UMA Absolute Anti Aging Eye Oil 絕對抗皺眼部修復油【預購中】


- 15ml

絕對抗皺系列以珍貴的乳香及檀香為主調,其強效的抗氧化及深層滋潤功效能針對肌膚老化、出現細紋等問題,助您的肌膚扭轉時光,回複彈性!UMA 絕對抗皺眼部修復油質地比面部護膚油更輕盈、更透薄,能立刻慘透幼嫩的眼部位置!眼部修復油與面部護膚油最大分別之處在於其含有尤加利樹油及以五款強效肌底油如紅石榴油和玫瑰果油作基調!尤加利樹油能賦於眼周無限精神及力量,去除腫脹及倦容,提亮眼部!

This nourishing Ayurvedic formula harnesses the power of Eastern medicine to deliver lasting moisture and brighten the delicate skin around the eyes. Revitalizing frankincense and sandalwood essential oils turn back the clock on maturing skin, as rich rose essential oil deeply hydrates, leaving the skin soft and supple. Eucalyptus oil invigorates the under eye area, eliminating puffiness and other signs of fatigue. This luxurious blend absorbs rapidly and dramatically to reduce signs of environmental stress, for a brighter and more youthful complexion.

  • 1/ 早晚使用時將 2-3 滴滴在指尖然後在眼周點開再輕輕按

    Every morning and evening, dab and gently press in 2-3 drops of the oil using the ring finger on the upper and lower lids.

    2/ 溫柔地用指尖由眼周外部至內加以按摩


    Gently massage the area around the eyes using your fingertip, moving from outer corner to the inner corner of the eye.

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