This brush contains stiffer hairs than our blending brushes to create gorgeous definition around the eyes. Ideal for applying colour and creating intensity along the crease, upper and lower lash lines.
*使用天然化妝掃清潔液或溫和的天然肥皂/洗髮水 Use a natural brush cleanser or a gentle natural soap/shampoo
*一星期清潔一次 Cleanse once a week
*確保水不要接觸到掃毛根部 Make sure that water doesn’t get into the ferrule
*用紙巾拭乾或過夜放在毛巾上待乾 Dry with a paper towel or cloth then lay flat to dry overnight
*通過皮膚測試及低敏人造掃毛 Dermatologically tested & hypoallergenic synthetic fibers
*無動物測試 Not tested on animals
*敏感肌膚適用 Gentle enough for sensitive skin
*意大利制造 Made in Italy
- 45ml
體驗前所未有的絲滑質感,14e Cosmetics 推出全新蘆薈絲滑蜜粉,其雙重功效能助你輕鬆打造啞緻無瑕妝感!14e 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉輕如煙,以最簡約原材料打磨而成,能在妝前撫平幼紋為粉底打好基礎,在妝後再輕掃一層蜜粉定妝能令妝容更持久!
📝【定妝粉比拼】14E 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉 VS 坊間化學碎粉
Experience the cleanest of its kind, dual purpose, 14e Cosmetics Prime & Set powder. Weightless and effortless to use. This light as air minimal ingredient formula works as a primer to blur and smooth fine lines and pores, and ensure a flawless make up application. Works as a setting powder to mattify, extend makeup wear, and prevent creasing.
打造基底 Prime :
Allow skin care to absorb. Buff powder into skin to blur the appearance of fine lines and pores, and ensure a smooth, long lasting make up application.
持久定妝 Set :
Top off your look by sweeping a light layer over completed make up. Use all over or in the areas you'd like to minimize shine and extend make up wear.
1/ 竹二氧化矽 Bamboo Silica
2/ 矽酸鎂 Magnesium Silicate
3/ 有機蘆薈 Organic Aloe Vera
- Made in USA 美國製造
- 15ml
是精華?是粉底液?GRESSA 融合天然有機護膚與彩妝,以革命性的西蘭花籽油作基础取代化學矽膠,使粉底液與肌膚融為一體,加上其極高遮瑕度配方,輕鬆締造絲滑粉嫩膚質,長期使用不單無需擔心化妝品令皮膚質素惡化,當中的 GRESSA Healing Complex專利更能為肌膚提供多款草本營養及維他命,是每位必備的護膚與彩妝二合一產品!
It’s a serum. It’s a foundation. It’s a multivitamin for your face. Perfect your face with long-term benefits of this revolutionary serum to powder foundation. GRESSA Healing ComplexTM is a proprietary powerhouse blend of carefully selected botanical extracts that care for your skin by providing it with overall balance, radiance and clarity. Minerals provide a tone-correcting coverage natural finish.
01 - 透白陶瓷肌 帶微黃色基調(適合白皙膚色)
Warm Porcelain, pale shade with subtle yellows
1.5 - 亮白色帶暖色基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, Warm undertone
02 - 亮白色帶粉紅基調(適合自然膚色)
Fair - Light, pink undertone
2.5 - 淺色系帶自然粉紅基調(適合白皙偏粉膚色)
Light - Neutral undertone
2.75 - 自然粉紅基調(適合自然-小麥膚色)
Light with pink undertones
03 - 淺中系帶微黃基調(適合小麥膚色)
Light Medium, yellow undertone
3.25 - 淺中系帶蜜桃基調(適合小麥偏粉膚色)
Light medium with peachy undertones
3.5 - 淺中系帶微褐橄欖基調(適合小麥-古銅膚色)
Light Medium - Tan, warm olive undertone
04 - 中色系帶金黃基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium, golden yellow undertone
05 - 中色系帶自然基調(適合古銅膚色)
Medium - Tan, neutral undertone
1/ 用前請先搖匀確保精華與礦物彩妝二合為一
Shake well to ensure a perfect mix.
2/ 每次只需將 1-3 滴精華粉底液放在手心
Drop 1-3 drops in the palm of your hand.
3/ 迅速均勻地將精華粉底液塗抹在面上
Rapidly spread the serum foundation out concentrating on areas where most imperfections are found.
1/ 西蘭花籽油 Brassica oleracea (Broccoli) Seed Oil*
2/ 椰子烷烴Coconut Alkanes (and) Coco-Caprylate/Caprate
3/ 二氧化矽 Silica
4/ 修護複合專利 GRESSA Healing ComplexTM
5/ 水飛薊素 Silymarin
6/ 苦楝樹萃取精華 Neem (Azadirachta indica) Extract*
7/ 馬尾草萃取精華 Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Extract*
8/ 檸檬香蜂草萃取精華 Lemon Balm (Melissa officianalis) Extract*
9/ 伏牛花萃取精華 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) Extract
10/ 沙棘萃取精華 Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Seed Extract*
11/ 接骨木花萃取精華 Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) Extract*
12/ 苦瓜萃取精華 Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Extract*
13/ 甘草根萃取精華 Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Extract
14/ 非基因改造維他命E Tocopheryl Acetate Non-GMO
15/ 輔酶Q10 Coenzyme Q10
16/ 維他命C Ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate (Vitamin C)
17/ 卵磷脂 lecithin*
18/ 植物甘油Glycerin*
19/ 雲母 Mica
20/ 氧化鐵 Iron oxides
21/ 氧化鈦Titanium oxide
- 美國製造 Made in USA
- 建議配合使用 GRESSA的完美妝容化妝掃 Use the Air Focus Foundation Brush to flawlessly buff the product all over.
- 0.32 oz / 9 g
auNATURALE 啞緻礦物粉底由最安全、最純淨的天然礦物粉而成,其高遮瑕度能立即為您修飾面部瑕疵,感覺輕盈而不會抽乾面部水份,全天候貼服自然!
Our Semi-Matte Powder Foundation is as pure as it is powerful, providing you with extraordinary coverage and an airbrushed finish all without weighing you down or drying out your skin.
Porcelain: 最透白色號 帶冷色底調
for the fairest skin tones with neutral to cool undertones.
Sand: 淺色帶中等自然色調
for light skin tones with neutral undertones.
Lucerne: 中等自然色調
for light to medium skin tones with neutral undertones.
Seville: 淺色帶微橄欖色調
for light skin tones with neutral to light olive undertones.
Lucia: 中性色調肌膚帶微橄欖色底調
for medium skin tones with neutral to light olive undertones.
配合 au NATURALE 礦物化妝掃打圈均勻地塗抹在臉上
Apply the foundation powder with au NATURALE Jumbo Powder Brush, with gentle circular motions to ensure even coverage.
1/ 二氧化鈦 Titanium Dioxide CI77891
2/ 氧化鋅 Zinc Oxide CI77947
3/ 氧化鐵 Iron Oxides CI77491, CI77492, CI77499
4/ 雲母 Mica CI7019
5/ 二氧化矽 Silica,
6/ 巴西棕櫚蠟 Copernica Cerifera (Carnuba Wax).
May Contain: Ultramarine Blue
We are always updating our formulations to use the cleanest and greenest ingredients on the market - so this list is subject to change! It is the most up-to-date ingredient list and may differ from product packaging.
* 100%天然
* 純素 + 無動物測試 Vegan + Cruelty-free
* 道德和可持續採購 Ethically + Sustainably sourced
* 可根據需要逐層疊加 Buildable
* 消瑕控油 Mattifying
* 手工製造 Hand-crafted
* 美國製造
絕不含 Formulated without:
- 任何動物成份 Animal bi-products
- 人造防腐劑 Synthetic preservatives
- 納米粒子 Nano particles
- 麩質 Gluten
- 對羥基苯甲酸酯 Parabens
- 填充劑 Fillers
- 毒素 Toxins
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BEAUTYSAUR 極度榮幸為各位介紹所有獲官方授權的合作品牌,為大家精心挑選了一系列有機天然美容護膚品。我們百分百支持所有合作品牌的理念及他們所選用的有機天然原材料。
It is our absolute honor presenting to you our official partnering brands with a wide range of organic green beauty products of our selection. We stand firmly behind our partnering brands' philosophy, aesthetics and the ingredients they used in their products.
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $30 運費
▸ 全單滿 $800 或以上 免費寄住宅/順豐自取站 / 智能櫃 / 工商地址
▸ 訂單 $800 以下加 $50 運費
寄海外地區 (中國內地除外):
▸ 謹接受滿 $2800 或以上的訂單
▸ 運費最低為 $300,最後運費以訂單的總重量及容量為準
Ways to Pay :
如果您曾經有敏感肌膚或反應,請確保在使用產品的前2-3日先在手腕的一小部分上嘗試。如果您對成份敏感,我們建議您先進行皮膚斑貼試驗。Beautysaur Organics 不能確保每位客人都對產品效果滿意,因此不能為不滿意的客人負責。
如發現產品有問題,客人可於收貨日起 7 天內進行換貨服務。詳情請參閱網站購物須知,Beautysaur Group Limited 持最終決定權。
Beautysaur Organics cannot guarantee that customers will not experience skin reactions or effectiveness when using our products and cannot be held responsible should any reactions or non-effectiveness occurs.
Upon purchase, you may bring your receipt with UNUSED and UNOPENED products for exchange. Beautysaur Organics holds the final decision with each exchange case.
This website is operated by Beautysaur Organics. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Beautysaur Organics. Beautysaur Organics offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you.
Beautysaur Organics is a legally licensed business by the Hong Kong Business Registration Office.
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