14e Cosmetics Aloe Nourish Prime + Set Powder 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉【預購中】


- 45ml

體驗前所未有的絲滑質感,14e Cosmetics 推出全新蘆薈絲滑蜜粉,其雙重功效能助你輕鬆打造啞緻無瑕妝感!14e 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉輕如煙,以最簡約原材料打磨而成,能在妝前撫平幼紋為粉底打好基礎,在妝後再輕掃一層蜜粉定妝能令妝容更持久!

📝【定妝粉比拼】14E 蘆薈絲滑蜜粉 VS 坊間化學碎粉

Experience the cleanest of its kind, dual purpose, 14e Cosmetics Prime & Set powder. Weightless and effortless to use. This light as air minimal ingredient formula works as a primer to blur and smooth fine lines and pores, and ensure a flawless make up application. Works as a setting powder to mattify, extend makeup wear, and prevent creasing.

  • 打造基底 Prime :


    Allow skin care to absorb. Buff powder into skin to blur the appearance of fine lines and pores, and ensure a smooth, long lasting make up application.


    持久定妝 Set :


    Top off your look by sweeping a light layer over completed make up. Use all over or in the areas you'd like to minimize shine and extend make up wear.

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