AYUNA Need-le 閃耀微針花蜜


- 50ml

「閃耀微針花蜜」從四大方向令肌膚回復光采,包括全面提升皮膚色澤、質感、均勻度及透光感,以 100% 天然及 50% 有機成份由來的輕盈乳液在滋潤同時關注肌光亮麗感,全面打擊因色素沉澱、紫外線影響或炎症所帶來的暗啞問題!配方更嶄新使用兩大獨創技術——「植物性微針」及「向光性因子」,為你帶來前所未有的絲滑、提亮、淡印護膚體驗!

The Artistry of Illumination: A Touch of Light and Softness on Skin
Pigmentation spots, dyschromia, skin thickness and daily stress, along with exogenous factors, can give the skin an uneven appearance and dull its tone. Like a master brightener that endows your skin with a silky texture, NEED-LE becomes a silent guardian, opening up a new chapter of chromatic purity, clarity and radiant intensity in your beauty ritual. The illuminating formula bestows upon the skin a silkiness and turns the page on pigmentation quality, enhancing its true hue and radiance.

  • - 早晚塗抹 NEED-LE

    - 建議配合ESSENCE 豆乳雪糕煥膚面膜 和/或 THE FACIAL 紅莓果醋神仙水 使用以增強效果。

    - 使用時/使用後,出現輕微刺刺的感覺均是正常現象,是其自然活性

    Gently apply NEED-LE in the morning and evening.

    We recommend combining it with ESSENCE and/or THE FACIAL to enhance its effects.

    A slight tingling sensation during and after application is considered normal, as this is part of its natural activity.

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