌膚,提升彈性及改善細紋。
Provide the foundation that allows your skin cells to thrive.
The light, diverse and multi-skilled Bua cream defends by day, and preserves and brightens by night. The puffreducing formula includes: black tea and green tea water and is drenched in antioxidants that boost your skin’s protection against rhatany and CO2 sun damage. Thanaka extract and active caffeine liposome helps heal wounds.
Ancient Beauty Knowledge
Phytochemical isolates from lakoocha bark and licorice plants work to brighten hyper pigmentation by inhibiting tyrosinase activity and melanin pigment reduction, brightening post-inflammatory dark spots and evening skin tone.
Modern Beauty Technology
Extracted callus stem cells of the lotus plant supports sebum production balance beneficial for oily skin. Peptides fuse synergistically with Pueraria mirifica, an indigenous plant extract from Southeast Asia, which interacts with the protein structure in-between skin layers: firming skin texture, softening fine lines and increasing elasticity.
1/ 可先噴花水 / YEN 蘆薈抗痘精露,取1-2泵紅茶面霜,連面上水分一同按摩
While skin is wet from Yen toner or previous step, apply just 1-2 pumps on face, neck.
2/ 深呼吸,慢慢感受香味帶來的放鬆心情
Cup the hands over your nose, take a moment to breathe and let the aroma soothe your senses.
3/ 輕輕按摩至吸收
Gently massage into skin.
4/ 隨後可根據肌膏需要使用護膚膏 / SEAS 古法美顏修復霜,配合手法按摩以增加血液循環,提升肌膚彈性
Follow with the Balm and perform the lift massage to stimulate blood flow, increase absorption and sculpt the facial muscle to firm and plump your skin.
5/ 使用花水 / RESERVOIR 益生水庫防護噴霧作最後封存,鎖住水油
Complete your ritual and follow with The Reservoir Prebiotic Skin Fortifying Mist
1. 白茶水 Camellia sinensis assamica (White Tea) water*
2. 綠茶水 Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) water*
3. 大馬士革玫瑰純露 Rosa damascena (Rose flower) hydrosol*
4. 1,3-丙二醇 Propanediol 1,3
5. 煙酰胺 Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
6. 覆盆子 CO2 萃取 Rubus idaeus L (Raspberry) seed CO2 extract*
7. 石榴籽 CO2 萃取 Punica granatum (Pomegranate) seed CO2 extract*
8. 棕櫚油醇橄欖酸酯&山梨醇橄欖酸酯Cetearyl olivate & Sorbitan olivate
9. 乳酸菌發酵物 Lactobacillus ferment
10. 薑黃根萃取 Tetrahydrodiferuloylmethane (Turmeric) root extract
11. 辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯 Caprylic/capric triglyceride
12. 玫瑰果籽 CO2 萃取 Rosa canina L (Rosehip) seed CO2 extract*
13. 神經酰胺 NP Ceramide NP
14. 神經酰胺 AP Ceramide AP
15. 神經酰胺 EOP Ceramide EOP
16. 蓮花幹細胞萃取 Nelumbo nucifera callus culture (Lotus Callus Stem Cells) extract
17. 咖啡因脂質體 Caffeine liposome
18. 氫氧化鈉 Sodium hydroxide
19. 黃香楝樹皮萃取 Limonia acidissima L (Thanaka) bark extract**
20. 野葛萃取 Pueraria mirifica fruit extract*
21. 三胜肽 Palmitoyl dipeptide-5 diaminohydroxybutyrate (Tripeptide)
22. 四胜肽 Palmitoyl dipeptide-5 diaminobutyloyl hydroxythreonine (Tetrapeptide)
23. N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖 N-acetyl glucosamine
24. 五元醇 Pentylene glycol
25. 二棕櫚酰羥脯氨酸 Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline
26. 石榴果萃取 Punica granatum (Pomegranate) fruit extract*
27. 向日葵籽油 & 白羽扇豆籽萃取 Helianthus annuus (Sunflower) seed oil & Lupinus albus (Lupine) seed extract
28. 泛醇脂質體 Panthenol liposome
29. 二甲基異山梨醇 Dimethyl isosorbide
30. 毛喉鞘蕊花萃取 Plectranthus barbatus (Coleus Forkohlii) extract*
31. 印度沒藥萃取 Commiphora wightii (Guggul) extract*
32. 白睡蓮萃取&棕櫚醇 & 棕櫚酰脯氨酸 Nymphaea alba (Lotus) flower extract & cetyl palmitate & sodium palmitoyl proline
33. 水飛薊萃取 Silybum marianum (Milk Thistle) fruit extract
34. 猴面包樹萃取 Artocarpus (Lakoocha) heartwood extract**
35. 齒葉乳香萃取 Boswellia serrata (Frankincense) resin extract*
36. 四氫胡椒萃取 Tetrahydropiperine (Pepper) extract
37. 沙棘果 CO2 萃取 Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn) fruit CO2 extract*
38. 棕櫚醇 Cetearyl alcohol
39. 木糖醇葡萄糖苷&無水木糖醇&木糖醇 Xylitylglucoside & anhydroxylitol & xylitol
40. 麥角硫氨酸 Ergothioneine
41. 糖類異構物 Saccharide isomerate
42. 肌肽 Carnosine
43. 甜沒藥 Bisabolol
44. 菊糖 Inulin
45. 甜菜萃取 Beta vulgaris (Beetroot) extract
46. 黃原膠 Xanthan gum
47. 山梨酸鉀 Potassium sorbate
48. 甘草根萃取 Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) root extract
49. 鞣酸 Ellagic acid
50. 依蘭依蘭油 Cananga odorata (Ylang Ylang extra) flower oil*
51. 玫瑰天竺葵油 Pelargonium graveolens var. soseum (Rose Geranium) oil
52. 苦橙花油 Citrus aurantium var. amara (Neroli) flower oil*
53. 佛手柑油 Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Peel Oil***(FCF)
* 有機Organic
** 可持續野生採集Sustainably wildcrafted
*** 有機及不含光毒素成分Organic and FCF which means furocoumarin (a phototoxin constituent) free.
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
- 50ml
Siam S.E.A.S 益生水庫防護噴霧是一款 3 合 1 的多功能產品,除了日常保濕導入及增強面膜功效,它還可以在日常護理 / 化妝後作為最後步驟使用,保護肌膚保水屏障,像水庫般長時間留住水分,帶來水潤光澤!
Reservoir is a multi-functional facial mist that enhances and preserves the hydration within your cells while the prebiotic feeds the beneficial microbiome on your skin allowing it to multiply and thrive achieving a balanced state. When the microbiome is in harmony the skin orchestrates all of its natural functions in perfect synchrony to reach a healthy state in which it is plumper and smoother while having a stronger barrier and less sensitivity with better hydration retention.
Reservoir saturates the skin surface with cooling droplets of botanical waters like mint and chamomile, combined with synergistical adaptogen plant extracts to offer instant hydration and antioxidant protection. An infusion of copper and silver colloidal with propolis helps the skin’s elasticity, bacteria fighting mechanism and wound healing ability. This is great for acne. Combinations of vegan glucosamine and various molecule sized sugar are to hydrate the skin from the deepest layers to the outermost surface resulting in firmer and plumper appearance.
1. 作為後續護膚品導入 As a delivery vehicle: 大量噴灑益生水庫防護噴霧,然後在濕面上塗抹精華液、面霜或護膚膏。Mist Reservoir generously before massaging in your serum, cream or balm onto the skin.
2. 作為光澤噴霧 As a glow booster: 於護膚或化妝後大量噴灑益生水庫防護噴霧,有助保護肌膚水分,同時呈現健康光澤。Mist Reservoir generously over the skin as a last step after everything else. This will leave a subtle healthy glow on the skin while protecting the skin’s hydration.
3. 作為面膜增強劑 As an enhancement: 使用面膜時可噴灑益生水庫防護噴霧,有效加強保濕及養分吸收。Mist Reservoir generously over facial mask. This will improve the hydration and nutrient absorption.
1/ 菩提花純露 Linden Hydrosol*
2/ 羅馬洋甘菊純露 Roman Chamomile Flower Hydrosol*
3/ 蘆薈果肉啫喱 Aloe Inner Fillet Gel*
4/ 綠薄荷純露 Spearmint Hydrosol*
5/ 胡椒薄荷純露 Peppermint Hydrosol*
6/ 玫瑰純露 Rose Flower Hydrosol*
7/ 金縷梅純露 Witch Hazel Hydrosol*
8/ 膠性銅 Colloidal Copper
9/ 薑黃純露 Turmeric Hydrosol*
10/ 膠性銀 Colloidal Silver
11/ 蜂膠 Bee Propolis
12/ 辛酸/癸酸三酸甘油酯 Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride
13/ 乙醯葡糖胺 -Acetyl-glucosamine**
14/ 乳酸杆菌發酵物 Lactobacillus Ferment
15/ 乳酸杆菌 Lactobacillus
16/ 椰子果萃取 Coconut Fruit Extract
17/ 磷脂質 Phospholipids & Panthenol
18/ 丁香羅勒萃取 Clove Basil Extract*
19/ 白櫟樹萃取 White Oak Extract*
20/ PCA 鈉 Sodium PCA
21/ 辛基/癸基葡糖苷 Caprylyl Capryl Glucoside
22/ 木糖醇 Xylitol
23/ 木糖醇葡萄糖苷 Xylitylglucoside
24/ 脫水木糖醇 Anhydroxylitol
25/ 異構寡糖 Saccharide Isomerate
26/ 黃柏樹萃取 Amurcork Tree Extract*
27/ 白毛茛萃取 Golden Seal Extract*
28/ 黃連萃取 Coptis Extract*
29/ 冬青葉萃取 Oregon Grape Extract*
30/ 伏牛花萃取 Barberry Extract*
31/ 生薑萃取 Ginger Extract*
32/ 補骨脂萃取 Babchi Extract*
33/ 乳香萃取 Boswellia Extract*
34/ 五倍子萃取 Chinese Gallnut Extract*
35/ 蒼朮萃取 Black Atractylodes Extract*
36/ 甘草萃取 Licorice Extract*
37/ 天竺葵玫瑰油 Geranium Rose oil*
38/ 依蘭依蘭油 Ylang Ylang Extra Oil*
39/ 雪松木油 Cedar Wood Oil*
40/ 佛手柑果皮油 Bergamot Peel Oil***(FCF)
41/ 小豆蔻油 Cardamom Oil*
42/ 藍艾菊油 Blue Tansy Oil*
* 有機 Organic
** 純素 Vegan
*** 有機及不含咈喃香豆素(光毒性成分) Organic and FCF which means furocoumarin (a phototoxin constituent) free.
- 美國自家手製 Handmade in USA
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
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▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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